Sup Forumsacks, why are you not using a VPN yet?
One day, Sup Forums will be hacked or bought, and all your posts with your IP will be leaked.
How fucked would you be?
Sup Forumsacks, why are you not using a VPN yet?
whats a vpn?
It`s far to late for a VPN
what? lol you're new :) its an option for when you register on Sup Forums (oh and upvote my post pls)
newfag use google
Virtual private network.
So you're always hidden on the net.
Example, hello, I am Taiwan now.
Who cares, people died for us to not have fear on talking whatever we want, and the least we can do is doing the same
Im honestly beyond caring at this point. Just give me the excuse im looking for...
It's against rule 14 and almost every single VPN has already been blocked by Sup Forums.
I have no idea how these people use VPNs if they really are.
Not at all, because all my posts have simply been humorous satire.
Sup Forums pass
30 bucks for vpn 20 for Sup Forums, 50 bucks a year
too much for me
I've said nothing here I wouldn't say in person or on facebook even. If you don't like the truth go back to your echo chamber.
where the fuck are you finding a VPN for only 30 bucks a month? are you TRYING to hand your shit over to the gubmint?
Is TOR no longer a thing?
im brazilian what will you faggots do with my ip?
i don't even know where bulgaria is desu
you can come and get me CIA niggers
I just shitpost so I'll be ok I guess
>oy vey gevalt, the internet isn't secure anymore, please buy our special access because every other measure to hide your identity is already hacked by nsa and cia
>please give us your bank account information so you can browse anonymously
Sup Forums can't store your IP forever. After 6 months (I think) it must be erased.
Something about the eu legislation.
Tors been banned from Sup Forums for years, mate. Too much CP.
Really hope these fucking retards at the alphabet soups realize 90% of what I write is for acceptance into a group and it's almost all hyperbole, sarcasm, art, and facetiousness. Also, I want to rape politicians in the ass.
Preach it baby! Also checked
Not fucked at all, in my country it's easier to buy pirated movies for $1 than real movies.
The police wouldn't do shit, they don't care at all about some fucker on the internet shitposting.
>How fucked would you be?
#care fucked ?
freedom of speech and I'm always right, they took away all other platforms and tried to instil thought crime on all of us, this is the last bastion, after this the pressure cooker of society will be pushed into full effect.
>implying it hasnt already
a reminder that shifty hiro was never meant to be the new admin and was the result of miscommunication
>How fucked would you be?
not at all.
it's all satire. Sup Forums is satire. is it not?
Satire and denial are equivalent.
Being on that list could save you from the rope by then.
goyim in panic mode.
I am the one behind the Christian Life is the best life posts!!!!!1!!!!
I don't think it's true that, "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear," but I do basically have nothing to hide. It feels weird sometimes.
>unironically posting on Sup Forums
This tbqhwufam
So be it.
Well got to, agreed!
But Sup Forums don't like it :shitfaced:
>impyling our posts are stored forever on Sup Forums