Kid Rock polls higher than Debbie Stabenow

Kid Rock is currently polling higher than the current Senator of Michigan.
>Kid Rock 30%
>Stabenow 26%
Holy fuck he might actually cause an upset for the dems.

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He is also successfully Banting and shitposting on twitter just like Trump

I hope he plays something from Devil Without a Cause on his campaign trail.

Greatest timeline ever.


What's his name again, Sup Forums?

It's actually insane that the people of Michigan would prefer a Barry educated rockstar to Dems who can't even secure clean water for their voters

user, I think your reply was a shitpost.

>lettuce and tomato above the burger

wow he really is a lowlife

Get out of here. The tomato and/or ketchup absolutely must make contact with the cheese for optimal flavor. Same goes for subs.

Maybe you should learn how to spell, since you're obsessed with education.

that looks like some juicy corn desu senpai


Can Confirm cheese keeps it all in place.



Phonefag, autocorrected barely to barry.

>Donald Trump and his army of Dad-rock/90's rock idols will save the west

Getty Lee Canadian PM run when?


We need to meme him all the way

Turn the debate into a battle of the bands

liberals are going to lose their minds if he wins. they will be so demoralized by a Rock win that most of them will probably give up on paying attention to politics.

kek wants this and so do i.

If he pledges allegiance to the President, I will meme for him.


If MSM attacks him, like they attacked Trump, he'll probably win easily.
People just don't like the Democrats and their corrupt ties with MSM. It's painfully obvious and people don't want it. They'll take someone more natural, even if they don't agree with him.

He basically said he is running to be Trump's yes man in the senate

Trump should remove the entire legislative body of California, and instead appoint Kid Rock as some sort of white trash redneck propraetor with martial law.

And then broadcast live feeds from downtown LA as everything crumbles into anarchy.


Took a brief look at his stances and I didn't have much of a problem with them. Does he have a clear list of positions on the issues anywhere? What I found was mostly a list of quotes from previous years, and his website doesn't have much on it yet.

Odds are he is still building is message. Right now he is popular just because of the joke idea and his popularity within the state.

Well then, good.

I also agree with his policy.

And in a way this is the logical next step for us in terms of what we used to call lulz. A perfect way to demonstrate to the DNC and the fake news how worthless and despised they have become - how urgent it is for them to realize that the new reality is: serve the people or never win again.

what kind of moron would vote for kid rock...

i would. kid rock is the face of change that we can all believe in.

A rural and suburban retard

But that's the beauty of populist candidates. If enough people aren't getting the 'joke', the people who that it was all joke will get curious and look into the candidates messaging.

Worked for Trump. I can see it working for Kid Rock too.

Imagine how pissed the left would be if they lost to kid rock, I mean they were pretty pissed when ppl like me in Georgia 6th district voted Handel in so imagine the salt from a Michigan uproar. We've got to boys.

Feel like I've heard that one before.

And he obviously can't win with only "rural and suburban retard"s.

And anyway, he's probably a racist too... I mean he's white, acts kind of country and doesn't constantly prove he's not racist with virtue signalling.

>We've got to boys.
we dont even have to do anything. kid rock is already winning without any meme support.

Holy shit liberal media reporting that Kid Rock has a significant chance. This is a huge meme potential in the making right here. If Kid rock wins the senate he has already confirmed that he will be a Yes man for Trump. Additionally if he wins it would be a massive demoralizing blow to Dems if a "white trash" uneducated artist is preferred to a running democrat.

Let's archive it

21 seconds wtf you have to be a bot

rural and suburban retards

This user's got it

>claims to be an elite city intellectual
>lives around shit skins, degeneracy, and rampant violence
Pick one

The Nord of archive
Denier of shekels
He shall be granted women, land, and titles after the pillaging.

Fuck it, I'm now a Kid Rock fan. I thought this shit was a retarded joke for the longest time, but I guess now we doing this full throttle.

Same here. Seems like he actually has support. If he makes his ideas and goals clear then he could be a serious challenger to the Dems. Especially if he keeps up the bantz on twitter

wtf i'm with stabe-now

Kid rock releases a new song, and e-celeb fags are trying to rip on him. Libtards all over the comments crying about shit like "hurrr he's not a redneck he's playing you guys, voting against your interests hurrr"

You know what to do boys. Smash that up thumb and flame those faggots.

you're a republican?