>People still defend and praise the worst country and worst political ideology that ever existed
People still defend and praise the worst country and worst political ideology that ever existed
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yeah, very sad how people still praise the soviets and communism
That 'Big Lie' quote is from Hitler and it is always taken out of context. He is talking about the Jews and their propensity for lying. The full quote is in Mein Kampf. KYS hippy trash!
Thank you leaf, you will not get raked today.
FPBP and /thread, saged.
Well said, Dr. Peterson! I love watching your videos, by the way.
>le I'm dumb and I will claim the opposite of what is meant in the thread
Have fun with your upvotes in r/Sup Forums.
opinion discarded
Nazism does not work. Nationalism does. It's the difference between Hitler and Mussolini
>The only ideology known to convert nations in abject poverty to economic powerhouses no matter whether the people are high IQ, low time preference Europeans, or middle IQ Pacific Asians and South Americans
>worst ideology
I bet you think communism, a Jewish ideology designed to tear apart nations, is "not as bad" because even though it results in intentional state-engineered famine and millions of your own people dead the hearts of those Jewish academics was in the right place.
it's hardly the WORST
both country and ideology
the usual warmongers and the usual propaganda
to be honest the filthy media and warmongerers in the american government are not one bit better
More than 70 years later, it still bothers people. That's why they do it.
No, I just want all kind off authority to fuck off. This includes Nazis and communists. There isn't a single country that transformed into an economic powerhouses. Nazi Germany was living on the debt they got from Jew bankers, funny enough. They also lacked fuel, oil and important resources like tungsten to make tanks out of. You know what's even more funny? They were so strong economically that they had to use potatoes to fuel V2 rockets that didn't hit shit.
>Worst country
Not even close
>Worst political ideology
Abject poverty to powerhouse of europe that almost conquered the globe in 6 years whilst kicking out the rothchilds.
What are you even on about you roach retard, the worst country is sudan or pakistan and the worst ideology is communism
That's the worst argument I ever heard, lmao. Even kikes admit fascism made Germany's economy go into hyperdrive.
Its not just Germany that went from poverty to success either, it worked with LKY and Pinochet too. Also you're being disingenuous, if you hated oppressive authority you'd be far more against communism. You just want to signal against "le ebil notZs" like your Jew masters want.
Adolf Hitler was a man of high morals and proved it by cleaning up the depraved streets of the Marxist cesspit otherwise known as Berlin.
>Even kikes admit fascism made Germany's economy go into hyperdrive.
You won't find a single economist who claims that. Go ahead. Find one.
LKY was a Nazi?
Pinochet was a Nazi?
In any case LKY was a very rare exception and Pinochet didn't do shit besides stopping commies, Chile's economic progress happened after he stopped pushing Chicago School bullshit, and especially after he surrendered power.
Frankly all of your European / Asian political systems can stay where they are. The USA was a Protestant Republic at one point and many of us wouldn't mind returning it to that status. National Socialism, like Communism concentrates power. They both suck. Neither ideology will ever create a stable government b/c it makes the age old mistake of thinking government is the solution to our problems. Salvation lies with the individual, not the group.
There is no individual without group.
On the other hand, groups that aim to destroy individual fail.
Perhaps a moderate and common sense approach is in order, that takes into account human nature?
>I just want all kind off authority to fuck off.
t. Erdogan supporter
That's a bold claim backed up by nothing but the air coming out of your disgusting Khazar ass. The burden of proof is with you, the majority of economists say Nazi Germany was an economic powerhouse. This is so apparent to the casual observer that I feel confident in saying that any economist who claims otherwise is probably Jewish and doing it purely for propaganda purposes. LKY and Pinochet were pretty fashy man. Killing (((communists))) was a primary objective of Hitler too.
that quote is out of context and means "this is how they manipulate us".
Obviously they haven't stopped
There is no group without the individual and a group will always take from the individual and give it to the powerful or the popular. An individual can exist alone, like a single atom or they can be paired up into molecular ions.
sage and hide
You should have sticked with your first flag, roaches belong in the trash.