Open borders could make the world twice as rich as it is now says The Economist
Racists BTFO
Money's not very useful when you're dead mate :|
>some jews say we should open our borders
Nothing surprising
Oy vey! Don't you see!?
Bringing in a ton of people to live off your gibs for all eternity MAKES money! Don't ask how!
Like I care how much money 'the World' aka Wall Street/London/Israel/etc has.
Also, notice the critical word 'could'. Eating hemlock could make your dick bigger. Taking cyanide could enhance your financial future. Playing in traffic could enhance children's ability to dodge cars.
Yeah and it wont be in our pockets, kill yourself kike.
> could
Open borders for Israel. Tear down the wall
Last week they did it was only like 10 trillion
Literally same clip art too
>Use linear interpolation from actual controlled immigration data.
>Disregard migrant origin (1 nog = 1 nip)
>Completely ignore every other factor that contributes to well being and society working such as racial tension and culture drift.
t. economic experts
>(((The Economist)))
>Yes it would be disruptive. But the potential gains are so vast that objectors could be bribed to let it happen
I miss the days when kikes where at least a bit subtle about this stuff
And just think of all the ethnic food go-
Let's do that thing the Bible calls satanic for more of that other thing the Bible says is the root of evil.
Inb4 stan fags get butthurt about the Bible being mentioned. Be gone demons.
Money... nom nom nom, rub it all over yourself.... ohhh money, nom nom nom
>Same amount of resources on earth
>Double the wealth
huh making me think
>The Economist Newspaper Limited
>Owner Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder and Agnelli families
Where do they get this misinformation from?
Every study will show you that immigrants are a huge economic drain on society.
Hell, the only groups in the western world that actually contribute positively when it comes to taxes are white men and east-Asian men. Even white women are a massive economic burden.
It's false. The calculations are based on the assumption that White people are migrating to other White countries.
They don't base their calculations of the reality that filthy thirdworld leeches are migrating to parasite off welfare that White people are producing.
I wouldn't mind if I got bribed with 1b. But that's not happening so they can fuck off.
>open borders could make jews twice as rich
gee what a deal
I want to be rich now. OPEN THE FUCKING BORDERS
It would make the world richer but it would make me less rich.
I don't want money, I just want a white Australia.
So America needs to take more South Africans and nothing else.
How do I become rich in waifus?
But goy, don't you see? It doesn't matter that they aren't productive, just by EXISTING and BREEDING they are increasing the value of our economy! Every single human being has value, and that value is in dollars!
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
This is what they have been trying to do for years in the name of equality.
Our quality of life is going down the drain because of it.
But who would be getting richer? All you're doing is decreasing the price of unskilled labor, which is ridiculously low right now.
it's shitty because the economist is usually right about these things, I'm not even kidding, it would explain why so many elites are actively funding this agenda and why hillary does speeches in front of billionare executives where she promises open borders in exchange for donations
Have a lot of money or be handsome.
best post
>A bunch of companies and apartment owners will make more money if we increase the population
Yeah but housing prices, food and service prices will all go up, and job availability will go down. Living standards for 99% of people will go down.
>tfw 0/2
well it's the truth.
>inb4 muh lower wages
1) wages are nothing more than costs
2) when you don't artificially chain immigrants hands to a company (like with h2,h1 visas) they tend to start business'
Sure, just remove socialism and kill everyone who commits crime
Wow yes! because all that matters is money! culture,quality of life,history,identity are all just standing in the way of us getting rich!! finally i will be able to buy more useless shit i don't need in the comfort of my multi kulti slum. This is the real deal and not just jewish tricks guys.
>Open borders could make the world twice as rich as it is now says The Economist
Not so fast there buddy!
What exactly does twice as rich mean when world is +60 trillion in debt?
8 richest people already own 50% of global wealth.. Does this mean after removing borders they own 100%?
we've had this thread several times since last week, and this is always the correct post, I've seen it FPBP
Why do you like this average looking girl, we have much more beautiful woman.
All of it is already dead anyway. The best you can hope for is becoming rich enough to be able to rebuild.
what's the context of the pic?
>start businesses
Lol yeah ok
I guess we will have to remove boarders and fine out. Except for Israel of course. They shouldn't have to
Someone posted a professor once explain how immigration was pointless and foolish. Using gumballs or something.
Basically every thousand parasites you bring into a western country does nothing to world poverty because the 3rd world have a million kids for every thousand you "save"
Tl:dr liberals are idiots.
> richest people get richer
> everyone else gets fucked
Yeah, no thanks.
>(((the world)))
Do you think hundreds of millions of Guatemalans and Somalis would make you one penny richer? Fuck no. Same way mass migration makes (((them))) richer now with all the cheap labor it will fuck the white man over. As always.
If there were boatloads of them coming into Europe and they wanted to rape white men, you can see why European women love mass immigration.
Yeah, for the richest individuals only.
>Yes it would be disruptive but the potential gains are so vast that objectors could be bribed to let it happen
Translation: "Yes the killings and rapings would go through the roof, but lower prices goy!"
A girl got naked in front of a tank on a damp day
>they tend to start business'
Shiiiiiiet i'z Gunna star a buzynes but den da white man hold me down
Fuck whitey
>be able to pay people half as much
>make twice as much riches
>open boarder please I need me my cheap unskilled labor
So quick question, if we actually did have open borders, what would stop China from shipping over tons of Chinese people and having them move from Mexico to the US?
they mean open boarders will make jews twice as rich
>open borders for millions of engineers and scientists
>get rich
seems legit
And by "the world" they mean those at the top, those who gather all the money up for themselves and their friends and give everybody else peanuts
Yeah, but wouldn't making the world twice as rich increase the amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere?
Leftards BTFO!
actually laughed out loud, who would believe this shit?
I don't really care about helping some hedge fund manager pay off his yacht sooner.
Open borders actually would make the world richer, but unless you're in the investor class you're not seeing any of that money.
Care to explain this? you hypocrite
Exterminating all third worlders will make the world 100 times richer. Check mate UN.
For who?
It won't make you rich.
and where's your data to backup your claim? is it up your ass?
>start business
Selling stolen car parts and crack cocaine is not a legitimate business.
hahaha yes nothing generates welfare like uncontrolled mass immigration, free market and 0 state regulations
jokes aside this would definitely oligarchs and owners of big corporation
Sovereignty isn't about racism you fucking retard.
Even if that chart is right (it isn't) it wouldn't make countries rich, just select individuals. Which is probably why it's being pushed.
People of African descent have smaller brains and lower IQs (on average) than Europeans, and those are better goyim who are easier to advertise to, get votes from and sell horrible loans and credit cards to.
>wages are nothing more than costs
As a small business owner myself, wages are not "nothing more than costs". People rely on you to give them enough to put food on the table (y'know, it's kinda what they signed up for). It's a constant back and forth between keeping track of your own expenses as a business owner and making sure you can provide enough hours for your employees so that in a world of hyperinflating cost of living they don't leave your employment. It's not cost, it's people.
Why dont Israel open its borders then? It's like they dont want to get richer, very unlikely for them if you ask me.
I don't care about making third world shit skins richer at my expense and the expense of my countrymen
No no no, let's completely ignore
>Increased police presence EVERYWHERE
>Native blacks (not foreign-born) not even included in graph
>Violent crime =/= all crime
But sure. Run with it.
so who gets that 78 trillion
... and communism make the word x10 as rich. Trust me.
Makes the richest richer and the poorest richer. Makes everyone else much, much worse.
>... and communism make the word x10 as rich. Trust me.
When we live in near-post scarcity society, yes.
But before that the unemployable serfs have to die. By the billions.
>the Economist
>says something right about economic
They should have renamed themselves into The Politicist decade ago.
Okay, so it seems that no one actually read the article.
Basically the argument is that workers in first world countries can make much more money with the same skill-set as they do in poorer countries (compare a Nigerian with a pickaxe in Africa with a jackhammer in Germany, etc.)
That's the essence of the article, the rest is consistent of counter-arguments as to why immigration is a net negative. It actually goes extreme right in one area and states that it would be preferable to disenfranchise immigrants, so long as they are in the country.
Of course, it takes no consideration of the effect on the native peoples. Needless to say Germany's current standard of living cannot be maintained by a population which has only their labour to offer, if that.
Who is this The World and why does he need to be twice as rich as he is right now?
Or maybe we could help develop poor countries into first world nations, so the world is even richer than if a bunch of foreigners pouring in to Europe and screwing everything up
> Ignores all the statistics
> Accept alternative facts from similar brainwashed people
Except for Israel
Ya, no shit. That is why the super rich are the ones promoting it so much. Some Africans in a village or some isolated muslims in the middle east aren't buying any commercial western products, ship them on over and suddenly you have a new consumer getting used to the consumerist way of life. It's just more consumers for better business.
The world =/= the countries who's borders are opened
Oy vey Good goyim. We would fill our pockets with your shekels twice as fast and we would leave a bunch of apes in your doostep.
Rich for who?
Fuck, these trolls are getting lazy.
At least try to make these entertaining.
It'll make average american more poor and average mexican richer. What a great deal for the economy.
Some of you faggots are okay.
Crime rates lower as population grows.
Actual number of crimes increases.
>capitalism is evil and is ruining the planet
>but open borders because then you can make more money :)