Was Kyle Odom tricked by demons?
Normal schizo? Or on to something?
Was Kyle Odom tricked by demons?
Did this already make it's rounds on pol? Did I miss the fun?
>kek aliens
Was he doing it for the memes
His story makes him sound like your run of the mill schizophrenic. It's actually kind of scary how you can be perfectly fine your whole life, and then out of nowhere something clicks and you turn into a complete lunatic. I don't doubt that, to him, every last word is true.
Schizophrenia is used as a convenient umbrella term for reasonings and minds we don't understand. Some are crazy some are not.
Being labeled a schizo means "I don't know why you're that way" as much as it means "you're crazy"
This never happened
Your opinion on the matter?
>shot guy multiple times point blank in the head
>guy alive and perfectly well
>guy who shot him says the guy is an alien
I think he was onto something. Maybe a year ago there was this other guy who came onto Sup Forums and started posting pictures he drew while from his memories of some underground base below the earth. I remember he said he woke up in Tajikistan. Will post some, I know he posted them somewhere else and then here I had found out his name.
Here's archive of the thread \
Check out the name Barabou Veda
Can post a dl link of pictures if anyone wants pretty interesting even if it is just ramblings of a crazy
This picture makes me very uncomfortable.
Most likely a targeted individual
That look of bliss in the eyes
Feels like if you left some eccentric in a tent by themselves on acid for a few hours with a few crayons. There's love in drawing the pictures though
praised ebin
The text for anyone who cant make it out - 'Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost.'
Jesus Christ this is a good read. But its really seems the stress triggered possibility schizophrenia, the meditation dream would be his first psychotic break. The alien he drew has bags under its eyes like kyle, and peculiarly the same 'dip' in the lips. Poor guy
t. not an alien
The text in that picture? Doesn't look like it says that. Something like "And bride all this always a very nice looking modern woman. It is possible that this modern woman always has been Mrs. Gagmak (I don't know some last name). Seems like an intelligent fellow though
Seems to know his physics
Yeah I really have no concept of what it's like, but I have read stories from families of schizophrenics. There was this one guy who was like 22 years old, he was finishing up college and right before his last semester he made a bunch of strange phone calls to his parents. They knew something was wrong so they got in their car drove 2 hours to see him. They took him home and a doctor diagnosed him with schizophrenia. He was given a medical leave from school so he could recover, but he never did. Now he's 40, his parents are ageing, and he still not well enough to care for himself let alone earn a living.
Sucks to hear. Hope he is at least happy sometimes
AAAAAHHHHHH post a link to source on these drawings!
I believe him.
Oh you did already, excuse me.
You need solid rock if you want to built something on it able to resist over time.
He just went to places with his consciousness he wasnt ready at all.
What's the big deal? Looks like your run of the mill amoeba rodeo.
Is this one of those massage pornos?
In this pic you see an "interpretation" of Hindu afterlife believes.
No. Odds are he watched too much Kevin Spencer.
Seriously, look into it.
Ahh. One of the later works of Georgia O'Keefe. I'm boner now.
>Is contacted by "aliens" during meditation.
And that's why you don't mess with eastern crap kids. That's how you open your self to demons kids.
Literally who.
It's (((them))).
My sister is a paranoid schizophrenic. It's not something to validate. She is delusional. This isn't a matter of opinion. If you'd ever been exposed to someone like this long term, you'd know that. Their delusions are inexplicable and illogical and most certainly are not true. It's not a "it makes sense to them" thing, it's that their thoughts don't logically follow.
It's politics, have you read his list of ayylmaos?
Strange enough every one of them looks weird.
how new are you.
Reinforce this. Obama made it up
2016 was such a good year for happenings and esoteric shit
I miss the late night Kek threads
>trained shooter with award for pistol marksmanship
>shoot old priest 6 times with 45 ACP at close range
>one shot goes straight into his skull which is magically stopped before entering his brain for no reason
>guy is fine and is released from hospital a few days later
Why is no one questioning this? Seriously what in the fuck.
Go away newfig
I'm pretty sure the priest guy even released a statement saying he forgave him and everything. Kind of like a subtle "fuck you".
This picture reminds me of the kabbalah
You lying Martian scum
Sounds like pretty average possession to me.
>tfw too smart ancient martian race that brain is a stick
Do 14 year old autists draw these things?
drunk aussie here, wasn't he military trained and put 10-12 rounds into a priest who he thought was an alien's chest and head who survived? I think it's suspect as fuck (((they))) played the "he was such a good goy who just went crazy" angle
It's God's protection
Whats the big deal? It's just the start of a rock climbing wall in the back and a guy massaging someone on the neck with a feather. Looks kino.
the actual physical architecture of the way he writes is that of someone very much in control of his faculties, hell even normal people I know don't have this great a degree of cursive writing. whoever drew these knew what they were seeing was for real and wasn't frenetic about scrawling it down, it was a calm recollection.
why do religious faggots think that demons are Saturday cartoon villains doing what amounts to basically pranks? if they did or do exist they are entities outside of the universe who have a very large understanding of reality and how it works thanks to being apparently former angels it makes no sense for a being with that much reality breaking power and knowledge to spends its days "possessing" timmy and amy from down the street as a means of "winning" some eternal fight with god
Back when I first saw these picture I reverse searched them and found out they came from that Barabou Veda fella.
It also links to
It's super interesting I've only read the start introduction and skimmed though but I only know some medium level physics chem. He was a super smart dude though. Apparently speaks German and got somebody to translate this all.
I'll copy paste a bit for those that don't want to go to the link maybe ill make a thread on /x/ later
My name is Barabou Vedu. Between my birth in the year 1983 and 1997 I lived in a top-secret underground
military base probably in Central Asia. Around 1996 to 1997 mind deletion was obviously performed on me. After
it I was transported to the surface in Tajikistan (Central Asia). There I became a member of a mind control gang. After a short time both the attempt to erase my memory, as well as the attempt to assimilate me into the mindcontrol
gang proved to be unsuccessful. My reactivated memories kept me from to accepting the manipulation of
the other members in the mind control gang. After this I migrated to Western Europe (Germany) and I was able
to strip myself completely from influence of my former client (the Russian military?). Thanks to the later returning memories of my youth, I can remember well the things that have happened to me in
an underground military base. So I can say with absolute certainty, that in this underground facility functioning
alien artifacts were examined by scientifically trained personnel. For example in our facility UFO wrecks existed.
By activating the drive of an UFO, the external gravitational field could be blocked with the result of zero gravity
inside of it. Furthermore we had machines that were able to transfer directly via technical telepathy perfect quality
image, feelings, thoughts, body sensations and sounds in to the brain (mind-control technology). The mind-control
abilities were achieved through alien implants, which were transplanted without our approval into our brains.
Adults confirmed this repeated to me, that this is so and that nobody could do anything against it. In our facility we had in the 80's huge glass panels on the walls where you could see colored movies in perfect three-dimensional.
honestly it sounds like a CIA LARP to distract & discredit us and the whole pepe meme culture, conspiracy investigations etc
wew lad
like moar if you wish to not call open season on yourself
The autistic drawings and stuff I'm posting don't have anything to do (at face value) with Kyle Odom.
hmm ok. I always liked this one
its a summerfig shitlord
The guy is a good artist I wonder why he chose to do so much in crayons? He's very meticulous, hardly anything drawn outside the lines. It's just one of those things I have absolutely no idea what to make of.
Anyone have he September 23rd 2017 charts and screencaps?
>There are many others from Israel. Too much to list.
That priest spent all his points on endurance.
Endurance grants resistance to physical attacks.
Obviously he should've brought a higher level firearm with better stats. PVP noobs I swear.