Brit/pol/ - King James II edition

>Labour would take Britain out of the EU single market, Jeremy Corbyn says

>EU and Britain fail to reach agreement on half of issues in Brexit talks

>'F**KING HORRIBLE MORNING' Moment vile Britain First thugs call rapper (((Professor Green))) a c*** as he tries to film protest

>Britain will allow some EU citizens with criminal records to stay after Brexit

>Migration policy risks being made in the dark, peers warn

>Jeremy Corbyn: Student debt write-off not a commitment

>Anjem Choudary moved to specialist new 'jihadi jail' unit for extremists

>Ruth Davidson calls for Conservatism 'reboot'

>Violent crime rise in North East due to 'aggressive austerity programme' which should end

>Liam Fox sets election deadline for EU transition

>Liam Fox wants to allow US farmed hormone fed meat into UK

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Socialists will be hanged

First for the best county: /lancashire/


Didn't we have a King James II edition the other day?

Why do Americans wash their chickens with Chlorine?

No really why?

>Microsoft getting rid of Paint

y tho

Paint 3D sucks donkey balls


microsoft has been full retard for at least 10 years now

please donate money to my hatreon account so I can buy more vocoders

thanks fur watching

It went downhill when they removed MSN Messenger and replaced it with Skype, because Eastern Euroscums love Skype instead of BASED MSN Messenger.

I miss that, fucking Microshit.


King James throwing up the westside sign. My nigga.

Needs Ireland, France and Germany autistic screeching.

It REALLY went downhill when they removed 3D Pinball.

makes me angry
poor charlie gard was murdered by the nhs.
if they let him go to the USA when the parents first requested it is possible charlie could be saved. Death panels are the end result of socialized medicine. RIP

How much anime should I put into my politics video?

It really does.

Oh shit nigga I miss that.

Parents are cunty over this, other parents have been heckled going into the hospital, Charlie is not the only sick child in that hospital, the treatment of the doctors there has been absolutely sickening.

>it is possible charlie could be saved.
No it isn't. He's deaf, blind, paralysed, brain dead and kept alive from a machine. He can't even breathe on his own.

How could he have been saved? He's in the exact same position he was at the start. A machine keeping him alive.

Between 0 and 0.1%

Press F for Charlie.

take the linux pill

I already have a bunch of linux distros on USB sticks.

Problem Macfag?

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

I don't really have that much of a problem with individual doctors and nurses at the hospital but rather the system itself where parents can't decide what's best for their children. It's not as if it would've cost the NHS much extra considering the parents had the funds to pay for the specialized treatment themselves. But yeah it's not right that the doctors are heckled and abused by the public although I can understand why they're angry.

No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation.

Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ.

One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you?

this is now a linux eye-candy thread


That Pepe is creepy, it needs more smugness.

The doctors have a duty of care to the patient, whether that patient is 6 minutes old or 60 years old. Parents were too emotional, the doctor in America was offering false hopes.

(An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.

Next, even if we limit the GNU/Linux title to the GNU-based Linux distributions, we run into another obvious problem. XFree86 may well be more important to a particular Linux installation than the sum of all the GNU contributions. More properly, shouldn't the distribution be called XFree86/Linux? Or, at a minimum, XFree86/GNU/Linux? Of course, it would be rather arbitrary to draw the line there when many other fine contributions go unlisted. Yes, I know you've heard this one before. Get used to it. You'll keep hearing it until you can cleanly counter it.

You seem to like the lines-of-code metric. There are many lines of GNU code in a typical Linux distribution. You seem to suggest that (more LOC) == (more important). However, I submit to you that raw LOC numbers do not directly correlate with importance. I would suggest that clock cycles spent on code is a better metric. For example, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFree86 code, XFree86 is probably the single most important collection of code on my system. Even if I loaded ten times as many lines of useless bloatware on my system and I never excuted that bloatware, it certainly isn't more important code than XFree86. Obviously, this metric isn't perfect either, but LOC really, really sucks. Please refrain from using it ever again in supporting any argument.

Last, I'd like to point out that we Linux and GNU users shouldn't be fighting among ourselves over naming other people's software. But what the heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I think I'm feeling sufficiently obnoxious to make the point that GCC is so very famous and, yes, so very useful only because Linux was developed. In a show of proper respect and gratitude, shouldn't you and everyone refer to GCC as 'the Linux compiler'? Or at least, 'Linux GCC'? Seriously, where would your masterpiece be without Linux? Languishing with the HURD?

If there is a moral buried in this rant, maybe it is this:

Thanks for listening.

Reminder to always report avatarfags.

Linux is annoying, you hit one problem, solve it and in solving it you create 5 trillion new problems. And they need to release one commercial one and support it, instead of just releasing new "flavours" constantly.

It's annoying, stop being annoying.

His nose is really making me think

reminder to go back to plebbit

Suck my tail

ubuntu or mints is the one if you need one that just works
the problem with the FOSS community is that they all there own idelogey they try to inject into their software and theres constand fighting



That's not you is it Matt?

Don't you dare

>Charlie Gard parents end legal fight as time runs out for 'beautiful' baby

About fucking time they did the right thing

Uhm...sweetie...did you C'mon now gurl...

How can you NOT support the ID checks for porn? We need to to protect the kids y'know gurl! Yeah...your credit card will be safe in TalkTalk's hands sweetie x it's not like they've had anything leaked before say dat anime girl's 16, she's actually 8 let's be serious gurl she's a little kid so you can stop rite dere x


All the class cucks butthurt at the term roadman


You need atleast 30 seconds of rempai

It's getting rather nippy in this undisclosed location in Europe

Someone I know who loves Linux too much.

Slide this picture in with this: "This girl is 15 you sick fuck"

If your making a propanda video none, anime scares normies away from your videos

Why do police record with cameras of the road and pavement and why did they go back to car when walk towards?

why the fuck has Sup Forums turned to anglo hate now dunkirk is out?

Any of your lads ever cut your own hair?

Sup Forums is always anti Anglo, stop looking at it, everyone hates England. You only just realised? We are hated, it is good for us as it gives us power to destroy the souls of them all.

Learn this lesson my child, feed on their hate.

Fuck I just realized my post reads like im a brainlet, I mean why were the police recording my pavement and went back to their car just as i came towards them

you're literally a nigger or white nigger if you use these terms invented by niggers as though they are valid

Is the AIDS melting your brain or something? Even your second explanation is unclear.

fucking BASED dude :-)

For fuck sake its just a meme flag, is this better?

Two rozzers were recording the street i live on and i live quite far away from anything, then just as they record me (by accident or not) they go back to their car and go away.

>you're literally a nigger or white nigger if you use these terms invented by niggers as though they are valid
Roadman is derogatory

>Batley and Spen
>Jess Phillips
Fucking hell she shouldn't be anywhere near this
Bath has a Lib Dem MP

Most of Sup Forums hates the UK, or at least just England, go check out /his/ if you want to see more autistic screeching about us.

>mfw Spain, Belgium, France Portugal get absolutely no insults despite being far more brutal and historically cruel than us.

Le smug face.

> All those """conservative""" members

Fucking LARPers

Yes, with a razor blade

Just got back from day 1/3 of a CCTV course.
So far things discussed
>fire extinguishers
>gender identity
>It's not just muslims who are terrorists
>Why the instructor is hard as fuck
>Why we should buy anti slash gloves off of the instructor
>Instructor completely failing to understand how the HRA operates by saying we won't have any human rights if it is removed
Things not discussed

Glad I'm not paying for it myself.

Didn't talk about that nonce in Blackburn then?

Hi Brit/pol/

A couple of days ago I made some posts about starting a brit/pol/ aproved blog - i'll just stick with the name 'Britpol' unless we get any better name suggestions. The purpose of this is so that Anons (or Tripfags) who want to will be able to write their own posts/articles regarding any political topic or news event of your intrest and post it here (or on a link to pastebin if its too long) which can then be submit to the website once it is set up. We will then be able to post this on /r/ukpolitics etc. and red pill the normies.

Pic related is what I've got for the home/index page so far. (warning: large file size) Does pic related look any good? (Just ignore the latin for some article captions - they are just placeholders.

Any comments or suggestions?


But I did forget about the gender pay gap and the instructor calling everyone who turned up late a cunt (some commuting 30+ miles) while he is staying at the same hotel as the instruction venue.

Yeah I wasn't really planning on doing so. I was just joking about it because of the time that rather incongruous slide of anime was placed in the "The Present is a Foreign Country" video and everyone here hated the idea of sharing it until someone re-edited it without the anime.

... and then pic related is a sample article page. Again, ignore the comments at the bottom they are just placeholders.

If it is possible, please change the name from brit/pol/ to literally anything else.


This fucking country man

How can I hate it when shit like this happens?

You need House Rules for the blog.

1. You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United Kingdom law.

The second one should probably be an age restriction of sorts like GR2 but we want to redpill the youth before they get irreversibly raped by higher education. Should there be an 18+ rule?

Just 'Britpol' on its own is the best suggestion i've had so far so unless you can think of anything better i'm just going to leave it as that for now (i'm not that creative). Still, it can be changed at any time so not a big deal.

reddits turning on "racist" corbyn

Change the name but other than that it's fine.

yea that is pretty weird. They probably suspect someone on your street of something. Either that or just wasting taxpayers money doing nothing.

How about "Socially conservative"


Probably a good idea, maybe something similar to Sup Forums which states users are resposible for posts... otherwise someone is going to publish an article advocating genocide and i'll find myself locked up.

Could put an 18+ rule, but just for registerd accounts (e.g. to post comments on articles) but you wont need an account to vieww (in the same way there are probably half a dozen under 18 year olds on here). My main idea was to just write our views in articles and then post on the likes of /r/ukpolitics.

Wait... this isn't bait?
Fucking hell faggots.

If he's going to do it I'd just rather it had no links to brit/pol/ whatsoever.

I hate cunts like that who run stupid seminar or lecture shit like that.

They're all, 100% of them, self-important pretending cuntfucks who think that a lecture they do about whatever asinine shit is the same as being in the fucking military where you MUST be present and correct at 0X00 hours.

they're all the same somehow, it's like some kike cunt makes these supposed hard cunts in a test tube.

funny how they all pretend they're well 'ard but can't handle a few latecomers, wew lad, talk about sensitive.

Post the picture of your bedroom from Sup Forums.

He's also drawing the viewers eyes towards his superior english shaft with his left hand.

rename it you cant have Sup Forums because it will bring more attention to Sup Forums

>Resurrection Britannia

Yeah, I agree but I would need suggestions.

I could with that for now unless we get anything better. Might have to go for something like Socially conservative UK (or similar etc.) when I look into geting a domain.

Show us your bedroom Rightly.

He was overweight, balding and dressed in ill fitting jeans and scruffy t-shirt.

the absolute STATE of this country

Yeah this, it should be heavily disguised if it's going to be done at all (which I also veto)

nothing should link it back to here, or we WILL get put in the guardian at some point and we WILL get flooded with even more normies than usual


kek what the fuck has made that guy sperg out so much

Some absolute nutcases have attached themselves to this shit.

>Outside court, Charlie's Army campaigners reacted angrily and chanted, "shame on you judge" and "shame on GOSH". Falling to the ground, one female supporter said: "He had a chance and you took it away."

Of course, like all of those bitches. I'm amazed you managed to sit through it without walking out, it's fucking bollocks eh

I'm routinely impressed by how clean the room in this image is

>wood panel flooring

hmmm is it scandinavian

What do you mean bait? I'm serious about setting this up as shown by the pictures... just need suggestions and people willing to write an occasional article about your political views/recent political news events. The purpose is so this can be added onto the site and then posted across /r/ukpolitics and the like etc.

Again I just put 'Britpol' because i'm not creative and had no other suggestions thus. I think it makes sense to keep Brit/pol/ out though, not only because it will attract more to this general but also people will see '/pol' and naturaly downvote etc. so it gets hidden.

Thanks for the suggestion - I like this.

Why the fuck are nignogs complaining about some drug addict swallowing drugs and then dying?

Fucking America with their black lives matter bullshit, BLACK LIVES DON'T FUCKING MATTER, FUCK OFF!