10 more days until she is sentenced. How much time are we hoping for? A month?
10 more days until she is sentenced. How much time are we hoping for? A month?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do I give a shit?
She deserves an appropriate sentence. Stop white knighting for this sociopath. If it was a guy you wouldn't give a shit. Seriously you people are sad.
literally who
Life sentence plus 267 years
>political board
>posting about some bitch that made some kid kill himself
Electric chair
Need a quick rundown
Community service, she's too cute to be forced to fuck the eternal nigress'
I hope she gets off scott-free
I miss the days Sup Forums was full of people like her. Now its just you cucks from plebbit, with 'muh feels'
She encouraged her suicidal bf to go through with it, and he did
So she only did what this board does all day long?
>cleansing the world of unnecessary depressive faggot
friendzone kid kept saying he wanted to kill himself looking for pity points and she got fed up with it and went above and beyond convincing him to actually do it.
Fag kept talking about how much he wanted to kill himself. His gf told him not to until he just kept talking about it forever so she said do it. Then she went to jail for some reason for his decision to kill himself.
Those who don't act are just as guilty as those who committed the crime. . .
An appropriate sentence would be that she gets no time.
just another distraction
why are you wasting time on these fakes
What ever the punishment is for criminal harrassment because that's the most she did.
I'm hoping for the electric chair, but they'll probably give her a medal instead.
chaka nooga urq farran shur.
7-10 years no parole
ITT: Suicidal faggots
Just kill yourselves pussies. She shouldn't sever a day.
at the most community service.
Thats where this world is broken and needs to die off.
> be nice to the pretty girl.
Cmon now thats pathetic way to think.
what's the fucking charge? where's the precedent?
She was a bitch, but I fail to see how this should lead to a prison sentence. If anything she's probably diagnosable as a sociopath
>Sup Forums tells people to kill themselves and live stream it.
>Perfectly fine
She shouldn't get any punishment.
He was an adult. And how did she "make" him kill himself?
Don't be stupid. It actually has political meaning.
Radical lefties are promoting the idea that "words = actions".
So, it will be easier for them to punish people who have a "wrong" opinion.
If you accept the statement that "words = actions" then forget about free speech.
Forgot to attach the pic.
who is she sauce''??
Yeah that's what I'm getting out of this.
>I want to kill myself
>Then do it pussy
taunton massachusetts teen suicide text
She should be given a medal.
He was mentally ill and she was taking advantage of that to play out her fantasies. It's not different than manipulating someone schizophrenic to kill themselves or someone else.
How was he "mentally ill"? And how did she manipulate him when he always wanted to kill himself and had tried multiple times before on his own.
No it was more like.
"I don't know if I want to kill myself or not."
"Baby, I would love you so much if you killed yourself for me. Please. Do it for me."
At one point he got out of the car and she told him to get back in.
And instead of some random fuck on the internet, it's one of the closest people to you in your life.
Oh and she also tried to kikestart his funeral and garner sympathy.
>I don't know if I want to kill myself or not
No he made it very clear for months he wanted to kill himself. Also he tried to OD before.
you need to fuck enough women to realize their looks are only decieving. Dont let their looks disarm you
>How much time are we hoping for?
Zero. What she did was maybe reprehensible, but no crime
I want to make qt aryan babies with her
Not a day. If he was pathetic enough to end it after complaining for months its not her problem. I would feel the same if genders were reversed.
She was going to use the "my boyfriend killed his self" sob story her whole life to gain social capital. Pure sociopath. Took advantage of a sick person. Lock her up with her kind.
She will do time, which is unfortunate. Never go with a bench trial. The judge convicted her, so she is probably fucked at sentencing. What she did wasn't very nice, but it wasn't criminal. If she had broken up with him, he would've killed himself too.
The only reason I give two shits about this case is that it has and at sentencing will again set precedence for future cases. The verdict is what it is so there is no changing that, I kind of hope she gets time served and is released but that is unlikely.
Why would she serve any time for what someone else chose to do with their own life?
Severe depression is mental illness. And he actually backed out, got out of the car he hooked up the exhaust, said he didn't want to kill himself and she convinced him to get back in.
If he didn't want to kill himself, then why did he kill himself?
I hope she gets 2 1/2 years county time
Are you retarded?
>The only reason I give two shits about this case is that it has and at sentenc
As i said over and over :
MEN need to get together in sectet, extrajudical court-and-justice systems, to ACTUALLY and factualy bring law, order and justice to the countrie(s worldwide).
Are you? You're implying she controlled his actions, and made him kill himself against his will somehow. When in reality he made the decision to kill himself, because he wanted to kill himself.
Sup Forums is also for discussion of current events, you newfaggot
You are retarded. Here, I don't expect you to bother to read this or understand anything, but I'll give it a try: en.wikipedia.org
Let's say you know someone is schizophrenic and he thinks the govt is out to get him. You spend months convincing him he's right and that he has to kill some people in the govt. You walk him through doing it, you help him plan his attack and he does so. Do you understand why you would be held responsible for doing so?
Incorrect. It's a societal expectation to not persuade those in a compromised state of mind to do something as horrific as taking their own life. Had she not said anything, he may have decided against it. However, had she not said anything, he may have done it, but she wouldn't be held accountable. Grow up.
time served
Being sad is not enough of a reason for you to not be blamed for your actions. We are all sad sometimes and if we do some messed up stuff then, it's our fault. He would need to have an actual mental problem, like being a legit retard, to not be held accountable.
>not hoping she gets the death penalty
>not hoping it's televised
I honestly hope she is sentenced to the most painful death imaginable.
Just because he wanted to kill himself does not mean he was in a "compromised state of mind". He just didn't like his life so he wanted to kill himself. He had been talking about it for months or years.
it is scary to think that a judge can be so wrong.
WTF with her forehead?
Sadness is not the same thing as depression.
Yes it is.
I get the feeling that you are depressed and suicidal, but think that if you're strong enough to resist then this guy should have been, too.
No, it's just the girl shouldn't be held accountable for what the other guy chose to do with his life.
"I'm from the Netherlands, I'm used to living my life with restrictions, so I can't comprehend why Americans would care so much about freedom of speech."
>She deserves an appropriate sentence. Stop white knighting for this sociopath. If it was a guy you wouldn't give a shit. Seriously you people are sad.
This bitchy feminazi shill keeps going around posting shit like this. GTFO!
>there is no difference between banter on an anime board and real life
She's going down for life with possibility of parole in 20 years.
If someone tells someone on Sup Forums who makes a thread saying they are depressed and feels like killing themselves to go kill themselves and they do it, how much jail time do they get?
For months she was saying: dont do it dont do it
For months he said: I want to do it I want to do it
Ok then, if you are serious, I will help you as this is what you seem to want.
If this guy made a thread asking Sup Forums for advice, and someone wrote KYS, and he did, how many years in jail should that poster get?
a long, long time
Oh! It's that one. I thought it was the school teacher who fucked a 15 year old. Anyway, I don't give two fucks about any of it.
>50 years of age browsing pol/ until I retire to Spain in a few years to spend my time looking at the Mediterranean sea and wondering where it all went so right for me.
Cheeky bastard. Good if true.
Like the same people wouldn't be laughing at the retard going to prison.
This is the first time in a long time I've agreed with an aussie post.
ITT: amoral, antisocial scum that don't see a problem with putting poison in a drink because the imbiber didn't HAVE TO drink it.
That is a terrible analogy. How is tricking someone to drink a poisonous drink that they didn't know had poison in it, anything like some guy choosing of his own free will to kill himself on purpose?
>tricking someone to drink
oh look, the amoral retard is trying to twist my words to fit his narrative. grow up and get a clue, immature brat.
She encouraged some idiot faggot to kill himself right?
Isn't that what we do here everyday?
I'm confused. She should get the key to the city, not a jail sentence.
I will scream myself hoarse everyday outside of that prison until she is released if she is given even one day of jail time.
You disagree, then kindly fucking kys fagt.
Are you saying you meant that they didn't trick them? So the person knows that there is poison in the drink and they drink it anyway because they want to? No there's nothing wrong with that.
its more complicated than you are considering.
He poisoned her drink by whining about how he wanted to kill himself for months?
How would it have been if a suicidal ones pretty much only friend stopped talking to them completely?
Do you admit she had reason to feel guilty for completely stopping talking to him?
Do you not think it would have been in her best interest and benefit if she had never met this person?
At least, if she stopped talking to him completely, so that she would not be pressured into such a challenging situation, that could then be judged by some simpleton that she is guilty (because they dislike females, and identify with the 'suicidal boy who tfw no gf' so you want a pretty girl to suffer)
She tried to be the good friend at first for a long time. He made up his mind several times before meeting her. She tried to be a good friend and do the right thing throughout. She was a doctor assisting with suicide, she was pulling the cord on a vegetable that demanded it, an adult vegetable that corrupted the purity of an innocent underage girl, and implicated her in a situation her and noone good would have ever wanted to be in.
She did what he wanted. She did not know any better. She is innocent and has learned her lesson. There is no reason to believe she will break any crime in the future, and what she did was no a criminal act or criminal behavior. But the limited and confused mind of youth, made the more complicated by modern technology, and a pansy disrespectful man who would pray and pry on a younger women, bothering her with deep and dark thoughts, discussions, and considerations until she believed him. Her crime is believing him, of trusting her friend. She is guilty of being a good friend to a bad one.
>too stupid to understand a simple statement
>begs me to clarify
nah. either do your homework or enjoy being ignorant and stupid.
tl;dr. stop white knighting, moron. she WONT have sex with you.
You are a retard and your analogy made no sense.
nice projection, kid. just because YOU'RE too stupid and inbred to understand it doesn't mean that the analogy is the problem. grow up and get a clue, chump.
Literally did nothing wrong
Trust me, it's true.
Yep, someone old enough to be your grandfather browses pol/
I found it after some cunt sent me a b/ funny link back in 2007. Browsed b/ for a few years until I figured out how this shitty site works then found pol/ and fit/
Been here since Jessie slaughter, boxxie, shoe on head and that fucking cardstand in NY.
There's hope for you guys. You're funny and articulate. Wish I could say the same for my SJW daughter.
Because you are on Sup Forums, and pretty much the same thing she will spend the rest of her life in jail for, Sup Forums does on an hourly basis
A lifetime. Fuck all white psycho cunts.
Funny... a jury of 12 people unanimously decided you are wrong. Charles Manson never hurt a person in his life, yet he will die in prison too
She talked him into getting back into the car to kill himself after he decided not to.
No it isn't, retard. Sadness is being sad. Depression is a severe chemical imbalance in your brain. It's physiological.
The eternal clueless fucking yank spewing shit as always.
This is not a freedom of speech issue, for the same reason that a mob boss giving orders to underlings is not free speech.
There is no freedom of speech claims here. Words have always had consequences and penalties. There is nothing new or groundbreaking here aside from the medium of communication. If she had said the exact same things in a letter, or in person, she would be just as guilty, and none of this would have made it into the news