If you're all so anti-black does that mean you don't listen to any music that black people have made?
That's a very dense world of music that you'd be turning your back to. Black music could hopefully drag some of you converted fascists back to the left.
If you're all so anti-black does that mean you don't listen to any music that black people have made?
>implying rap is music
implying i was only referring to rap
Black music is fine, blacks who behave decently and raise their family properly through hard work and discipline are fine. The problem is niggers, and the people who breed them, i.e. the left. That's why the left is the real racism-mongering ideology out there : they make blacks chimpout collectively so that they'll fight the state and vote for dems. Luckily this age is over.
You know who actually runs the entertainment industry right?
That's not actually the left you're referring to.
It's a sinister snakey group of inbetweeny politicians, celebrities and teachers breeding these apparent 'niggers'.
The true hard left would do no such thing.
fuck off commie
>The true hard left would do no such thing.
The true hard left would do exactly this, as we see everyday in msm news, because it's one of its only ways to actually fight the government (muh "capitalists" for the most retarded in your ranks). The true hard left has literally no other outlet for its political agenda, as the fights of the past are gone.
Face it, the left, especially the marxist branch, is the most racist movement out there as they're the ones who boil everything down to race. It's even more perfidious than that, since the left uses niggers and BLM and other such (((groups))) without their even realizing it, thus putting them in a downwards spiral of social precariousness, depravity, self-hate and violence. They days of the righteous fight against the capitalist oppressor are over - or rather, the oppressor has changed. Now it smiles kindly at you and tells you what you can and can't say, what you can and can't read, etc., etc. :-)
>dense music
You've got that right
>Black music is fine
>blacks who behave decently and raise their family through hard work and disipline are fine
Is Sup Forums being invaded
>The problem is niggers.
Yes, niggers. All black people.
Music taste is subjective, I've been listening to songs from Idolmaster Cinderella Girls and anything the userbase on Niconico upload. I doubt any of the people who composed those songs were black since they're Japanese.
So this is more in reference to what has been dubbed 'regressive left' and these self-proclaimed Marxists spent 15 minutes looking at Chomsky's Wikipedia page and regurgitate what they read in every discussion.
I'm referring to living British leftist figures who truly represent the nature and passion of the left that is never concerned with race but rather with class. For example the Labour left: Dennis Skinner and even fucking Corbyn (don't let his degenerate 18 year old following put you off). The British leftist pro-free speech and pro-common sense comedian Jonathan Pie. Not to mention Slavoj Zizek!
The left has been hidden by the shadow of a new generation of politics that disguises degenerate groups as left while those who ought to be heard are not having their true left wing beliefs from an intellectual eye get any recognition.
Meanwhile the right equivalent is on a fucking roll.
I only listen to bluegrass and European folk metal, both of which have little-to-no negro influences
>corbyn's second in command is a literal marxist
>his other high ranking member can't count and send a load of finnish nurse away from a hospital because they're white
>corbyn completely useless and backed by blair
>listening to black music
Blacks don't know how to compose.
I listen to rap all the time and it didn't make me dislike niggers any less.
>If you're all so anti-black
This is not reddit, friendo.
Well if you limit yourself to such a small branch of the world of music then you're not really a music guy and this question probably wasn't for you.
I actually listen to black music
Mainly because the people that perpetrate popularism in a cultural aspect have degraded black people and embraced the very racial idealogues that were considered 'racis' jokes not even 100 years ago.
Like saying all black people are gang bangin, jiggin, and love crack.
Yes, nigger, destroy your culture more and put those chains right around your neck again. This time they are gold.
I am anti nigger. Not anti-black. The fact that early black musicians had it a million times harder than today's niggers, yet actually had talent, makes it even more shameful.
BB King, Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, James Brown, Ray Charles, Hendrix, Otis Redding, Stevie Wonder. I could go on. Rap idiots driving their own people further into the gutter and crime with baseless crap recorded to an electronic soulless backing beat is what is killing them. It has been a landslide of self-defeating bullshit ever since Run DMC and Public Enemy. Kill whitey steal murder kill rape bling bling lyrics are bullshit.
Many black people who are racist against whites still drive cars, watch tv, go to movies, wear shoes, play basketball, use computers, go to doctors...
These are all white inventions
I don't mind g-funk, but all niggers must hang.
Also, does your helicopter pilot know you're skipping today's appointment?
>when even the Japanese do funk better than blacks
Because it's a white man's country
Perhaps they would find a black man's country more to their liking? All the rape and pillage they can get their hands on
>implying all the rape and pillage is a result of impulses brought on by genetics
Released less than a year ago
I got done with the Left when I saw how quiet they were about wars when Obama was in office. The left nowadays is a complete joke.
>Slavoj Zizek
This man is practically a retard and an intellectual fraud, just like Chomsky. But it's illegal to say this in academia (I've tried by ways of solid argumentation) and people will just go ad hominem at you : oh he's a white cis-whatever, so he's necessarily racist and has an agenda. That's the monster the left has created and which has spread like a cancer.
So even if I try hard, I fail to see the honest and decent left you're talking about. To reply to your example, there's no will free speech on the left, or if there is it's because it's surreptitiously trying to enforce the notion of hate speech and give it a legal status. Which, I hope you realize too, is de facto censorship.
We're not anti-black you communist scum, we are pro-white.