Why did Britain give up its colonies?


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too much shit in the streets

Yeah Britian...why? huehuehhuehuhuehuhe

Because colonialism is cancer.

Nobody deserves to have their country subjugated by antoher.

its either subjugate or get subjugated.
look at all the niggers and pakis in the UK

Fair enough India and Africa deserved their independence (more probably should've been done to get the whites out first though) but what about Australia, Canada and new Zealand? All white Christian countries whose culture wouldn't exist without Anglo colonialism

Realistically? World politics was changing fast, the populations of the colonies were growing and maintaining them all was becoming increasingly difficult. It was a practical move, really.



My country would have been better if the perfidious anglos didn't come.

Objectively wrong, but I guess you're entitled to your opinion.

Because they didn't belong to us, they belonged to the Jews, we merely served the role in the past that you do today; that of the enslaved mercenary state, sent to kill and be killed for Zionist dominance. After the war we were no longer a useful card and American liberal capitalism was seen is the better rouse, so our masters forced us to give them away and now we are nothing but a joke of a people. Fun fact.

You can't be a nationalist whilst supporting colonialism. Colonialism is antithetical to nationalism because colonialism undermines people's national sovereignty.

And not, I'm not a cuck. I'm a civic nationalist.

>civic nationalist

Oh its bait. Had me there for a second.

>niggers kill each other to nslave the other
>whites removing niggers and creating white communities is bad
Cucks should kill themselves.

Beacuse the Brittish Empire sold their souls to win WW2

Feels good to be independent :)

Overextended. London eventually realised this but the Canadians didn't want to decentralise so they passed the Nickle resolution, one moment where the colones refused decentralisation, user.

The Germans bombed the living hell out of them
Truth and b8 at the same time really activated my almonds

The US demanded it as part of three terms of British surrender and to bring the US into the war in Europe.

This isn't secret history.

You became independent from us, not the bongs

If you are not without sin and conflict then expect us because I do not bat an eyelash as I conquer land and establish peoples communities.


Do you know how much it costs to maintain an empire? You should considering the Ottomans had the longest empire in history. It's expensive, cheaper to sell it all off.

People argue over the American Revolution that it was a "loss". No, it was literally cheaper to just get rid in the end, all the smuggling, tax avoidance etc. Costs money, it's not about conquering, it's all about trade, shekels, movement of new wines, new beers, new silks/opium and TEA!

At the end of the day the oil that lubes the cogs of the empire is money, when you start losing money you lose your empire, it's as simple as that.

Everyone ITT trying to come up with complex or other reasons, you're wrong. It's literally just money.

Besides, Britain hasn't technically lost its empire, it's just invisible, every territory it once held, it still holds. The only difference is the names and titles, the laws, legal framework and everything else is all the same.


Nothing changed, take the empire pill and really take it, with some water if need be.

Taigs out!

The US forced you to dismantle "preferential trading" or whatever it was called ending any money you could make from controlling the colonies. They became a liability that were expensive to control so you gave them up.

It was at the demand of the US however. That was one of their term's to enter the war sort of on your side. That and lots of money, tech and some island territories.

We got our independence twice!

We fucked them so hard, they couldn't maintain their vast empire. It was Hitler's revenge from the grave.

Why are brits still being thought that the US didn't impose terms? Lol

Because the USA became the new world police for the financial system, so Britain was no longer needed.

Iceland should be the last country on earth saying that might makes right. Pretty much any single country on Earth could show up on your doorstep with 100 soldiers and wipe out your entire pathetic race.
I hope turkey shows up and rapes you faggots again LOL

I'm aware of the Marshall loans, America got put in its place under Blair.

Watch the video and open your eyes.

Watch and learn the truth, or carry on being blind.

We own this planet behind the scenes.

>I'm not a cuck. I'm a civic nationalist.

>I'm not a cuck.
>I'm a civic nationalist.

>You should considering the Ottomans had the longest empire in history.
And you're the expert on empires?

>posts a 4 hr 30 min video

Shut the fuck up negroid slave

Do they really not tell you that the US had terms and conditions before they would agree to (((help))) you?


What are you meme arrowing me for whitey?

You are either an Anglo or a French.

How is that objectively wrong? Britain is far from a world power nowadays so whats stopping us from rolling over your tiny island of brown eyed swarthy manlets?

It could no longer afford them

Because they were forced by a new hegemon.


Britain was severely weakend due to the war plus nationalist movements in the colonies.

It's hard to push "we fought for freedom" when you subjugate other people.

I can directly trace every one of my ancestors back to Europe and I have green eyes, so nice projection manlet.

What was preventing your spics and niggers from rolling over cietnam?

Royal Charter Companies were so badass, it pains me that I can't up and join one

That video is retarded.

Bongs first, then you guys.
Fuck ya!! Feels good to see our neighbours jealous of our success.

Became a money drain.

I love seeing crippled nigger soldiers from vietnam


A Cuban-American hating US soldiers who fought in Vietnam

Yeah, that's when he lost me.

>Podium reads Schiller institute

What does it mean?


>implying we didn't just put our puppets in charge