Trump is an idiot.
Trump is a mongoloid.
Trump is a subnormal.
Trump is a traitor.
Trump is a criminal.
Who the fuck could possibly vote for this sack of shit?
Trumptards, Trumpanzees, Trumpoloids, explain yourselves!
Trump is an idiot
>4D Genius
Bump for us leftymemers :))
Trump continuously betrays his fanbase jeff sessions is going next and is gonna be replaced by another jew centrist but these trumpcucks will keep drinking the trump semen.
>Good genes!
Shitty useless thread
Lel stay mad op, you're the one here posting about him. I bet you go to sleep at night imagining trump grabbing your pussy and jerking off. You're obsessed with the man
Good one:)
Explain why leftists have such a boner for trump???? Seriously it's borderline weird. Some of you frothing at the mouth leftists are more cringey than his most avid loyalists. I have a theory that you all jerk off to trump porn
That scenario is too vividly described for you to have thought it up just now. You've fapped to Trump treating you like one of his whores, haven't you.
They hate success and they hate masculine energy. And we all know that hate is merely displaced love. They all want Daddy trump to take care of them but it is causing cognitive dissonance due to their retarded indoctrination.
Nah seriously, I know a leftist irl and he has gone full blown Colbert. He wears a trump mask all the time and gos on crazy rants on social media. I picture crazy leftists to act like this kid. Wtf is wrong with you people? Lel embarrassing
Ahh Another Trump hater/FakeNewsfolower
There's nothing to explain.
Do not reply to shill threads
Trump is the only politician standing between America and the barbaric hordes and their lefty traitor allies. Anyone discrediting Trump, is working to destroy America knowingly or stupidly.
Dank lefty/pol/ meme coming through. This one is fresh.
>the left can't mem-
i didnt know that
>he believes nyt is fake news because it didn't report about child slave colonies on mars
Oh look it's another leftypol shill thread
You're so pathetic.
Keep losing niggers
i still love how salty all you tranny fucking faggots are
Lefties have no arguments, just ad hominem. SAGE
I can say who'd vote him.
More than half of your Country.
You salty libtard uggo retardo.
We all have to deal with the possibility that our Party/Mate wont run the Country and this time you have to swallow that pill, bucko.
>retards will take the bait
Sage, hide thread, and move on folks. Just a libtard throwing his hourly "not my president" temper tantrum
Most politicians spend their entire careers doing disgusting fucking things in the shadows and then being smug arrogant cunts about getting away with it.
Watching them getting manhandled by a vain ten year old girl in the body of a walrus who live tweets every idiotic thought that pops into his head as he constantly reminds them how he's a big winner and they can all suck his balls is totatally worth it.
Trump is your president. kek
This tranny faggot voted for Trump.
And still he beat your party following the same rules that every candidate had to follow. What does that talk about you and your candidate?
Why is the neo-left so bad at memes? No sense of humor? No ballz? No job? No lover? No hope? Despair!
You're boring
I hope he is impeached, so we can start the hangings.
Don't forget the amazing fact that big money lost. All the foreign donors in the world couldn't float Hillary into office.
Found the conservative. You know how you can tell Pence is gay? Nobody hates gays like gays.
>Being this assblasted
Thanks for sharing the blue
When I went to school i was taught to cite my sources.
>confederate flag
> antisemitic
1) Trump goes through the proper congressional procedures to do things. Proof: can't get healthcare to pass even though his presidency could be deeply hurt by it. He may dislike how the senators vote but still accepts the outcome.
2) Obama wages war on Libya without congressional approval.
Who's more dictatorial?
>cherrypicking like this
Logical fallacy: Ad hominem.
Kill yourself.
Don't forget that ACA didn't pass overnight. It will take some time to unravel.
>instead of cherry picking to make him look bad, like what you are doing? k thx
OPs frustration is palpable.
(a thousand crying babies)
do they really think this is clever?
the leftist women are starved for real men in their lives. the leftist "men" just aren't doing it for them. they want to be manhandled, no matter what they say.
>This thread.
>can't even make a Bingo card properly
Not sure why you are acting like we don't agree with you OP.
tldr. useful 'meme' you have there.
Saged shit