Online dating leaves middle-aged women in 'single wilderness'

>When a divorced woman on "the wrong side of 45 with a brace of kids" began to write about her experiences of being single last week, she opened her blog with the extraordinary statement that she was in "relationship no man's land", condemned to be alone for the rest of her life.

>"I am," she wrote, "a plankton on the food chain of sexuality and the prospect of a relationship."

>A survey this month found eight out of 10 women over 50 think they have become invisible to men. Seven out of 10 women in the study felt overlooked by the fashion industry, while three-quarters of women in their 60s believed they had lost their identity by being labelled as a "mum".

How do we fix online dating? These middle aged women are experienced and ready to settle with men, yet they are being ignored. It's not natural for older men to be dating women who could be their daughters.

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are widows ok?

>the fell for the feminism and strong independent woman meme
They should be upset at Professor Rosenblatzshekleberg.

>It's not natural for older men to be dating women who could be their daughters.
It literally is. Men are, and have always been, attracted to women based on their looks and attractiveness. Women are attracted to men based on their looks, social status and wealth. Older men who have taken care of themselves are likely to have all 3.

Do women genuinely not understand that their attractiveness declines with age, or are they just pretending to be shocked to save face?

Also, can someone post that chart where men and women rate each other's attractiveness. The one where women consistently pick men 2-4 years older than them, but men pick 20-22 regardless of their own age?

While attractiveness may slowly decline with age, sexual experience increases. Look what the article says:

>"Women are more cautious. It's a shame men aim for the younger age range because women of 45 and 55 are arguably much more sexually mature and able to give a lot more pleasure than, say, a woman of 25."

This reads suspiciously like they're trying to convince themselves, not other people.

They just believe they're owed love and companionship at a whim. Despite being old and having kids. Despite not working to earn it.

Only if she was a virgin until her first marriage

LOL fuck women.

I love that they become totally useless when they get old.

>women still thinking about love lives in their 50s and 60s?

What the fuck is wrong with society? The only concern of women this age should be helping to instill good values in their grandchildren

Women are cunts. I don't care how old they are.

If I have to tolerate one, I'd rather tolerate one that still has a lot of miles left than one at the end of it's useful life.

>A survey this month found eight out of 10 women over 50 think they have become invisible to men.

lol welcome to the other side enjoy your stay.

> When did confidence and sexual maturity become so unattractive?
Why are they suggesting that it ever wasn't?

should have settled down before cunt

Seems like a solid woman. Date first to measure the assholism of the kids.

Here's the chart, from the book "Dataclysm". Data from OkCupid.

Old women always fall back on the "muh 'sperience" meme. Like okay lady, thanks for telling me you sucked 1000 dicks...

I can't wait until the large number of millennial women become old and undesirable.

>sexual experience increases
No they just loose their attractiveness so they do more and more depraved acts to "make up for it".
No one but themselves are falling for the 'sexual experience' meme.

>Implying septum piercings and pink hair currently is desirable

>A survey this month found eight out of 10 women over 50 think they have become invisible to men.

I have felt invisible to women all my life so far.

t. 31yo khv

This is what happens when you choose a career over starting a family. Enjoy your cats!

>I hope to use my medical skills on future mission trips

aka "In the future I will get stoned and raped to death by savage brownskins from the third world when I attempt to provide them charity while my husband tends to my children at home"

not worth it

Not necessarily - their husbands might have dumped them for younger women. That happens.

way better than usual single moms, but if she has 4 kids then they are draining too much of your ressources to have many more own

She just does not realize her market. Her market is men aged 65 to 75.
If She can accept that fact, she will do very well in the dating pool.

>miles of dick and STDs is attractive

I fucked all kinds of these women when I was in my late teens/early twenties. They were filthy as hell but would try to control you almost immediately after you fuck them. They don't want any man they want someone they think they can turn in to the version they see in their head when they read gay Game of Thrones fan fiction on SJW blogs. The ones with younger children are the best since they want to kiss your ass hoping you stick around so you can get a nice family health insurance plan to help with the rising cost of her HPV complications.


if they didn't marry young and the woman wasn't a virgin, then the husband isn't obliged to stay during her old years

They are not totally useless when the get old. My gran gran bakes fucking awesome bread and cookies.
The problem is that the women on the dating sites do not realize that they should be Grannies cooking cakes and sending money in cards to her young relatives.

Depends on how the daddy died.
War is always a nasty affair for the women who're left behind, but if she killed the guy, it's a whole other matter entirely.

Where the hell are all those MILFs?
They're literally all I want,yet literally every attractive one is married.

>A survey this month found eight out of 10 women over 50 think they have become invisible to men.
yeah no fucking shit, that's how it's been for the past millennia

Why would we want them. If they want to be $ugar mommas sure otherwise they are dried up garbage. Btw i see em online, they think they deserve under 40yo chads

Dummies who don't bother to read - you have to settle down and get married before you can be divorced with kids.

TOP FUCKING KEK! Gen Z Women for me!

Young uterus > Dried one. Prove me wrong, pro-tip: You can't

Who the fuck wants an old rag anyway? Women are the reverse of cars, cars, the older they get, the more appreciated and valuable they become

Modern women think boiling cheap spaghetti and mixing cheap canned tomato paste with some other canned shit is cooking.

washed up whores deserve it

"I am completely unable to offer you anything except for sex"
I wonder why relationships and marriage don't last now.

Fine - make it about what you wanted it to be about rather than what the article is about, which is, that no-one wants older women with kids, whether they were virgins and married young or not.

Might as well try to reason with a billboard.

>These middle aged women are experienced and ready to settle with men
They cant make children. Why would you pay for useless goods with children from someone else?

Haven't you heard, user? 70 is the new 40!

That's a minority of cases. 70% of divorces are initiated by women.


>Always had a mature fetish
>Still young and can't get a cougar because I honestly have no fucking clue how to find any
Only regret about not living in a city.

but you're a fat slob loser .. you can't have an opinion on women

Divorces are always initiated by women. Men may have affairs but they rarely actually leave their wives

>It's not natural for older men to be dating women who could be their daughters.

Reality begs to differ.


Chart is flawed, wheres the 14yo option

>It's not natural for older men to be dating women who could be their daughters.
Why not?

Women live their young lives as the center of everyone's attention where they can just pick and choose between multiple suitors while men do ll the work, I find it only fair that the equalizer for this kind of gender privilege is that it is a limited time offer. Their fun and privilege ends after a certain time, and now they actually have to work on their horrid personalities to attract a mate

in jail

>But when did confidence and sexual maturity become so unattractive?
What histotical period were post-menopausal dried up cunts ever considered attractive? Lmao.

Thanks George Soros

True, so the current modern woman will be useless once she is old.
Kid: "Grandma do have any cookies?"
Grandma: "Opps, I ate all the Oreos, last night. I will buy more for next time you come over"
Kid Pouts

well at least she produced 4 hopefully white children

>Ride cock carousel into 40s
>Divorcing and having kids along the way
>Wonders why nobody wants her
Maybe if you weren't a fucking vapid whore who ignored all the good men in her life you'd have someone by your side

In my experience older women still think being a freak means liking doggy style. When I tell what i really have in mind and bust out my duffel bag of fun, they get scared

If you are a guy in your 20s, try yourself a 40 something. I shit you not, best head I got in my life was from a 45 year old widow. They appreciate the time, and they treat you far better than most modern millennial women. Just saying, if you aren't about to settle down, give it a shot fellas. They cook, they aren't looking to leach off of your money. All they want is some dick that stays hard all night. 40 something guys apparently aren't up to the task.

Benjamin Franklin approved of cougars. I approve of cougars.

>but when did confidence and maturity become so unattractive?

The second they're applied to women.

>women above 35

Pick one and only one

>has kids

Pick fucking zero





Roasties btfo
I've noticed this, as well. It's just disgusting, not attractive.
Affairs are degenerate, too, though.

>>But when did confidence and sexual maturity become so unattractive?

Who wants those dried up old prunes?

Actually it's quite political.
All those middle-aged failures...
Who do you think they're voting for?

oy vey

>I'm so experienced.
>*asshole prolapses*

Pretty much this.

>all this G-d stuff
reeks of mental illness

Women are related to the downfall of society and the downfall of society is political, we are in the current state we are because of jewish propaganda in the form promiscuity. The destruction of the family unit becomes more obvious the more I see posts like this and women have no one to blame but themselves. The white race will fall, but not because of the "Childish men" It will fall because of vapid whores like in the OP that feel the world owes them for having a vagina

>All the bitter betas in this thread
>even giving this whore any attention.

>why doesnt anyone want me :( i was strong and independent for years, got divorced for no reason with my three kids, and I'm all washed out/used up now. Nobody wants to fuck me :(


>she was in "relationship no man's land", condemned to be alone for the rest of her life.

Who cares, fucking entitled cunt.

IIRC twenty was the youngest option you could choose. I'm curious as to whether 18 or 19 would have shown up on the chart were it allowed.

Oy vey nothing.

It certainly contrasts with the constant articles I see proclaiming

>The dangers of porn, young girls are shitting their pants because they do anal due to peer pressure

Funnily they never mention gays

She's some crazy Christian who goes on mission in third world countries.
They are most likely adopted niggers or something along those lines.

Sexuality doesn't exist on a level playing field.
Men who have had a lot of women are desirable and attractive.

Women who've had more than 1 partner are used goods and have very little worth.

hi jew

>confidence and sexual maturity


>self-entitlement and loose holes

If you are fine being a degenerate just download those dating apps and set your ideal matches to 30+. The higher you go the easier it gets if you just want an orifice to sauce up your salami in. These women are desperate.

>90% of divorces are started by women
>woah hold on! look at this thing that happens 1 in 100 cases
>do you see this tiny exception? don't judge
stupid fuck

Honestly I find my male counterpart sluts just as disgusting as the females, both are whores and both should end up alone because of it. The fact is women are easy and men know it, the only reason he has so many partners is because he knows how to play a females emotions so they just give it up. The only reason the man gets respect is because females are stupid and they respect him


>Ride cock carousel
Anyone who uses this phrase is an angry virgin.

Why would any desirable man want to be with an infertile divorced woman with kids? Moreover, what's the likelihood (super high) she's disregarding men in the same situation? Wouldn't at all surprise me if a woman that was married for 10-20 years was delusional enough to think she still had all the options she had before and not be able to comprehend a different reality.

its sad, but this is true. you can smell their desperation much like how women can smell yours when you're thirsty. its kinda sad really, the shoe being on the other foot, having someone do things to impress you than the other way around.

but hell, i will literally never get tired of fucking a good majority. they used to be/are whores, so yes, they know how to suck a dick.


>Men who have had a lot of women are desirable and attractive.
This meme needs to die. Men with high worth attract a lot of women, and most women don't care about being hole #15. It shouldn't be promoted for men to dick around, because there are always going to be more roasties created through Chad's activities. Men forgo this option for the sake of civilization--only chimps and niggers still have the 'alpha' model, and look where they're at.

Hey a cock in the cock carousel, who would have thought, up and down and around you go. Hope you get STDs

Idk man I've had some phenomenal sex with some cougars. They work hard for a younger guy.

This feels relevant

SO talking about a ham sandwich and how it makes me feel sad is political ?

I suppose there are more than 2 genders ?

>t. used-up old bag

>It literally is. Men are, and have always been, attracted to women based on their looks and attractiveness.

This. I as a man, know what i find attractive, women for years now have been saying to men "NO! WHAT YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE IS WRONG!"

The sheer arrogance is what blows me away.

Women like to say to men that looks don't matter, because they want it to be so, because they are ageing and won't be able to rely on their looks anymore.

>It's not natural for older men to be dating women who could be their daughters.

Umm except it literally is

>amNH4ns2's Law
>The first to accuse someone of being a virgin either loses the argument or is a virgin themself

I cannot tell a lie. This article made me feel good inside. Fuck women and the damage they've done to society

When i drop my count when asked (Near 100) they go from "talking" to trying to cuff, and im not a chad