Post your rare merchants
this might be rare
How many scoops is that?
gas the kikes
We need to go deeper.
I'm only interested in finest abstract merchants
Swedes will know
That nose HAS to be fake.
You'd be surprise, goy.
Palestinians should move to Jordan.
Op said rare not delicious
Kek, I never liked those rasping scumbags
If they're the kikes of the galaxy, are krogan the niggers of the galaxy? I never understood how everyone, even the supposedly logical Mordin, was so guilt-ridden about the genophage. It was objectively necessary to stop those scaly space niggers from chimping out for the 3rd fucking time and killing hundredsd of millions, and it did so non-violently. If they'd had any sense, they should have made it stronger so the krogan eventually went extinct. Yet everyone's like 'oh we're so sorry Krogans, we have to cure you as soon as possible so we can be nigged by you immediately after the Reapers have been defeated.'
I made sure to follow the path that led to them being tricked into fighting without being cured. I wish you had an option to exterminate them instead of the Geth or Quarians who were both more likable
this one is good
Hope you enjoyed my folder, goyim.