Why do the left want to destroy the white race?
Why do the left want to destroy the white race?
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Because we're responsible for the misery of non-whites.
The problem being that we left too many them alive and they managed to become stronger than us.
The left are intellectually lazy. Yes race is a complex issue despite the shit posting we do here. Yes some things need to be changed and addressed by all sides. However the left's approach to race relations is to simply say that minorities are right and whites are evil and we cause all the worlds problems. This in turn means a black family will raise their kids to hate whites and racism gets perpetuated and worse. It's such a lazy short sighted approach and they do it because the other option requires talking about things like crime stats.
Power corrupts and they're willing to sacrifice the white race to ensure a progressive hegemony through demographics.
They want to destroy and mix ALL races.
What most dont get is, that most of the planet allready is mixed to hell. The White European states are the last Kind of Monolithic ethnic states while everyone else is allready a mutt.
Now they want to destroy this, to have a race of People without identity or culture, with nothing to fall back on. Only consumerism and the Hand of the state Controlling them.
whites: K-selected
leftists: r-selected
why the picture of the black marble album?
White people vote right wing.
they don't... they are just a stupid part of us who think black hispnic and white are the same spices with the color to be the only difference...
the left live in a bubble, they want everyone in the world to have a upper middle class white lifestyle which is fucking unsustainable, we'd need 9 planets. what is possible is a comfy european type lifestyle in old historic flats in dense cities like europe but not the dystopian cyberpunk misery of asian cities
>Because we're responsible for the misery of non-whites.
Marxist cult members have no historical knowlege
Because the races are naturally unequal. The left puts their ideology of equality above everything else. So if the world is not naturally equal, they will make it so. That requires getting rid of the natural hierarchy of race.
>they're allowing immigrants to come in without supporting our party
>better expel all the immigrants to make it "fair"
makes u think
>Because the races are naturally unequal. The left puts their ideology of equality above everything else. So if the world is not naturally equal, they will make it so. That requires getting rid of the natural hierarchy of race.
w-why not?
because they know we'll kill them all if they don't subjugate us under the guise of "equality".
we have thousands of years of history of just killing undesirables. we could easily do it again if the situation were right. hell, murrica could nuke africa off the freakin planet if it wanted to.
They hate God (the real God, the Christian God) and most Christians are white.
A population of 85 IQ mongrels with no real identifiable heritage is very, very easy to control.
Because they want to become all people in a mix of all races, in that way we will be equal and maleable
>Why do the left want to destroy the white race?
For Equality of course; we're only equal as a human race, once the first world has lost the qualities that made it superior to the 3rd world in the first place.
We have to get rid of technology, health care, education etc. so we can be on par with minorities. This has to happen to pave the way for "Equality", according to lefty mindsets.