Explain this shit

German population hasnt changed much at all in the past 70 years... why is it just now that that is a problem? Why is it now that the population must be doubled with immigrants or the economy will collapse?

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Population decline is never a problem. It's just a load of shit (((politicians))) say to rationalize immigration. Populations will decline and raise again naturally on their own when they reach equilibrium unless you're talking about nonwhites which are so fucking stupid they'll just breed out of control until everyone starves and dies.

>Population decline is never a problem
>Amerilard education

Isn't almost time for a nap? I know it's early but we all work hard and sometimes a little rest is just what we need. Anyone else joining me?

> why is it just now that that is a problem?
becouse the people from the past 70 years are dying right now and havent fucked enough to replace them self.

Thats what I figured. What pisses me off is how much clout the lower rungs of society would have if it wasnt for mass immigration

>falled for the jewish lie to justify immigration

the political party in power requires new votes, because the conservative natives aren't appeased by that party. in order to get new votes, the party imports new people, who the party provides for and cares for in exchange for the expectation that the new people will vote for the party that "saved" them.

they're selling out their citizens in exchange for the promise of power. that's it. it's really that simple. they're taxing future generations by creating future cultural conflict so that they can squeeze the juice from the current economy into their own glasses.

>Anonymous (ID: 3jYqfKx/) 07/24/17(Mon)07:56:02 No.134767333 ▶
>> why is it just now that that is a problem?
>becouse the people from the past 70 years are dying right now and havent fucked enough to replace them self.

So the oldest group of sick/dying people who are way past working age would be removed from society... ? That seems like a net plus

There are limited resources on this planet and only whites are smart enough to breed to a sustainable level and then maintain population. There will be some rise and fall, but the population of the world shouldn't have to expand consistently. I hope your immigration population growth program leads to you getting your fucking head sawed off though.

jews need you to take care of these millions of muslims while they take all that land in the middle east.

>So the oldest group of sick/dying people who are way past working age would be removed from society... ? That seems like a net plus

No really, explain this shit. That means less people to compete for jobs, right? Doesnt that mean increased wages and benefits?

Increased wages and beneifts = more kids?

Whats the problem

It's almost like a small elite cabal opened the floodgates of shitskins, then the much larger second tier of elites shrugged and said "well, it secures my wealth and position".

I'm not sure if this will make you more or less angry, but suppose that that exact thing is what (((they))) figured. So far I've mostly heard of cases where it bit liberals and the like in the ass, what with those being the people getting cheated out of their roaming grounds, evicted, raped, beaten, killed and half-eaten the most, and because of this I have some small hope that the migrant scum will de-leftify us in time for the election in five years. That would at least be funny if nothing else.

If only automatisation would happen already. So many of the cunts need to die and we will not even need women around with arti-wombs. Think what a golden age that could be.

Because socialism. Porgramms like our healtcare system and "Hartz 4" need a growing population in order to pay it.

This is the sceme which every Socialist country implementet, sure it will go well for a few years as long as you have a lot of young working men available, but over the tme it will fail. This happenes time and time again but people like you are still too stupid to understand it.

That would make sense if the shitskins you were importing contributed to society instead of relying on benefits

Birth rates below replacement levels mean that the population is going to decline, not remain stable. As the population grows thinner, the median age increases.
Who's gonna pay for all those wonderful social program when a huge chunk of the population is retired? Welfare niggers, of course

>That seems like a net plus
no becouse its already repeating its self but much worse, people getting even less kids and people getting older then 70 years ago which is a problem becouse our social system depends on young people who work. 70 years ago 5 people had to pay for one pensioner, today 2 people have to pay for one pensioner which is only possible with increasing taxes which then determines negative on the wealth of the population and development of the country

It's only a problem if you design your social policies around a pyramid scheme. In Canada most people will use more money in healthcare than they've payed in taxes their whole life. Government workers also get 60% pension if they've worked for 30 years, along with the most ridiculous set of benefits and holidays (you cash in your sick days if you don't use them).

Overpopulation begins at roughly 45 million on this small piece of land.
Imagine how fucked Germany already is.

Honestly just need a revolution to then cull all the old people (70+) and change to culture to having your kids support you when you're elderly. It will not only be an incentive for people to have kids, but for parents to raise their kids to be successful and caring, so that their retirement can be easy.

But then why not get rid of our social system instead? Old people worth a shit have families to care for them and all the selfish rest would be rightfully punished in losing everything. Also our population would be free of financial burdens, never even need to tolerate a single third-world ape and eventually develop the exact ideal population size needed for their own benefit. What's the point of all those walking corpses and brown zombies on our turf?

because germany signed up for american jew bank ponzi scheme and now they need to import more people to keep taking loans to pay the ponzi scheme

Just look at britain when the black plague hit them - 1/3 of the country dissapeard...everyone had work...industrial revolution happened.

>Thinks population decline is a problem
>Germanland education.

Explain how capitalism can possibly work with a stagnant population

It's your theory that it can't, so how about you explain that it doesn't.

collapse ... its all about to collapse .... Pedo rings being exposed , documents being revealed , Jews might hang ..... Germans may have been right in WW2 .... I'm just a guy though ....

But then in 30 you have even more old people and even more of a problem??

Open borers while the world breeds behind closed ones is genocide.



>But then why not get rid of our social system instead?
That would be a step backwards and dont solve the problem that people dont get enough kids. Also the mayoritry of people in germany (inculding me) like our social system.

>Old people worth a shit have families to care for them and all the selfish rest would be rightfully punished in losing everything.

People who dont get kids dont need to be selfish, its a problem in our society rather then our own. Also never judge people if you (most likely) dont have kids by your own.

How about you go to school instead?

Germany's population today is how it was 2 years after the fucking world war.

Only a problem for niggers dependent on Gibs.

Because this was planned from a hundred years ago to be a reason to have mass immigration.
What you propose is the best solution, but it won't happen with any kind of voted policy change, not until your country becomes like Venezuela. The only way to avoid this is to overthrow the government, or to balkanize in some way.

>But then in 30 you have even more old people and even more of a problem?
yes, thats why we let so many imigrants in our country. They are our last hope for solving this problem if they work and paying taxes for our social sytsem and making more kids so our population decrease stop. Sadly this plan takes a high risk if this people dont intigrate and work here or they intigrate but adapting the bahaivour of not making kids.

>Old people worth a shit have families to care for them and all the selfish rest would be rightfully punished in losing everything.

I've never quite thought it through this way. Similarly to how the welfare state makes single motherhood possible, the retirement benefits system allows older people/parents to be both shit to their kids and not seriously worry about their futures; as their future livelihood is not dependent upon their offspring, but the state.

no you could always end as a cripple and are not able to work or lose your job becouse of reasons you are not responsible for.

Right, a system that depends on growth will eventually collapse spectacularly because there's no one left to steal money from.

Then the people who don't want to see you gone will help you.

>Right, a system that depends on growth will eventually collapse spectacularly because there's no one left to steal money from.
this system worked without problems until the 21 century becouse people simply made kids. It was not unusual people had 3+ kids. Like I already said its a problem in our society not the system.

>Then the people who don't want to see you gone will help you.
its not that simple, this people need to work for their self and cant look after your 24/7 like a nurse could do. Also they finanical limited and if they dont earn enough they cant affort to support you also you cant demand that everyone has someone who loves you enough to care about you.

And because life expectancy used to be significantly lower.
Regardless, a system that relies on perpetual growth in order to function is bound to fail in an environment with a finite amount of resources

Sorry but it is that simple. If you have only one person who cares about you then yea, perhaps you're shit out of luck, should have maybe gotten involved in your community more.
You can create insurance for yourself by being involved in peoples' lives in a positive way.

Socialism rewards people for having less kids, expecialy women since they are beeing provided for by the government instead of a man

>Regardless, a system that relies on perpetual growth in order to function is bound to fail in an environment with a finite amount of resources
Since the beginning civilisations relied on growth and you cant change it now if you like your comfy house and computer with internet you are just using. Yes a system like this is bound to fail thats why since ever humans looking for a way for fixing their problems and we do it right now again and fix it eventually. Becouse of this "problems" the west is what it is today, a room full of developed countries which may have their problems but are able to fix them and do better after they get another problem and they improve it again, no system is perfect.

Isn't the main reason people usually don't have kids a lack of time and/or money? I mean there's bound to be concrete numbers somewhere; some way to break down how much less money the average person would have to part with, how much less time the average person would have to waste on work, if it wasn't for all of those "voluntary" payments that then never go anywhere but to more shitskins. With all that cash and time freed up, I bet you now - those white kids would be all over the place. All the welfare apes and losers shit their extra mouths out from the work we legitimate homo sapiens are effectively forced to put in at the point of a NATO rocket; it bleeds off to them either way when you're dumb enough to obey the law; how would ending this be a step back?

And even if so many like it, then either they don't know what the system does or they're willingly complicit in what I with my - admittedly outdated - legalese would call straight-up high treason, either because they're the ones benefitting (oldfags, negro sympathisers, single mothers, all the fucking VERMIN) or because they have never cared enough to take the stuff they hear all day and think about it for an hour. How can keeping any of this trash alive be in anyone's interest? How can you justify arguing for it when that "step backwards" would lead to nothing but good - we had to talk about China in school, maybe you'd want to compare someone's "Great Leap Forward"? What, as a matter of fact, is wrong with you - all of us could live but you "justify" our extermination with platitudes. You almost sound like a fucking Jew.

The latter seems more practicable; how does one extract a country of 90 million(! It's such a shitshow) from foreign financial bondage when one is without arms? I'll try to get my mates invested on some 1848-style secret club and free my town when the time comes I guess.

Right? It's only allowing the dead to walk and life to degrade. Like some evil joke.



Biggest reason for lower birthrates is that women are in the workforce. When women were stay at home moms they could easily handle 4 children at a time.

>Socialism rewards people for having less kids
I can partly agree with that but having kids is more then money it is also a thing of the mindset. Also people who have kids get supported by our social system with things like Kindergeld or free Kindergardens and less taxes.

Population increase was only a factor in the past when we have manual manufacturing.

With automation, a single farmer can tend to 500 acres of land.
With modular cars, one mechanic could easily tend to 20 cars a day.
With automated production, a single engineer and a single programmer could maintain an entire assembly line.

We are already overpopulated because automation has lowered the amount of people needed to maintain an economy and forced the state to pay the proles their doles.

Germany needs 300k immigrants a year to keep its population from declining. That's why they are importing so many. I think Israel should ship all the arabs here to germany. germans love arabs. They'll solve the conflict here and get a high breeding population while at it.

Its an excuse used to mask white genocide.

>You almost sound like a fucking Jew.
I readed your post and was willingly to answer your questions but after reading this I could also just flush my time down the toilet becouse everyone who dont agree with you is a jew.

>They'll solve the conflict here and get a high breeding population while at it.
If they import their confilcts here and dont work their high breeding traid is worthless.

This I think is the next big point. My great-grandparents, mother's side, had two kids, daughters both. These were doted on and pampered to a degree because whatever, my folks then figured they'd survived the war with a few savings, might as well focus on what they have now, not bring more kids into a warzone and live in style until theirs would have kids in turn. They were the outlier with less than a third of the birth average for families in our town back then. No women worked other than for rebuilding things.

My grandmother worked part-time helping in my grandfather's furniture store and also brought up two kids, no problem save for when my uncle died. Her sister now boasts five, each with at least three kids of their own. She's a minister's wife.

My mother filed for divorce in the 90s, spent the entire time I've known her since miserably busting ass at like five different jobs, went through a number of boyfriends that scarred me for life and had to drop my brother and me off on the grandparents all the damn time.

The other month there was a grad class meet-up and all of the girls that I crushed on in school were barren and histrionic. Foul, shrewish, make-up caked parodies that the tranny my Dad rents his living room from would be repulsed by for the most. And all of course donating to poor Africans while talking shit about how smart they are. I had to dirty-talk one out of jumping off a bridge for Heaven's sake, but the idea that they might simply be missing the men they can't be is of course just hateful.

I'm only just barely into my twenties and feel like the last sane man on Earth sometimes.

>How he shrinks back, 'I am found out'
Thought so. Now ignore that part responding or come back when words stop hurting you.