How do we deal with these faggots?
The Kekistani question
>Implying kekistanis are not B A S E D
Buy them a beer. Exchange lifting tips.
Taking down sargon of mossad
Have you seen these faggots?
They trigger SJWs so they're fine in my book.
if you want to kill the kekistani fags its simple,
tell them that its an acronym and explain that it stands for kill every kike... i forget the rest
They themselves are SJWs, just a different brand of SJWs
Ignore them?
This shit literally has zero impact on my life. Who cares, let them have fun.
by praising Kek
By making sure they know they re not welcome here.
/ptg/ has got to go baka desu senpai
>b-but muh 4d chess
They are subverting the alt-right and turning it into a liberal shitfest.
only because you stopped praising Kek
Civil war is the only solution
Filter the word "kek" into "Hillary" or some faggotry.
Spam them to tell them that /bant/ exists.
If the alt-right is being subverted by a meme ethnicity it is weak and should die.
I mean jesus fucking christ how weak is your philosophical underpinnings that some autists can make fun of you to death.
They are fucking awesome! They normalize Nationalism. This is very similar to how the Jews normalize all degenerate and or socialist, sjw behavior.
The fags on this board complaining about it are fucking stupid.
>I mean jesus fucking christ how weak is your philosophical underpinnings that some autists can make fun of you to death.
sounds like a good summary of the year 2016
both parties were utterly destroyed by 20 bored neckbeards practicing meme magick
Its a jew. Look at that hat ffs.
They do not challenge the alt right as an ideological perspective, they just zerg swarm alt-right gathering outlets at Sarcuck's command and proceed to assume their identity, thus replacing the former consensus.
leftypol is home to an inordinate number of pedophiles. post about the franklin scandal, or the dutroux affair on their boards, and they will make weird remarks and then delete it. fucking weirdo leftypol shills.
>How do we deal with these faggots?
Help them realize their true potential.
They are hardly right wing to begin with. Sarcuck and his followers are self described liberals.
>Support or adhere to kek as anything other than a word, think kekistani is cool
>Have been continually forcing pepe as a meme
>Call yourself alt-right
>Were part of the get obsession threads
>Obsess over Trump or Brexit
Then you are a FAG and aren't welcome. Fuck off to inb4 someone calls me a shill for not wanting Sup Forums to become a nice hugbox.
The whole point of Sup Forums is its supposed to challenge your beliefs, instead you come here and get forced a "redpill" and if you don't agree with it then you're LITERALLY A SHILL.
Sounds sort of familiar, doesn't it?
Fucking fags that came here in the last 4 years need to fuck off to Sup Forums and Sup Forums where they belong.
This. Anyone who pisses off libcucks is fine. The other day, I saw a guy masturbating in public and I didn't report him to the police because he probably pissed off tons of SJWs
Stop being triggered, Sup Forums
I see no problem with this. He has a group that he loves, and he wants to show it. It's not a bad group either, right? Fuck it, who cares?
>self described
That's the only issue.Other than that,Sargoy himself and his fan are right-wingers in denial.
Argue better. If they are being exposed to an ideologically sound group they should be converting.
> normalize civic nationalism
Fixed that for you.
Nice d&c thread you have here.
>a forced meme
You have no fucking clue what a forced meme is, do you?
They would be if they weren't invading at such large numbers over such a small period of time. Assimilation requires small numbers and a certain amount of time, how are they to convert when they simply create hugboxes among themselves?
A lot of them are still in their redpilling stages. Just wait everything out until they become fascists. It worked with That Guy T after all. He literally from an AnCap to a Fascist in a matter of weeks.
>both parties were utterly destroyed by 20 bored neckbeards practicing meme magick
>Sup Forums and reddit were the most important actors in the entire election of a 320 million ppl country guys
The alt right has prepubescent autists. The SJWs have sexually disturbed zealots with neon hair and weird bodies. Let's spend time insulting each other! There totally aren't more important things to worry about...
Wanting Sup Forums back to at least the shit-level it was at before babbies first election isn't d&c.
Sup Forums is not and never will be the backbone of any political movement, it's a shitposting board for political topics. Not a hugbox of your accepted views.
>the normies took our meme
>quick make pepes
>the pepe market
>pepe pepe pepe
>pepe is kek
>kek is pepe
>praise kek
>praise pepe
Pepe didn't start forced but absolutely became forced when it was brought back from the grave when people tried to turn it into some faggy statement. It's a dumb cartoon frog.
lel yassss, they are literally just the same except not! i myself am a centrist too, i mean its the only smart thing! xDDD
Delete their minecraft account
Nazi cucks get triggered :^)
Fucking normies... When will they learn?
Nothing is important. The internet gets nothing done in the long term
>useful faggots being useful faggots
we do nothing
I weigh 99lbs and manage to bench 145. It takes work.
>Implying the alt-right is real
They may be idiots, but they're our idiots.
Zyklon b always worked well
wtf is wrong with you that you weigh 99lbs
He's probably mixing up kilos and pounds
So this is what is took to kill Pepe, a proud symbol destroyed by our own allies. Shame.
Gas chambers
>call yourself alt-right
>obsess over Trump or Brexit
CTR here. I can't believe this is working.