Are women under those robes pertty?

well pol tell me.

No. The veil is psychologically the sexiest a woman can wear, that is ruined when she removes it. It allows the mans mind to wander about the smile and beauty. The mystery of a woman and the hunt is better then the real woman

Who knows, it's a mystery


Real bedouin Saudis are amazing - tiny and skinny, dainty features. Little girl bodies, even after pregnancy. A lot of arabs are p. ugly, though, desu - plucking eyebrows is haram, wearing good makeup is haram, and there is phenomenon called "hijab hair", where your hair is limp, thin and broken because it's under a scarf all day.


Most of them end up obese hags, so no.

One thing that Western fashion does (or did until this HAES shit) is shame women into being attractive.


Hiding the face until after consummating a marriage is highly dysgenic for beauty.

This. All of the older ones literally waddle.

What kind of burka is pic related?

Marry the to find out

That's because they've had like 20 kids already. You'd waddle, too if your vagina was a massive open wound with babby juice falling out of it at all times.


Thats a poo in loo, not a goatfucker you retard.

yeah, marxist degenerate feminist women of west dont make kids

Aren't they all hairy, and never shave/wax except for special or religious occasions?

Wonder what would happen if people started grabbing their asses the way they do to ours.

Its like kinder suprise you either find an untoutched diamond under or shit

Luckly i've mastered the art of finding which is which using the face,voice,the way of walking
or by directly asking their family and friends

They are mostly made out of plastic so no

If you don't see women with their asses and boobs showing, you simply don't have any urge to rape.

in more "liberal" muslim shitholes the woman heavily compete with eye-makeup
also when woman meet alone they can get rid of the trashbags and show off jewelry and shit.

compared to who?
dindu niggers? a little
HuWhite qt3.14s? Not even close baby

that's just a stereotype user