Daily reminder that if you haven't read this book you should not be allowed to post here.
Daily reminder that if you haven't read this book you should not be allowed to post here
overrated as shit tbqh
It is funny to read about how Hitler got wise to the JQ and how similar it was to a modern day "redpilling."
Like how at fist he thinks people who hated Jews were just idiots looking for a scapegoat for all their problems until he investigates their claims and realizes they were right and Jews were behind the German/Austrian left-wing media and all the communist organizations.
You havent read it tbqh
He still thought the shitty anti-semitic cartoons and pamphlets were dumb, at best turning good people away from the JQ and at worst attracting people of bad character
It was boring.
Why not read his second book or Hitler's table talk instead?
Then take off that flag nigger
I dont think you even read it
I doubt most of this board has judging by how you LARP
Kids have very short attention spans these days. Try again reading it when you are an adult. It will make more sense then
Oh, Ausfailia. You never will stop shitposting, will you?
You just added weight to my point
this is my bad goy book
And you to mine.
hell no, i dont need to read the ramblings of an emo austrian painter to know jews are bad and i hate niggers.
in fact, if you need to read it to figure these things out, you must be retarded, or a german.
I'd bet money you're a misguided degenerate who does nothing but spew hate on the internet as you hide behind stupid memes
Exactly why you need to read it, you're a jew yourself
Daily reminder that if you haven't read his books you should not be allowed to post here.
>Im supporting Hitler! am I cool yet??
>I'd bet money you're a misguided degenerate who does nothing but spew hate on the internet as you hide behind stupid memes
at which point of reading my previous post did you come to such a retarded conclusion?
>see flag
oh, nevermind, australia, nevermind.
Daily reminder that Hitler is a failure and a quitter. Killing himself was the only good thing he's ever done and I hope you all follow his lead.
Boring really boring
Just keeps saying
you forgot to mention in his holy crusade to wipe europe clean from the jews, he managed to murder 59 million whites, ruin the continent, and, according to /pol, killed zero jews.
if this isnt the definition of a complete fucking failure, i dont know what is.
The fact that you'd never say that post in public is proof
The JQ is about 1/20th of the book, shill
Oh nvm you're a shill too
I figured most intelligent anons would know if they did any amount of research, but it is nice to have it typed out.
I'll be glad when summer is over so most of these kiddies will be back in school where they belong.
The onle thing I will always remember form that book is when Hitler said,"... I stopped asking the question, 'is that a Jew?' and started asking, 'is that a German?'"
Fucking loser, please kill yourself
Great quote
Its scary how much I identify with his early life, he started (((noticing))) the same way I did. It started with reading memes, then all of a sudden I started noticing names, and features. They were behind every single thing I thought was disruptive or degenerate. Its exactly like that movie They Live, they're all just right in front of us hiding in plain sight, but nobody see's the gigantic elephant in the room
Its hard to take you seriously with that flag
KYS is about the one thing Hitler did that these kids won't do. Go figure. Guess they don't admire him THAT much, do they?
I read his second book. David irving said it's much better with less jewish tampering.
daily reminder your "god" hitler was a kike and offed himself like a coward
>managed to murder 59 million whites, ruin the continent, and according to Sup Forums, killed zero jews.
Holy fuck it's like that guy should just kill himself.
apart from mass exterminating the jew, Nazism is a retarded movement with very little sustainability.
Hitler is babby tier.
pic related :D
What is the optimal version?
I have heard of the Stalag translation being the best one, but also that it's full of commentary or something not necessarily desirable in addition to the best non-edited text.
Stalag is where I am leaning towards at the moment unless anyone has any suggestions
>Kids have very short attention spans these days
this is unfortunately true. me too.
it is better to bring some patience and time and have the ability read something that is not an action thriller
and he did, yay!
Stalag is censored for the american/british audience
Ford includes everything from all versions, and none of the "added in" racial slurs and bullshit lies
Read both, hes right though Hitler wrote the second book because he felt he dwelt too much on the JQ and his enemies rather than the actual doctrine of his belief
Daily Reminder that 90% of newfriends on Sup Forums think Mein Kampf did not have a sequel
good statement by him
I'm scared bro, what if there are too many redpills and I sperg out and go full 1488?
Like the intro to the book says its not a magic tome
Its one of the best books I've ever read though
This was the only copy I was able to find locally. Is it good enough?
Cheers mate, Just checked out some other testimonials too. I'll order a copy in the next few days.
Nice dude enjoy
Personally I wouldnt trust anything other than the Stalag or Ford
(((They))) have tampered with virtually every version out there
This should be the Murphy version. Allegedly it's the version released by the Reich itself. I have both volumes
>what if there are too many redpills and I sperg out and go full 1488?
that's a bad time to go murdering millions of whites all over the planet, the muslims are already on it, no need to add to it.
>Worshipping Hitler
>Worshipping the guy who was directly responsible for killing millions of white people
>Worshipping the guy who ruined right wing politics for at least another half century
>Worshipping the guy who is the reason that we can't have adult conversations about eugenics
Yeah fuck that
The only version released by the reich was the Stalag
Not sure what the Murphy version is
Ok thank you for the heads up user
Yotsuba-chan now loves that!