What keeps you going Sup Forums?


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potential for qt pol bf

I secretly like Leafs

Alt-right podcasts

Literature. The only thing I enjoy anymore


Beer and waiting for the next fash the nation.

Other than that, eventual race war.


building wealth


does not compute

The prospect of a better future, for you and for me.

Hope that I will win the lottery someday and then party the rest of my life


They make it all worth while.

I want to live to see Podesta strangling from a streetlight.
Also, I keep busy with art projects.

I have giant dick. It's massive.

The lottery is nothing but a voluntary idiot tax for people who can't do math.
>you will never win

Cheap rum.



I want to see what happens.

Curiosity is reason enough to live.

The incoming and inevitable race/religious war

I am buying this year a Ruger SR1911 10mm

The eventual defending of my country against degeneracy.


My fiancée.


I don't fucking no anymore. I know deep down we've lost. Everyone is all talk and no action.

dank memes

Not much and when the time comes I will check out and see how many government employee union members I can take with me.
Haha just kidding ok RCMP
Remember Sup Forums is sattire. Ok

Wife, baby son in her belly who kicks when I touch and she says he's sleeping.

Seeing the growing popularity of the right amongst the youth and normies. Sure they're mostly a bunch of edgy Reddit-tier morons now, but I believe it will work out positively. It's the only way to rebel now, and sooner or later, the media is going to have to appeal to them. Who are the real rebels? Parent and media-approved "movements" or ones that parents and media are scared of? I know it will all swing back to liberal bullshit eventually, but rest assured we're going to get our day in the sun before that and it will last a long time.


Lexi Belle.

your wife was blacked and your baby is tyromes


Suicide being a sin.

dank anger and memes

Waiting for the great collapse and a possible race war. Also my parents, I couldn't kill myself and make them sad.

Jesus Christ of course!

Can't remember when I last saw non-Japanese, but nice jerk off fantasy!

liberal tears


honestly the only thing keeping me from killing myself is the thought that I'll somehow survive and live a miserable life as a vegetable

Hatred against commies. One day I will be a millionaire and fund right-wing militias.

Upcoming RaHoWa.

waiting to fight for antartic space nazis


one day my lesbian aspie oneitis will realize being gay is degenerate and become my qt waifu instead. nvm My life sucks


Appreciation for God giving me life, purpose, and free will.

Same plus I know I will leave a ghost trail of misery, broken hearts and tragedy for my family to deal with, and even though I hate them I don't want them to go through that. The failure of doing it right is probably the main thing though.

Wish I could see it that way.

Also this.

Human augmentation and men on Mars

Alternatively the world turning into a huge radioactive crater.

victory of the light

idk, life not too shitty, it's a nice respectable level of shitty.

See hatred is a good thing. It gives so many young man a reason to live.

Hatred is good. Good!

The fact that we, the insignificant specks of carbon on a bigger speck of carbon, are part of what is the most amazing thing (the universe), and being alive at the beginning stages of the "tech is magical" stage of human development.

Every day, there are new discoveries made.
Mathematicians proved that time travel is possible (provided you use exotic matter, which we have no idea what that actually is yet) a few months back.
Where will we be in 10 years? 20? 50? 100?
I can't imagine a better time to be alive, at the pinnacle of greatly extended life spans (CRISPR gene therapies), space travel (the privatization of space agencies), neuroscience (implantable brain meshes to do noninvasive therapies, passive ECG, and more), technology (look where computers have gone in the last 50 years), and on and on and on.
Really brings to mind Clarke's third law.

Sources for what I've said:

Time travel


Space Travel
SpaceX (Let's not talk about how much of a welfare whore Elon Musk is, but you get the idea. It's a great start I guess)

Brain Mesh

The full research paper on the time travel thing:

Cars and lifting heavy.

I fucking love cars and the fact that I can lift more weight from a dead stop than most of the people I know.


fuck you China's my real father

It is all internal user. You have to not only want to change, but go through with it. How hard it is to change depends on the person.

>Welfare whore

Oh sweetie. No. Even the state governers at the last governors conference he gave a talk at admit he gets essentially nothing. Good example is the Gigafactory. He literally only received 5% against the total building costs stretched out over 20 years. Which is less than 20m a year, in comparison to the billion plus he has to make in order to get said incentives. The biggest thing the state does for him is cut up the red tape concerning zoning his projects. This is why builds in the places he does above all else, otherwise he would have to wait years for permits.

Does he like Anime?

Pretty early to tell, but I said 'kick if touched can hear me' to her belly and he kicked once and only once, so he's smart.

to surpass the legend himself.

Looking forward to SRS and then suicide. #goals

>tfw 26 years old with no kid

I cant go on. I must go on.

*kick if you

Supply and demand? Why make it if you aren't going to sell it? If the side effects weren't horrid I would give it a try.

I don't want to die without helping to keep my race alive, my hatred for our would be destroyers fuels me

I'm 33. Work on it always, but don't make a kid before you're ready.

Look at the flags user, fuck the swedes

Yet another reason to live.



You mean failed liberal arts student that blamed his personal failures on those in society he deemed "privileged".

Hitler is the literal Godfather of the modern left.


I'm 18. I have a couple of marketable skills, all programming-related.

I make wordpress websites for people in my area and can get lots of business because I can complete work in a quarter of the time and at half the price of a professional, since(for the next month) I still live at home and don't have nearly as many bills top pay.

Doing that, social media management and daytrading crypto, I can make about $1,000 a week if not more. I'm currently saving for a 2014-2015 mustang, because I'm a fag and my current 2000 camry has got to go.

I didn't fall for the Ivy League meme and am instead going to a state-college tuition free on the SMART scholarship, which is essentially ROTC for geeks.

After college I'll be working at the department of defense in cybersecurity, per my contract under the SMART scholarship.

This is what keeps me going. I hope it all works out.

Endgame is I go in to politics. And if I do, I'll be sure to drop a sign or two so you know.

also im sorry for the leddit spacing but it got the point accross, I'd hope at least

nothing. i hope ww3 comes soon.

Don't forget Stalin, Gramsci, Marx, and finally Soros.


The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

good luck bud, sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders, I wish I had sorted myself out so thoroughly before going to university


>not wanting to become the kind of person who can bounce back from a small failure in such a way that it creates new political dynasty that forever shapes the course of humanity thereafter
>not wanting to unite the people of your country under a common good
>not wanting to take the third position
>not wanting to strive for a meritocracy that has all of the benefits of capitalism with almost none drawbacks
>not wanting to be the example of greatness people can aspire to become, improving your people and your country as a whole by just existing
>not wanting the happiest and most strongly united people in all of history
>wanting jews and niggers in your country
>"hurr durr liberal arts"
>"hitler is durr modern lefty"
im sorry mister 52%, but i dont want my country to become cucked under jewish rule. i want to reverse the woes of my land, remove the cancer of kikery from it and the government, and give the land back to the people who colonized and built the society i live in. i have standards, and i wish bring my country up to my standards.


I hate shitskins and communists, not Anglos.
My gf is Anglo-Italian.

Name some plz

TRS radio has a good compilation of a bunch of different ones.

jimmy Dean sausage

>has union jack on flag
>thinks the monarch is free from edomite influence

Hope that I one day will get a qt azn gf