Am I the only non-Muslim in the world who DOESN'T drink alcohol?
I don't know anyone else who abstains from drinking. They let the (((media))) dictate to them what to consume in order to be "hip" and "sociable". They can't think for themselves.
Am I the only non-Muslim in the world who DOESN'T drink alcohol?
I don't know anyone else who abstains from drinking. They let the (((media))) dictate to them what to consume in order to be "hip" and "sociable". They can't think for themselves.
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It's the world's oldest vice. And I'm sad that only religious dogmas seem to recognize and oppose it.
I also drink far too often to not see it as a problem. I work and afford my lifestyle completely independently. But my god my life would be better without
I like alcohol but if you choose not to drink it, go on. Whatever floats your boat, kamerad
Not a muslim, don't drink alcohol. Don't like the feeling of it, prefer drugs. Drugs should be legal, alcohol should not.
Deal with it.
Society treats non-drinkers like shit.
Non-drinkers are on a higher plane, morally and physically.
I don't like alcohol either.
I used to but haven't since I had a seizure 2 years ago and probably never will again. You're not missing anything on not drinking, the only thing you may be missing out on is the social aspect of friends going out to get drinks or something. Still at least in my case my friends never mind if I come along and just don't drink and people love having a designated driver too
There's a difference between bingedrinking/degenerate culture and a beer with friends to socialize/enjoying a good whiskey or other centuries old European piece of craftwork.
You just sound like you have something stuck up your ass OP
Yeah, most Mormons don't drink either you fucktard.
I just like to relax with some beer or whiskey at night.
>I'm oppressed because I choose to be a soft little poofter who refuses to have harmless fun
You're strong willed enough to not drink, but you're weak enough to feel victimised by your own decisions? Get a grip you pathetic child.
I used to never drink and none gave a shit about it
>Society treats non-drinkers like shit
Except that's wrong you fucking retard. Most people drink socially or not much at all. You have 30 fewer beers a year from someone who drinks doesn't make you ostracized.
I abstain from alcohol cigs and all degeneracies, non muslim
>But my god my life would be better without
Only for you.
I can actually feel emotion some times when drunk.
Too much.
Oh well lets just ban something due to muh feels.
Alcohol is fine when complementing a meal. Anything consumed to excess is harmful. If any amount alcohol is your excess then do you. Please don't try to make decisions for others. Last time we tried prohibition of alcohol it just made organized crime stronger.
binge drinking is extremely degenerate.
However, enjoying a little bit every so often with friends or family is a great way to socialize.
>social aspect of friends going out to get drinks or something
I drink alone and always have been alone.
Used to get drunk before school too.
Yes you idiot you are the only non Muslim who does not drink alcohol. You're the shining individual out of billions who is pure lul
I dont
Donald Trump doesn't
15% of American adults don't
>alcohol should be illegal
>drugs should be legal
Still better than cigarettes.
11.5 years sober checking in.
Used to be fucked up on heroin and buying into Marxist bullshit, giving money to stoopmonkeys.
Fuck that shit. Living the clean, moral life now, making good money, married to a hot white girl, trying to make some kids. Wife doesn't drink either.
Alcohol kills more than drugs do and costs more to treat than drugs do.
Which drugs though? Refering to all drugs as one thing is kind of retarded
Alcohol is redpilled. It is the drink of the LORD.
It is meant to be enjoyed in moderation. I personally have a beer maybe 1-3 days and I dont go beyond 2-3. My mother's side has had a history of awful alcohol abuse.
Consuming alcohol in order to become shitfaced is degenerate.
Drinking some quality beer or wine because you like it is perfectly fine. Moderation is key.
I used to not drink. I still don't drink much. Alcohol is weird. It feels like gravity. Like, I drink, and everything feels heavier. I feel nearer to the earth. More grounded. If I keep drinking, this sense of being nearer the earth continues until it starts to feel like my center of self is falling physically into my head. Which is actually, literally, painful. So I don't drink much. I aim for the last threshold before it starts hurting, and this is well before I get sloppy drunk.
Do as I do or I hate you! Not politically related.
30? Come on faggot
I DOnt want to be hip or sociable
I simply hate myself and my surroundings and like to get so drunk I pass out and get to ignore it
But also my old physics twacher (mormon) hasn't drank his whole life
A lot of people don't drink alcohol.
You're probably just surrounded by a bunch of trash nigger tier degenerates who have to drink beer or alcohol every day to survive the stress of being trash.
Nigger lover.
I don't drink for about 4 years. Literally changed nothing in my life. Except life became even less fun.
I really only drink on weekends and Friday nights, or on holidays with my family in Norge. Never been much of a drinker, but after going to the Jack Daniels plant in Tennessee I have liked the taste of it.
>having too little self-control for minor enjoyments
Go read your Nietzsche then, you fucking problem children
I haven't drank at all in over 4 years. No one cares, even at social gatherings.
No need to put so much stress on what others may think of you OP.
I love drinking alcohol, it's a good way to remove inhibitions and it's extremely fun to go clubs and bars or walk around downtown drunk with your friends
> Be Irish.
> Alcoholic
> Find songs decrying C2H5OH
> Still Alcoholic
Hold me Sup Forums I want to stop.
One I cannot find, Dankingfell bleck bella mujik
(Aussie reggae with "save my life from grog.")
And modern music is all about it. I'm listening to a nightcore version of "I've got a hangover."
Don't have have more cash? Is alcohol cheap there or something? I quit for a year and a half and went from being a fat slob to being /fit/. Now I'm a fat slob again.
Pic unrelated.
Our ancestors liked to drink, fuck and kill and I hope to honor them by doing at least 2 out of the 3 things every few months or so
I don't drink it either. Never did. Alcohol is degenerate and Fuhrer taught me to stay away from degeneracy.
I don't drink...always gave me a 24hr headache the next day. Not worth it. There are better GABAergics for special occasions.
I'm like the only Irish whin doesn't drink or do drugs.
Drug addicts and alcoholics should be sent to labour camps to pay off their debts to society and detox.
Public hangings for drug dealers.
He is a teetotaler OP
Christian here, I don't drink either
>Implying some of the most successful people in society aren't drug users
>tfw i dont remember when i was last sober
If you don't drink Alcohol you are not European, Europeans have developed specific genes to develop alcohol tolerance, it's basically your duty to drink.
I live just for the hops.
I don't get drunk often but I eat all my daily meals with a delicious IPA. I just can't get enough of the taste with the correct pairing. My life would be 30% more miserable without good hoppy beer.
Enjoy manboobs
I train and exercise myself properly, don't worry
>Hip and sociable
I don't smoke and it helps me take the edge off. Come off your high horse
>implying most successful people aren't greedy, globalist, SJW parasites
I drink about once every 6 months and don't drink very much when I do. I would drink even less frequently if I could.
I gave up drinking after I discovered that I am incapable of drinking responsibly.
Drinking alcohol makes me less of a social retard.
>I discovered that I am incapable of drinking responsibly
Irresponsible drinking is the best kind of drinking, taught me to live without any sense of guilt.
InShaAllah Brother, do not let the kufir poison your faith in Allah and live by his teachings given to us by his Prophet and Messenger Muhammad
If it's good tasting alcohol why not drink some? I sometimes buy a box of wine and drink it one glass a day. Haven't bought one for about 2 months. I also use some in stews and the like.
I already mentioned that I wasn't a Muslim.
Not drinking =/= being a Muslim
Though if they did make the non-drinking tenet of Sharia law federal, they'd get no complaints from me.
Good for you, user. You should chew so much khat you experience amphetamine psychosis and go on jihad instead, or eat so much hasheesh that you think having sex with a goat is a good idea. It's more Islamic, and therefore more righteous.
See above
i also abstain. mostly because my parents were alcoholics and i never wanted to go down that path.
Alcohol is absolutely degenerate, if you are depressed about your life never ever start drinking or you will fucking die from it. It changes you to a lower level of existence, almost animal like. it is disgusting and children, teens, and even students in universities should get a lot more teaching about the dangerous effects of it.
Drank heavily for 20 years....
>Didn't make alot of money.
Alcohol is fine as long as you have more self control than a Catholic or a nigger and don't turn it into a full time hobby.
It dramatically increases your chance of having casual sex, makes you feel like a big man while you are yelling at strangers surrounded by your mates at 3am in the night club district, and makes junk food taste awesome.
Also it's probably the reason why your future wife will know how to flawlessly suck cock without scraping your dick with her teeth user.
I don't drink really maybe a beer or whiskey here and there. It always made me feel like shit also empty calories and sugars is not good for the /fit/ life. But I do smoke a lot of weed so I cannot really stand up and say I am not a degenerate.
It just makes you stop noticing how much of a social retard that you are.
>Am I the only