Is the Alt Right still a thing anymore
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No. Always has been Jewish Controlled Opposition.
No but the "Alt White" thing is though........
This. Alt Right is just bullshit marketing trying to make normal conservatives who vote for Trump and Nazi's look like the same thing. It brought some attention to Ecelebs, but mostly no one cares
Pretty sure most of /pol and Trump supporters would consider themselves Liberal or libertarian.
its got its pros and cons, one is it helps identify ledditors/shills easily.
on the other hand theyre still extremely annoying.
Gas yourself, leaf
right wingers that aren't in with the mainstream get thrown onto the alt right pile with a handful of plants
ya its bigger than ever.
shill thread
the alt right was never a thing and anyone who unironically uses the term to describe anyone is either a shill or a plebbit transplant and needs to kill themselves
Fuck off and Heil Hitler.
It was never a thing, except a label for divide and conquer tactics
Ask Hillary
>When you're wrong but REALLY stubborn
>the most powerful politician ever to live gets fucking scared in the middle of a political campaign and reveals to the world the fastest growing political splinter in right wing politics
This isnt an argument that it was made up. Its an argument proving its real and it scares the shit out of the left
this... Fuck the MSM and their NAZI memes Hitler was a great man, if there is any doubt about the power Zionists weld look how they destorted history and turned their enemy into satan for billions of people. Jews started the war on germany. no you have them trying to criminalize things that they did to the germans before ww2. talk about hypocrisy. no surprise though them fucks are masters of it.
Pol sucks at knowing what the Alt Right is.
Almost 100% of them are the Alt Right, they just don't personally like Spencer. Funnily enough Spencer doesn't really care about personal ideologies of the group as long as it's pro-white.
>all the kikes itt
This is most likely a thread arranged by some shill brigade.
it never was
>Someone is hating the Alt Right! Quick, call him a Jew!
NatSoc, Fascism and that's it.
lol half the alt right is natsoc and 80% of people are fascists you dumb nerd
I bet you use the word "normie" you fucking tryhard newfag.
I am not a socialist, but how do we get these fucking Jewish influences out of the west, and world. I understand why they have been thrown out of every country they have been in, except the USA, which they try desperately to subvert while the other half co-opts it. Why does the USA need to be at the center of the eternal Jewish internal battle of right wing zionist extremism and Communism... Get the fuck out go to israel and have your battle there.
The reason for that hate you provided is that altright is a label used to d&c meanwhile d&c is what you kikes are doing itt.
Most of the worst goys that shape our movement call themselves the altright. The shills like you never contribute anything useful but just bash anyone that stands out and try to dismantle any group that starts being succesful.
Go back to 8gag.
>Alt Right are NatSoc
>Don't even have the courage to call themselves NatSoc.
Right you are.
Alt-Right never existed in the first place.
This desu senpai
How funny, that every single pro white public figure is controlled op somehow
Pure coincidence, right OP?
>TRUE courage is using the NDSAP flag to shitpost on an anonymous anime imageboard
This is why Sup Forums is filled with faggots
It's not even controlled opposition, it literally never existed. It was just a term that attempted to group any slightly farther right than average person with nazis. Unfortunately a few loudmouths adopted the term so people think it's actually a movement.
Never was
Hitler wasn't controlled op.
Also white nationalism isn't an ideology.
So the only good nazi leader is a dead one?
Really activates my almonds
Hmm, idk. One would think that Sup Forums would have been hip to the whole "alt right" thing before Clinton said some bs about it in a speech.
I mean this place is basically the 1488 headquarters and yet there was no discussion of the alt right here until late into the election despite it existing for many years prior supposedly.
Kek now watch the thread die
A great one.
We were. This thread is full of shills.
You fucking lie, show me an archived thread older than 2016 about an alt right discussion.
>furries and weebs
you know this is a north korean nigger-lynching website with a cat fetish, right?
>Pretty sure most of /pol and Trump supporters would consider themselves Liberal