Who is all going? Heard thousands of antifa are going there to rumble. Spencer is confirmed for going. Is this going to be the big event? What's going to go down and tips to stay safe?
Unite the right
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I cannot be there, but I will watch the amazong livestreams that will happen
Spencer is a NazBol working for Dugin and Zionism. This is a false flag.
If you go you're a fucking cuck and contributing to the take over of the real right and those who have usurped Sup Forums's memes
kek confirms
daily reminder we are under attack at all times by shills.
Never trust a closted homosexual or a Duginite
i dont know much about richard spencer desu. i only recently heard of him. can anyone tell me why his head is shaped like an egg? is this normal or is it some kind of genetic disorder? im not sure if the fashy haircut helps either. it looks weird.
The march is going to be awesome.
Best way to stay safe regarding doxxing is to deactivate your social media. And make sure your real name is not connected to any pictures on the internet.
Best way to do this is to google your name and just delete all the pictures you find on google image search. Most of it would probly be facebook or twitter.
Other tips to stay safe is travel with a group , and not to visit the rest of the town after the rally. this will be the largest contingent of antifa assembled in a long time. You will get your ass beat if you wander off.
other than that its going to be fucking awesome. Everyone should try to make it.
>Never trust a closted homosexual or a Duginite
its not. Its a long running photoshop meme
False Flag Agent
He could have gotten a way better gf than that.
>posting the first part of a multi part post , one which at the end he says trannies are insane faggots
nice try FED kike
A reminder that this is Peter, the main D&C shill.
lol spencer hates milo with a passion. Nice try.
I'm going to be there, it's going to be huge. Biker gangs (yes literal biker gangs) are securing the event.
Btw the guy screeching in this thread is a guy who tripfags as Morpheus and cries about "ecelebs", he's from leftypol and thinks he's a master genius who's going to dismantle the alt-right lmao.
>He could have gotten a way better gf than that.
That's his fake wife. She's a Russian Dugin agent. She's a pretty open NazBol too.
Spencer is a homosexual who was probubly diddled as a kid by the Bush cartel.
Go to his rally. He might fuck you too.
He's a false flag agent for calling out the (((Koch))) Brothers?
Get out JIDF
its going to be awesome. The shill threads will probly die down after the amount of awesome coming from this event
That's because he turned him down for sex. Milo is smart enough to stay away from NazBol government agents. He's good with PR and doesn't even claim to be Alt-Kike.
Notice how this FED kike ignored Spencer attacking white nationalism and the white race. Using the Leftist basement dwellar meme ever so subtley.
NazBol = the new NeoCons
Alt-Kike = NazBol
Christ you're retarded
Didn't I just tell you to get out?
Reminder to join your local RWDS if it exists
>i suffer from such low intelligence and jewish brainwashing that any criticism of capitalism is a secret nazbol trick
these guys are fucking awesome. I just figured out about them the other day that video is great.
Still undecided on Spencer, but the event looks to be solid, wish I could make it
These newfags need to learn to spot Morpheus. It's just one guy, not a network of shills.
Look at how aggressive this retard is
I love seeing him screech over Spencer.
there will be plenty of livestreams it will be great for everyone
he's actually arguing against intra-european nationalism. He has argued a few times against the idea of every european retreating to their own countries and hiding away, which is why he wants a broad-european resurgence.
>TFW you're so obsessed with spotting false flags you misinterpret the nuance for 10d underwater world of warcraft EVE online checkers
I heard this thing is gonna be massive. Hope I won't be disappointed. Looking forward to seeing a thousand-man strong fascist army assembling to BTFO antifa.
meant to say controlled opposition, not false flag
Reminder to wear white. If you know someone who's going remind them too.
>karlfindsnewpurposeinlife,getsfit,and smashesskullsofattackingmarxists.jpg
Mosley had his Blackshirts. We have our Whiteshirts.
There's actually 4: Moarpheus, his bitch boy, the Anti-SJW Libertarian, and Haemon, whos a tripfag.
honestly i think they are all the same person
Unlikely, considering Moarpheus, Morph Jr, and Haemon have all been in the same thread at once, posted at almost the same time, and had dialogue.
Still, one could be the Libertarian, either way, we are way more than 3 or 4 shills.
Dugin is such a cuck. He's openly supported whoring Russia out to Muslims in order to create a "Russo-Islamic Alliance"
And yet people still call him a white supremacist here in the West
I fought tooth and nail to be able to attend but my whole office will be at a "summit" which means I'll be doing 3 people's jobs that whole week and will probably have to come in on Saturday too just to catch up
>TFW I'll be the only one in the office and natsoc marches will be played all day long
This is going to be good
Bump. Can't be there, but i'l watch.
Police are estimating 4k people will be in Charlottesville.
Rumors that this will be bigger and more intense than the battle of Berkeley.
Shit is real
does Spencer's security force carry weapons? At the very least batons might be warranted, if not a van with riot gear ready to go waiting nearby.
>being a wagecuck
yes they are all armed.
Jesus how much are you getting paid to post all this?
Did Spencer fuck your wife?
>Didn't I just tell you to get out?
Die NazBol
NeoCons = Kosher Nationalism
Alt-Right = the new Kosher Nationalism
Lol I'll be surprised if more than a few hundred antifa show up if at all.
>Jesus how much are you getting paid to post all this?
>Did Spencer fuck your wife?
If my wife was a trap. (see earlier meme where Spencer hits on Alt-Kike trap e-celeb)
>implying these endless shill threads and staged rallies aren't paid for.
Literally nobody in Russia takes Dugin seriously. the only people who give him any attention are CNN and the Alt-Right.
the entire town showed up for the KKK. It was over 2000 people.
this will be 3x bigger. The entire national alt right is going.
Not to mention every antifa that can be sent there.
This is a very sad roleplayer.
god spencer doesn't have any idea how to get a shirt that fits his skinnyfat body
>Dugin is such a cuck. He's openly supported whoring Russia out to Muslims in order to create a "Russo-Islamic Alliance"
>And yet people still call him a white supremacist here in the West
Yeah, Nazbol is Europe's version of the NeoCons.
the alt right doesnt take him seriously either. Its just spencer
If Spencer is legit, he would step out of the spotlight. There is alot of contention about him and he has divided our ideology.
Apparently there were 1000 people, not all antifa of course, vs 50 KKK members at the recent KKK rally there. I saw an article that said the police were expecting up to 4000 people at this upcoming rally so it should be pretty good to watch.
>Yeah, Nazbol is Europe's version of the NeoCons.
Dude, there are like 300 "nazbols" in Russia and they're all spergy LARPers.
NOBODY takes it seriously, fucking autist.
Yeah people always show up for the Feds when they come to town. It's more than just the alt right going for this. I'll still be surprised if there's over 1000 actual antifa though, they're mostly screeching cat ladies, mystery Xirs and cuck white men. I'm sure there will be plenty of libshits though.
Would if I could afford it, American fascist party soon
nah antifa is going to be there in huge numbers.
Dugin is probably in love with Chechnya cause theyre pretty hardcore over there
>pax dickson
Fuck that faggot he jewed Chuck Johnson
I really try to like Richard Spencer but he goes pretty hard on the divisive rhetoric at times, makes it difficult to want to defend him. He went on a really shitty rant against the Irish not too long ago (he got a ton of flak for it and ended up deleting his comments, it was around the time he posted about his "ancestors" conquering England) and it kind of revealed his true colors, imo. I'm still going to the rally to support.
According to the alt right, the KKK folks who actually showed up were not well liked amongst the KK and white nationalist in general. They even accused them of being honeypots
I'm AntifaG too!!! where do you sign up?
is it homophobia when you get a little throw up in your mouth when you see two dudes kiss?
M8 white nationalism doesn't mean you have to love every ethnicity within the race, it just means you have to support them. I'm Irish, and I'm not a big fan of WASP's
They probably were a honeypot desu. It just seems pretty convenient that this group of KKK members comes out of nowhere to hold a rally in the same place a month before this big event.
almost everyone agrees this was the FBI trying to discredit the rally in august
I totally understand that, it just seemed really petty and something a guy with such a huge influence shouldn't just pop off with. I guess it stung because my mom is Irish, I still support him but he doesn't always make it easy.
>Mike Enoch
Stopped reading there. Fuck that kike-loving, cryptokike LARPer.
And Spencer is an absolute faggot.
>L...look at these vague images goy
>He married a Russian woman and stood next to Laura Bush. That means you can't have a political movement.
Well that's the point of the rally anyways. White nationalism isn't so easy to pull off, it takes a lot of effort to keep cohesion amongst groups that have been fighting each other for centuries, even if it is uniting over a common enemy.
if you are going, please read.
If you're going to get close to antifa, eye and mouth protection is absolutely essential. A helmet is very important too, these people like to throw bricks.
>Matt Heimbach
Ugh, get this ugly fat sack of shit away from this movement. He's fucking awful.
I don't even know why that's controversial, he used to be a neocon and slav women are qt
This pedophile jewfag has better PR than Spencer how? And this somehow makes him less Jewish?
We don't do onomatopoeia on Sup Forums, kiddo.
>We don't do onomatopoeia on Sup Forums
what is
Fair play, I guess it's just tribalism, I can accept that.
I'll be there m8. Look for the red, white and blue surgical mask. LMAOing at these pathetic leftypol faggots shilling against Spencer, a guy who has given up untolds amounts of time and personal safety for white interests. Hopefully they're feeling froggy because I'm ready to hop
Spencer is a top man.
>Posts Reddit cancer that infected Sup Forums
An hero
Anyone who attends this rally, whether they are pro-Spencer or antifa, should be rounded up and put in a camp. We will probably never have a better opportunity to quarantine such cancer again.
just a heads up police are enforcing a no mask policy to neuter antifa.
It's not leftypol it's 8pol spergs who post the same format of tinfoil meme images
you're right, everybody should just stay anonymous and call people niggers on a Polynesian surfing enthusiast forum
Niggers are completely destructive.
Gassing Jews is gay.
The typical Jew I've known could care less about their religion, Israel or their culture. In fact most of them actively reject all of that. They assimilate, work hard and contribute to society.
Now, the elite Zionists that run the world ? Sure but good luck gassing them.
You guys don't have the balls or brains to take that on so you "take the fight to the streets". That shits all just a distraction. It's exactly what they want. I support BAM strictly as a line of defense. I don't support offensive tactics against antifa when all it will amount to is a liberal controlled media painting a picture of violent "Trump supporters".
"The Jews" are a red herring for simple minds.
>They assimilate, work hard and contribute to society
No, they hate you and are an extremely ambitious and ethnocentric people
>You aren't smart enough to be me so you fight people
The alt right doesn't condone violence against anyone it is purely an intellectual movement. The only times the alt right has used violence is when antifa (the people you are supporting because) started beating on us.
You are Dunning Krueger personified, your assertion for intellectual superiority is based on a romantacism and an Apex fallacy at the same time.
>I support BAM strictly as a line of defense
Surely you mean RAM? BAM is that shady Antifa organisation led by that loudmouth Flip bitch
>kikes and sodomites
You actually defend these people
This is why Sup Forums is shit
They are neither
Back to the sperg containment board you go. Keep on posting your tinfoil though it just distances good minded people from 8ch*n