Even Magic ackonwledges that blacks were KANGZ. Why don't you? Give me 2 reasons.
Even Magic ackonwledges that blacks were KANGZ. Why don't you? Give me 2 reasons
gonna test KANGZ in purphoros edh
better be gud
science and history
Never trust art
>skull looks clearly asian
This painting by Rembrandt tells otherwise.
This is the cruel reality you have to deal with - they were KANGZ.
And the society wuz all destroyed by a big dragon
They also acknowledge the plight of the bird person
Also spooky dog mummies
This is what most people don't get. All the ancient technologies were lost due to that Dragon.
Fetch lands now cost 3 life.
It is a fun set for drafting, I don't care about the Kangz shit.
Uh oh! A melanin deficient person ON MY KANGZ PLANE??
The dragon invented white people
>Confederate flag
>Doesn't care about KANGZ.
I am sick and tired of shoving obviously PC cards with the kike agenda down our NEET nerd's throats. Did you know that the lead card designer is JEWISH.
I mean this BLACK dog person is person is clearly pushing the Ebonics meme too far.
>Hey DAWG lets rob a liquor store
Clearly painting WHITE people as sociopathic school snipers too
>fantasy egypt has some nogs
>meanwhile, fantasy india produced a white as white can be redhead with poo in loo parents
It's magic, ain't gotta explain shit.
Fav card against a mono black deck. I always win
Hippos are the niggers of the jungle and you all know it. WHY ARE THEY PUSHING THIS ON OUR KEEEEEDS
*smacks lips*
Mah melanin spear be deadlyyy
>make cartoon giving historical account of egypt
>don't fall for the KANGZ trap because it was 20 years ago and we knew better
>now kangz complain when live action musical has no nogs
>Using white mummies as agricultural slaves
what a utopia
The only problem with this card is that the woman isn't white.
>resurrected as a WHYTE MALE human warrior zombie
They even printed a kike card
I think this one actually looks pretty cool. They've been doing this PC bullshit for a few years now and some of them are just so out of place, like all the ones I've seen with black girls.
Don't forget that Magic is also a muslim conspiracy
I mean c'mon, that one's actually really good, the whole getup looks aesthetic, there is no real egypt in magic anyway
>this Canadian poster
Nice job, bruh. Made my day.
>Magic thread on Sup Forums
was black
Wow even shoehorned an Asian into the WHITE Victorian set. I am SOOOOO done with this game.
Then they put softcore pornography onto our cards. How many fat nerd virgins have jacked off to this card?
UH OH someone is giving the CLERGY a blow job!
'Torah! Torah! Torah!' - Battle Cry of the Kamikaze Rabbi
I tried asking this at the very end of a prior thread but it was archived before I could get an answer.
Got a question for actual science and history people.
I know we are told early on that all human life stemmed from Africa but with all the "We was literally EVERYTHING" I have been to question that too.
I am pretty sure it was like cromagnum and neanderthals or something bred with each other in Africa or something... I have no idea I am an electrical engineer I know jack shit on history, biology, and how to write anything other than a business letter. I took a history class once and the professor talked about a handful of indentured servants being knights and conquistadors and that made sense but now a days I have no idea what is or isn't true in history.
honestly if they start putting asian men on everything im gonna lose it, muscular black guys I can deal with but this is kinda pathetic
Not knowing Snap caster's innistrad art is based on the cards creator.
>>A fucking Leaf
... You got me to reply though, so you win ...
out of africa theory is just a theory, it's only been a few decades since it rose to prominence and we are still discovering new shit in the fossil record all the time
up until like the 70s it was believed humans originated in the fertile crescent
the best part is that the internal ID of that card is 1488
>can't recognize irony
neck yourself
The guy has an own homepage and is Sup Forums incarnate. Including authentic mental illness.
It's pure gold.
Oh jesus, that's too bad.
Dude's shit has an excellent vibe, though.
Fun fact, the set these two cards are from (arabian nights) was based on 1001 arabian nights, so i would figure there would be some mudslime stuff in it
Pic related. He's an absolute nut. Beyond Sup Forums.
Holy fuck, this is glorious.
But you see, Benito, this is a fantasy. Not real life.
This guy why this artist doesn't do more art for wizards
>he went full 3rd reich
Oh well I thought that i was 1st one to post him ;__; such chaotic hive mind this community is
You guys are just now realizing Wizards of the Coast is run by a bunch of SJW's?
Real life, history, science, etc has proven otherwise... but hey, if a card game has a black guy who's a kang then it must be real.
That nigga sounds pretty triggered .
Are you retarded that mummy is clearly Ethiopian-looking
Shame they dont go back to the old art like lorwyn block prior style would be solid. Pic related some solid art from mirage
>aka voodoo witch-doctor
Kangz BTFO eternally!
>that cunt pays the cost
geeez thats my life slogan from now on
The mistake was trying to save money by phasing out physical paintings in lieu of digital art.
That fucking card is the bane of modern.
Literally game breaking.
get fucked scrub
Agreed, thing is, wizards makes a fuck ton of money spending a bit more for art players would prefer doesnt seem like a bad buisness investment, might get them more sales. They say players like the new art but ive never heard any one say they prefer it to the old art
>not realizing that amonkhet is a plane where bolas breeds and trains nigs to go through a deadly ninja warrior obstacle course, killing 99.9% in brutal, horrifying and creative ways and enslaving the least mangled bodies to help the breeding and training of more nigs for the meat grinder
>The .1% that make it through are messily splattered all over a platform by an angry god, then encased in metal to become a mindless zombie army
Snapcaster did nothing wrong, memedern a shit
>also: this card comes in handy if you have black friends and go to the pub
you'll never ever have to pay again
Let me answer your question with another. If niggers were/are so advanced, why were they used as farm equipment for hundreds of years? Or better yet why is Africa still a 3rd world hellhole after decades of black dominance on the continent?
>flavor text
>"deal with it"
As explained in a previous post, the dragon Nicol Bolas destroyed all the technologies and ancient african wisdom.
The owner of magic, Hasbro, Took a giant hit to their stock today.
Nicol Bolas is still a thing in actual MtG? and they made him a KINGZ? T
he trading card jew never ceases to amaze me, good thing I got out of its clutches.
Rebecca Guay is pretty talented. Love her watercolours.