Updated a Sup Forums classic, what think?

Updated a Sup Forums classic, what think?


Reagan got us into this mess and laid the groundwork for amnesty and illegal immigration from Mexico. May he burn in hell.

The ultimate irony is that the left absolutely hated Reagan back then too. Now even they have to admit their respect. The same will happen to Trump in the next couple of decades, I guarentee it.

>insulting Saint Ronaldus Magnus Reaganicus I the Wise

Trump is selling Europe oil/gas. He just shut down Russia economy.

That's how fucking stupid Leftists are.

Being a NeoCon on Sup Forums

GTFO you crypto Commie Zionist!

b-b-b-b-ut cnn said he's working for the rushins
i just don't understand!

>Worshipping a senile neocon praised by Obama

Republicans are living hypocrisies. Jesus Fuck.

mega dittos

The funny thing about trying to ridicule Trump on policy is that it's hard to tell what is true and what is satire.

Also, what may be true can be good to one person and bad to another.

He's done more than any other president, and it's fucking terrific.

Has he? Over here all I've heard is that he's constantly getting beaten by judges and shit and that he's basically been useless the entire time. I know our media is fucked, but what has he done so far?

Yes, the ban for the 13 countries is in effect, deportations have doubled, ICE has more freedom and people are getting arrested for simply being illegal aliens. Under Obama, they would leave illegal aliens without violent crimes alone.

Good to hear, has the increase in deportations decreased illegal immigration?

How goes the wall? Or increasing manufacturing jobs in America? Stopping jobs from moving to China?

Excuse me, arrests have doubled, not deportations.

>How goes the wall?
Not well
>Or increasing manufacturing jobs in America?
Not well
>Stopping jobs from moving to China?
Not well


I don't get why Sup Forums supports Putin. The guy is an ex-KGB agent who has said he wants to restore the USSR.

It'd be like skinheads supporting Hillary if she publicly went full 1488/ heil Hitler.

Prove me wrong


Well, yeah.

But he suppresses degeneracy and said mean things about Obama.

Who, need I remind you, is a nigger.

Do you guys miss him?