Britain hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Heil Hitler.
Hail Victory.
Already have 6 of those threads up Hans.
post more of these please
i cant find them
Make it about Russia, please.
Best meme of the year any more of these?
IGNORE D&C SHILLING and slide threads
I have no more, sorry.
you're literally THE most cucked country on the planet
imagine being a young britcuck growing up in this world
Also Scottish wear skirts, no one blinks.
kek I like this.
When we do a better and faster brexit than they do
The fact Toblerones are fucked up now galls me.
Cheers Britain you fucked you my favorite chocolate.
always a hidden flag starting this shit
U FUCKING WOT M8? You're Irish, blame the Swiss for fucking up Toplelberone.
We all know it's Germany.
>Protesting not being able to wear shorts duing hot weather while at school when girls can wear skirts.
>protest gains global attention
So what you're saying is you're a cuck for having a successful protest for mens rights in britain?
No wonder you hide your flag. Are you german or swedish?
Got your back Jack.
I'd call it equality but it was a school rule and not a law. It was simply a right granted by the school.
Okay then.
Not really.
I save them.
>Be British and you see American
>Tally ho chap you fat cunt go get a bigmac LOL
>Make fun of Americans for being fat
>Actually ashamed of themselves and jealous of the states
Yes. Yes it must.
I mean Luther had good points. The main problem was greedy people using religion as a power grab. (See Henry the 8th)
Can't even vote out Merkel.
Only bad thing about this is no Australian flag.
Shall I stop?
Oldie but goodie.
You need to edit the ww2 hat onto the top guy and shop a fedora onto the bottom guy.
We all know what it's really about.
that flag
u mad nigger
>kr*uts hiding their flags: the thread
I like it
This one even makes me a little sad, if they don't vote AfD the country is beyond help
It's at 5%. Don't worry when the Eurozone realises what they have done the rest of Europe will beat the Muzzos to it.
England used to be pretty cool...