Where do we go when this board inevitably gets deleted?
Where do we go when this board inevitably gets deleted?
Why would it get deleted when it's one of the primary data mining sites in existence?
You think this board is here for you to express yourself for free? lolololol
So if this site was deleted, (((they'd))) replace it with another
To the streets to kill the normie, because free speech lies dead and raped. There will be justice.
Just kill yourself.
you kill yourself because this is the only place you neo nazis have left.
on the Blockchain
its coming
We take over of course
Trying to get this board deleted would possibly be the worst move any organization could possibly make. What would happen is we would just find a new place, and since that place would most likely have much looser rules/guidelines, we would be able to create much more chaos. I think they would prefer that we were contained here.
We invade every Sup Forums board and every internet forum in existence, causing such a stir that it necessitates the creation of a forum where free-speech and anonymity is allowed in order to satisfy all the butt-hurt Kekistani's.
It is too late to quietly scrub this place from the face of the earth. You can't stop the signal.
>butt-hurt Kekistani's.
You are the problem.
Why is it that cringe posts always come with this meme flag?
They're mainly just leafs that want to shitpost but know that no one will listen if they see that their flag is a fucking leaf.
create much chaos do you mate?
What? I meant that doxing and other such things would likely be permitted, which, I think could be considered to cause chaos.
>able to create much chaos
His face lmao
Brazil is disgusting
Where do we gooooo
where do we go nowwww ahhhaaaahaaaaahahaha where do we nowww swet child oh mineeeeeeeee
As far as I can tell Sup Forums has always been jew scam directly from Israel
Le based pedes will take us in!
I think u OD'd on redpills fampai
Shitposting in front of walmart
And this too perhaps
We start a cult and meme antifa into the ground
How would one do this?