When whites become a minority in America the "Day of the Machete" will come. How will you burgers try to survive?
When whites become a minority in America the "Day of the Machete" will come. How will you burgers try to survive?
Just keep eating food to regen health
nignogs in america don't have machetes
We need to start importing more diversity into Israel which is racist against blacks.
You stupid nigger, there are no white people in America.
Via the "Day of the Guns"
I will be dispersing the mobs with a tommy gun in each hand.
With a gun
Idk probably hide out in a library until all the moon crickets kill eachother I guess. I can live with sharing the States with Hispanics so I wouldn't mind that but there's no way foreign blacks could maintain a functional society for longer than a few days
>Day of the machete starts
>All burgers get the AR out
>Day of the machete ends
What a POS rusty african mudhutmade machete. In America, we have superior Chinese machete from Harbor Freight. The cost is only $5 - the monthly african income.
We'll drag you out the library and chop you up like in South Africa. The latinos will be doing the most chopping.
> be an american
> get minced into burgermeat
> from figurative to literal under 10 minutes
> do you want fries with that?
Well when the riots start I plan to use booby traps, IED's, and fire bombs to thin the advancing niggers. Then I plan to shoot as many as I can. When they finally overrun my place I will blow both myself and anyone in the building with me strait to hell. Should be a good time.
Throughout all of recorded history, blacks have never had any real power. They have and will remain the bottom of the gene pool.
Your only hope is to breed out the black over centuries... good luck with that though.
Riiiiight. Black lives only matter while I reload.
Thing is that Whites radiate some Kind of magical power that helps the minorities multiply, once Whites are gone, minorities die off if they dont get that Radiation through their Melanin crippled bodies. You can see this effect in countries like Zimbabwe
Niggers literally only kill each other, even in times of complete anarchy.
See: Hurricane Katrina
watching niggers kill each other over stereo speakers on the nightly news while the city was flooded was one of the best moments of my childhood
not that it matters because White Americans are the most well-armed demographic in America
We have and will always have the police on our side nigger.
what we've done for centuries
and we'll keep doing
And they though "zombie preppers" where crazy.
What a stupid nigger you are.
Did you forget the trillions of weapons every burger owns?
Try to kill one person with a machete in texas.
These people wabbel out of their house yelling: "FINALLY A NIGGER TO KILL" and do you know what happens after?
You would look like swiss cheese.
>burger meme
Fight like a motherfucker and find solice in knowing that these dumb niggers will be eating one another within a month if they wipe us out because they can't do shit on their own. Sorta like the kid that kills his parents and then wonders what the fuck happened to the lights a month later.
Hey, we got a good cover going here. We can even post our shit on YouTube. You need to keep the zombies=niggers thing hushed, got it?
10-4 good buddy
You have to go back.
Latinos hate niggers
If there ever is something like a day of XXX, it will be a bad day for the negroes, because everyone will gang up on them.
we only hate niggers that don't have a job and we hate "blacks".
black people for those who are poor shit, breeds like rabbits just like the niggers
If it got that bad white people would just leave. They'd just leave you to it. Like they did in Detroit. Say, hows that working out for you? Zimbabwe did it too.
It's going great for them.
For your kind? There is no victory. You lose even if you were to " win ". Especially if you were to " win ".
Props for bravado, but you have no idea how violent people can get. It's not even racial thing it's a "don't fuck with the status quo thing". You can act like a nigger in your own corner but the moment you drive in a truck waving your machetes around people will fight back, and they will out number you.
>implying they won't be doing the skinning
The "Day of the Machete" is when we latinos finally solve the negro problem in America.
The teachings of guns can save you Europe.
Im going to wrap my house in job applications. Nigger wont come near that.
See /k/
A nigger would bring a knife to a gunfight....smdh xD
Top. Kek. Wew.
"Day of Free Machetes"
Never been used and only dropped once!
>be amerinigger
>try to hack people down with machetes
>get shot
It will finally come full circle
>tfw I brought that nigga in , in the detroit thread
Simple: Projectile Based Weapons. Every tactical precedent will prove you that guns out power melee weapons.
>Thing is that Whites radiate some Kind of magical power that helps the minorities multiply, once Whites are gone, minorities die off if they dont get that Radiation through their Melanin crippled bodies. You can see this effect in countries like Zimbabwe
Not to mention Whites Flee like in Zinbabwe, but they will run out of places to flee or finally stand ground. The whites that grown up during this persecution will be harden to the altruism bug that plagues the current crop of whites,but still carry all the other things that made whites great…….
Shits going to get real and the non-whites that fucked whites over will probably not like the outcomes of their current deeds.
New meme.
Please refrain from using the n-word though.
This is actually superior to the blacked hand meme. I'm buying many shares of this meme for the future, I expect it to be the #1 Sup Forums meme of 2017.
pic related
bang bang, nigger
Only a nigger would bring a knife to a gun fight.
Ill just shoot the fucker with my .44
fuck you newfaggot cum slurping nigger lover
Once the gibs run out, they'll be like cattle to the slaughter.
It'd be even more of a slaughter than how we piled the nips during WWII, subhumans can't compete
I'll open up a mass chain of fried chicken restaurants and liquor stores, make a grillion dollars, and then poison the food to kill the blacks.
What the fuck is the "n-word"? Speak English, you nigger faggot.
Niggers never go in libraries.
Ay ay ay virgencita de Guadalupe
Niggers caused global warming.
>3rd world tactics and mele weapons will work against the largest civilian weapons collection in the world
They are also way outnumbered and all other races are sick of their shit
>not naming it an_army_of_one.png
Blood vessels in his head trying to keep his brain supplied so he can figure how to use his machete
he peppr but he also chop
why do you people not just sage slide threads instead of repeating the same shit over and over
zombie apocalypse fantasies come to life senpai
got the first two posts mixed up
your guns will be long gone by then
Americans are always ready for nigger attack. Unlike Eurocucks, we have 800 million guns here.
Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Proof that knife bins don't work! The only way to be safe is for everyone to have a knife.
Dunno, guns should do the trick.
Every time I see that image I get a little hard.
Knife bins? NOT IN MY AMERICA!!!
fug u
in true mad max style, nuke the world and ride eternal shiny and chrome
>gger, there are no white people in America.
yea were all black someone finally found out
superior aim
>here rabbi use my knife
I'll use my Penga
only thing i'll do is surround my house with cotton
none of the niggers will get near it cause then that'll be wacist
hey stop using the n-word its insensitive to black people
>Literally can not even into basic metal keeping, let alone basic weapon keeping.
>Is the living evidence/example of what happens, when you give niggers even the most basic of technological pieces.
>Somehow this is going to overthrow ALL DEM RACIZZ AYUZ WHAIDYZ AND CHINKZ.
Nice larping.
>challenged to machetè fight
>been practicing the art of eight arms for 10 years
>wish a mother fucker would
>Implying hispanics are any better then blacks.
I'd like to see them try vs my body armor and my guns. I wish them good fucking luck.
It's like niggers want to get shot.