Ask a self-hating nip anything
I support feminism, liberalism and multiculturalism in japan and I am a patriot
Ask a self-hating nip anything
I support feminism, liberalism and multiculturalism in japan and I am a patriot
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thank you for anime.
how big is your penis?
Yellow monkey vs niggerozes who is more subhuman ?
how can you call yourself a patriot
have you heard of hiro onoda? That is a patriot.
when he came back from the jungle lamented that his country has become decadent and lost its identity
he meant people like you
enoughu shitpostingu
Do you like Korea? I mean south
Do you know 維新志士?
Do you know 富国強兵?
We should learn things from abroad to make this country great again.
This is what our ancestors have been done!
I have almost no connection with korean.
Why are you self-hating?
What's your stance on Islam is Japan? Are you ok with that?
wew lad,your ancestors made the country isolated from the rest of the world twice.
Hey faggot... how many of these threads a week are you going to make?
It's been FOUR FUCKING YEARS and you're still making one each week! GIVE IT A FUCKING REST.. don't you have some forest where people an hero in Japan?!?
Just... DO IT!
>support feminism
Are you this guy, aren't you?
You fucking newfags, a Japanese flag indicated nothing more than a LARPing English teacher or leaf on holiday fishing for pro Japanese "honorary Aryans" shit from reforming weebs. Sage.
Didn't you already do this thread today? It's night time there nipbro, got to bed.
Do you like Brazilians?
How can I be proud of myself?
I am not american
Islam is realigion of peace. I know pakistanni exchange students.
They are based
OP you are the best. we will all abolish racism from this world together. thanks for just being you. from canada to japan
Eat nip pussy all day
would love to
>and I am a patriot
No your not, your an honorary engrish teacher
or some army fag at Okinawa or camp Zama.
Japanese people don't post here.
Halal lolis?
Lol, niggers even feel entitled to genuine smiles. What gibs isn't theirs?
>This is what our ancestors have been done!
no your ancestors practised isolationism as the other user correctly remarked
now whether or not japan is isolationist is not so important but feminism and liberalism are cancer and you deliver your country to the wolves with that
You sound like the average german patriot.
Alright man it was funny the first 100 times but the joke is getting stale. Cash you Soros check and go buy some fruit loops or hot pockets.
I always thought they are american soldiers based in japan.
Go finish your lesson plan, English teacher.
> support cancers that destroy your nation
> patriot
Kill yourself.
I share in these nazifags' skepticism; I lived for several years in Japan and never met anyone like yourself. Literally all the native Japanese I knew were hardcore racists, revisionists, militarists and LDP worshipers, which of course didn't stop them from being full-blown degenerates in their daily lives.
What's do you do for a living? Do you have friends, a wife or girlfriend? Do you share your beliefs publicly? If so, did that land you in trouble socially or institutionally? Do your parents know?