The past year I have found myself gravitating towards fascism. I have begun to feel that fascism is the only way to save humanity and our culture. While I do like the idea of AnCaps, we all know it is a complete meme and would never work in practice. Is fascism the final red pill?
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Once you know, there is no coming back!
Sieg heil
yeah giving up power sure is the only way to save whatever you are trying to protect :^)
With facism you wouldn't have access to the Internet as you do now.
you really don't know what fascism is all about if you believe this
>Is fascism the final red pill?
but you're not meant to bend your legs when you goosestep.
that's because you're a shithead like any other commie fuck or authoritarian freak. you feel like you know how to manage other people's lives better than they can choose for themselves because you're a delusional moron. get a shrink.
what is it with authoritarians and lack of historic knowlage?
>believing his wishes matter when the leader takes over
its as delusional as the communists atuhoritarians
Fascism is the appropriate response to times of crisis, when the survival of a society and whole civilisation is in jeopardy, and when nuance, rights and freedoms only serve to delay necessary decisive action.
Such times are now.
Fascism cannot be the permanent political system, though. Circumstances change, so that a society's eventual survival will necessitate changes in values and moral rules, for which liberties like free speech and social experimentation are crucial. That's when fascism becomes too oppressive again.
Chaos and order need to balance each other out.
That is the final red pill.
It is so easy to see that people's lives need managing. Or would you prefer to have a 50% divorce rate and 30 million single mothers? Fuck off, faggot.
literally read about greek fascism and/ or italian fascism before the war
Yes. Every dictatorship is Fascism, Fascist countries don't care about their people, let's just ignore the Fascist countries and their policies.
But it's been proven that Humans are happier with their choice the fewer options they have.(To a point)
we all know how well dictators cared for the people , it has been tired before. Im sure that wasn't real facism , or they just got destroyed by the jews.
Same excuses as the commies ;^) but you would accept theirs amrite???
Throw up an example my friendo.
I can use the most popular example of a Fascist country if you'd like, Nazi Germany.
First of all, National Socialism and Fascism are not the same thing.
Second of all, neither are about tightly controlling people, their actions or the economy like Communism.
Thirdly, Fascism is not an oppressive totalitarian, and it is not impossible for a dictator to care for the wishes of his people and implement them without the bullshit that comes with a democratic government. We see how effective the "governments of the people" are today.
Fourthly, no one cares.
sure, he fucked over his own people by going to war with russia,, not asking for their support, but demanding it. Talk about a honourable death eh? To die for a coward who enjoys a rich life while you freeze to death. Im sure their wishes where respected in nazi germany
either die on the battle field or get shot by your own people for not doing the leaders bidding
its the same excuses as the commies use, nothing special
you wouldn't accept thairs, but ask me to accept yours? laughable
>"well first off socialism is diffrent then communism!"
>"secondly tito loved his people, and now that i charrypicked this socialist leader, stalin and mao don't count :^) communism is a sucsess!"
>"no one cares what you think, communism is for teh people!!!"
First of all, take off the gay pirate flag.
Second, there is a fundamental difference between fascism and communism, and that is the meritocracy and freedom within the constraints of the law. In communism, everyone must be equal and you do not have freedom.
>freedom within the constraints of the law
lmao brainwashed as ever
>sure leader, you can ban porn, it was degenerate anyways :^)
"Man I want absolute freedom I should be able to do whatever I want"- you, sounding like a retard.
Also, porn is degenerate.
Here's a man who gets it.
Used to think Nazism was bad, immoral, and worse than communism. Cycle forward 5 years of college and real life shit only then realize through slow refill that we fought the wrong side.
the immorality of (((them))) and the influence they have on our people and culture is sickening. Where I used to see normal people I now see coal burners, nogs, and betas.
What is left must be saved for the greater of western civilization for we are losing.
Right now it appears democracy has failed us. BIGLY.
well i would like to choose myself atleast, im old enough, and so would other people. And if those wishes match up, we call it law. But i get thats its much easier to let daddy take care of that ;^)
>Going to war with Russia was bad meme
Russia almost lost, many things contributed to them not losing, Stalingrad, the delay, D-Day, the allies providing the Soviets with a lot of equipment, weather was unlucky.
But was it a stupid decision?
The 3 sides were all heavily opposed to each other, Fascism, Communism and Capitalism. The strongest feud arguably being between Communism and the other two.
The best thing for the Soviet Union would be for Capitalists and Fascist to wear eachother out in a long war, then swoop in and invade weakened parties that are unlikely to band together due to hatred.
What actually happened, the Soviets did this, they even convinced the Capitalists to help them then turned on them.
If Germany hadn't invaded Russia would Russia have invaded Germany?
Without a doubt, they were planning for it. From Soviet union defectors there's a decent amount of evidence pointing towards the Soviets preparing their army for an offensive.
Of course, the Axis hit first, which was excellent for them, the already still weak Soviets were prepared for offense rather than defense and were quickly overwhelmed leading to large gains and almost defeating them.
So, was it a bad choice?
The war would have happened anyway.
On Russia's terms, if Germany hadn't invaded.
The German's could have prepared a defense but hitting an unprepared and still weakened enemy did far more damage than fortifying the border would have done.
>either die on the battle field or get shot by your own people for not doing the leaders bidding
The Soviet army made heavy use of barrier troops, the Germans didn't.
The only correct answer.
Deep down, I'm really anarcho-capitalist.
And on the topic of Germany's actual policies, I can't be bothered typing another big post for an inbred retard, so look up Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt on your own too get a better idea.
>This entire thread
I bet you're all fucking autists that only have their skin colour to be proud of, which doesn't even matter.
Right, however in best democracy your daughter could get stabbed in the universal gender bathroom by a group misunderstood minority kids during a sexual emergency. Then best democracy will make sure the minority group doesnt feel saddened by your kids murder.
Best democracy doeant give a shit about your ideals.
Ancapistan leads to fascism though
muh gommunism. Moronic westniggers fails to see Russian perspective of the war. It was not about nazism or gommunism. The real nerve of war was eternal battle against Germaniggers who decided that it is a good timing to get rid of Russians once and for all. We were fighting for our survival once we realized that Germaniggers came for us not muh bolshevics. And in this point Germannigers lost because initial weak resistance became hard as rock.
Nazism or whatever has nothing to do with Germannigers attitude towards us. 100 years before Hilter in 1848 German commie Engels issued ideas to exterminate Russia as a threat to Germaniggers.
Im proud I wasnt born into a shithole like you.
Not really. Fascism is the exact same as democarcy but without all the shitshow.
You flip a coin and you get stuck with that despot until he dies or gets killed. In democracy you get an entity ruling over you for eternity but the mask it wears changes every 8 years.
Also fascism doesn't mean you get a charismatic leader. You could get Hillary Clinton instead of Hitler 2.0.
Much like Capitalism, a Fascist government would require "total war" to survive. However, I wouldn't mind giving either AnCap or Fascism a try.
If poor russian dindu nuffin why'd you prepare for an invasion of Germany?
And if Russia was gud boi dindu nuffin what about Finland?
Very few people could be counted as "innocent" in WWII, Russia isn't one of them.
And don't act like ideological politics had nothing to do with it, if it was all about defeating greatest enemy why didn't Germany invade France day 1?
whats the point of pretending to be for the people when your just going to use them as military sacrefices anyways? The main flaw with facism is that it either has to have civil wars incase of spain, or they have to go outwards and be agressive as with germany. It will never be for the 'people' just like the communists had no problem killing opossition despite them being part of the same 'people'
defned it as much as you like, but remember you are no diffrent from the commies
nor does the leader, yet you would rather trust him, then the chaos of the masses
i choose to live amongst sheep, while you would gladly be a slave to a wolf
So you have no actual argument other than "dey went to war so bad".
USA has been at war all over the world regularly since WWII, therefore democracy cannot function without invading the middle east and Korea.
The Third Reich was just like ISIS ALL mass murdering scum. You Nazis are just the same as the violent ANTIFIA twO sides of the same coin.
Many nazis are former SJW, all the stormfags love this as they think it is a victory. But to an individualist like me who values political and economic freedom I was not surprised. As both ideologies are extreme and both collectivist.
THe biggest recruiters into the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1920's and early 1930's were from the Communist party. Both ideologies are remarkably similar both have an eternal enemy Jews or the bourgeois (middle class or upper class) and both hate liberty and want major centralisation of power. Two sides of the same coin.
You stormfags also go on about white genocide to pursue a vicitm hood complex. The Nazis were the biggest perpetrators of white genocide since the Mongol invasion. Massacring eastern Europeans in the millions and wiping their cities off the map such as Warsaw. That sort of barbarism was medieval it was so sick
Not to mention how French men women and children were burned in a church and their village destroyed in 1944 in the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre.
You collectivists love to make sweepeing generalisations its cringy. Saying all Jews think the same and have a hive mind and are part of all the same conspiracy. Same with leftists saying all whites are racist, or communists saying all rich people are oppressors and evil.
sleepy time, your responses were shit-tier, rethink your lives.
I feel like full-blown fascism is simply unnecessary. Cut welfare, repeal the 1965 immigration act, and maybe restrict voting rights in some way to shift political discourse to the right (i.e. only the military votes, or people who pass a literacy test )
You dont know dogshit about Fascism. You can have all sorts of freedoms in a fascist state. Its more a philosophy. Read George Lincoln Rockwell you illiterate mong
why'd New Zeland prepare for an invasion of Germany?
> what about Finland
we got back our clay that belongs to us since 1721 and fixed error of 1811. learn some history faggot
> "innocent" in WWII, Russia isn't one of them
implying I care about that some westnigger moronic idea of "innocence" Why do westniggers think that they have some moral authority over us? That's hilarious.
> some incoherent mumbling
no comments
Innocence is a meme. Russian interests conflict with Finnish and German ones. You negotiate, then fight.
When did we say all Jews think the same? You don't even have to be a fascist to see just how much Israel fucks with everything in the West.
>usa is a democracy
yeah no, but we can agree that they are bad too
it just seems like your standards for badness are so low, you could have aswell been a communist
mine are a little higher sorry, cant accept your 'authority of choice' (as if it matter when the leader gets going)
>You can have all sorts of freedoms in a fascist state
If you ever wanted a decent job in Nazi Germany you had to be a member of the party. If you disagreed with their policy your life would be shit.
All political parties were banned, all the industries Nationalised or coerced into subsmission.
Anybody who questioned Hitler were imprisoned sounds like real freedom to me.
>all sorts, yeah about as many as you can have in the 'ideal communist society'
go read karl marx hurr, its just a shame its all an utopian dream, and the leader ends up killing his own people if they disagee
secret police are as common in facist leaderships as they are in communists
WHAT? You could have any job you wanted in Germany as long as it wasn't degenerate and harmed the health of the people. You didn't need to be a member of the party for that. Workers were treated more fairly in Hitler's Germany than any other time in German history.
That's right. And German vision of Russia'a future was absolutely unacceptable for any Russian regardless of his ideological orientation. We are not responsible for Germans being greedy pigs who are unable to offer fair deal.
> what is imperialism?
> what is the boer war?
It's good to see a fellow user with common sense.
That was before the Jews stole all the gold and silver right?
>twO sides of the same coin.
>le two sides ofthe same cion maymayXDXD.
The allies where just like ISIS ALL mass murdering scum.
But Jews aren't white, so it can't be considered a white genocide
God I hate fucking Jews for what they did to Russia and Germany. Now the kikes are destroying the USA.
J a k e
Fascism is breddy gud but absolute monarchy is the God Tier form of government.
>you will never be a peasant like in pic related that just has to farm and raise a family for a living
Life is suffering
That quote was from Goebbels was him talking about Jews, not propaganda
Britain is being destroyed by the kikes as we speak. Soon it will be dominated by Muslims and niggers.
National socialism is on the left???
The difference between national socialism and regular international socialism/communism is thin I will give you that, but what's wrong with nationalism? Isn't nationalism the opposite of globalism? Iceland is nationalistic and it's the most peaceful place on earth.
You claim not to subscribe to a collective, but 'muh classical liberalism' or individualism is an ideology like all others.
You will NEVER get blacks, Muslims, Mexicans etc. To give up they're identity, we've been attempting that for half a century with the end result being betrayal.
You can't defeat a collective as individual's because you have a numerical disadvantage.
Fascism is the only way to stop them from taking advantage of the system
Good goy fell for all the anti-Nazi propaganda
Yes you are totally free! Fascism means giving up all your freedom now pay for the welfare state those niggers aren't going to feed themselves!
Fucking idiot.
>Fascist countries don't care about their people
How can someone seriously believe this? It's impossible to be fascist and not care about the people? Use a tiny bit of logic and you'll understand how that's not impossible but that you're a brainwashed retard.
And let's ignore the fact that the (((democratic))) countries today hate their own people and are trying to replace them. Hitler loved Germany. He was willing to fight to the end for it. Irrelevant island nigger.
Lolling at this pathetic uncultured virgin
you lead a sad pathetic existence. Women won't touch you and all you have is degenerate porn. Your culture has been completely replaced by a TV screen and multiculturalism. Standards have been erased and you call that freedom. That's what freedom is, no standards.
>Capitalism teamed up with the Soviet Union and used communism against the much more successful, much more ideologically threatening (more appeal to people because of how good life was under Nazi Germany), and all around better ideology, fascism.
>Haha look I took a quote out of context I bet you feel dumb
After a good few years of being in denial and thinking on the subject I have to say, it definitely is. Once you read on it and on what it did for the people who embraced it, apart from being ganged-up upon, there is really no way back.
Every time I mention that I sympathise with past examples of fascism I get evil stares from my Polish family. I know where they're coming from but we cannot just sit with a stick shoved up our arse for eternity. I'm always told that it's because from childhood I lived in the UK and I'm disconnected from my Polish past, as European nations fight among each other like enraged apes not realising that it is the leftists who are our true enemies.
I really wish history went a differently, but what can I do. Now even the mention of it in public is a good way to get canned or fucked up with no chance to explain where you're coming from.
Lol no. Hitler knew what ((communism)) was and knew it had to be eradicated. Read mein kampf
>Claims to be fascist
>Worships the guy who destroyed the ideology more thoroughly than any commie could have ever dreamed of
Gas yourself
America proves an entire government of elected officials can be completely fucked with corruption. Yes fascism can be corrupted by one single man but I think it would be easy to scrutinize one single person. The problem with capitalism is that it never had a chance, because everything is motivated by (((money)))
>collectivists love to make sweepeing generalisations
>makes a generalisations right after that sentence
Great shit your crooked tooth brit fag
It's fucking ironic that a state economy totally geared towards the welfare of it's folk and eliminating the malign influence of Jewish bankers, bolsheviks and degenerates is maligned as facism and this rotten Orwellian surveillance state of debt slavery, degenerate filth, and two party cartel corruption where neither winner nor loser give a fuck.about anyone except their (((donors)))) is supposed to be excellent democracy.
> If you disagreed with their policy your life would be shit.
Only if you wanted to destroy Germany. Communists don't have rights.
What the fuck?
>Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
This was the John Adams quote which was the final Redpill for me. Any politician who talks about Liberty, but ignores the quality of the people will lead the country to ruin.
We need many decades of a moral fascist state to fix the decay of the past 50 years. Only after that, could we begin to discuss anarcho-capitalism.
I would happily sacrifice my life for a better future for my children.
libertarianism will work great once we use fascism to remove all the jews and subhumans from the planet
Couldn't agree more.
i would do the same for my wife's children