>converts tens of thousands of people to white nationalism
Converts tens of thousands of people to white nationalism
made me think
she dated a fucking lebanese canadian when she was in her teens.
she's stated more than once that she doesn't care what race her bf/husband would be so long as he's a citizen and shares the same values as her.
fuck off with your coal burning civic nationalist attention whore, faggots.
Sage this trash repeat slide thread
t. leftypol
Hello, Lauren.
>exploits sad and retarded people with clickbait that gives her $$$
t. Kike
>>converts tens of thousands of people to white nationalism
no she didnt. shes just a trump fag
shes not calling out the kikes or calling for all niggers and spic to fucking die
THATS white nationalisim
She has converted literally no one, all she does is preach to the choir. Also she's not white nationalist and still doesn't have kids.
picture looks like a swedish couple
But she still introduces people to the idea of nationalism (a bit). Nobody goes from the left to all out 1488 Nazi in 1 step. The kind of material Lauren Southern puts out is an introduction on the long road to being redpilled
I've been gone for a few days. does that Finnish cuck with no life still obsessively talk about her?
I like her by the way
>She has converted literally no one, all she does is preach to the choir.
You don't need a degree in marketing to know why she's pushed. Saying she hasn't converted anyone is complete and utter hogwash.
By the way libertarianism died with Ron Paul.
>that pic
t_d shills btfo
>But she still introduces people to the idea of nationalism (a bit). Nobody goes from the left to all out 1488 Nazi in 1 step. The kind of material Lauren Southern puts out is an introduction on the long road to being redpilled
And that's why she's zeroed out and attacked. Look at the left, who the fuck wants to listen to some 400lb whale talk about how the world is against her.
They have nothing left but to take us down with them. Realize when they see lauren they see the girl from school that took every guy they never had a chance with and these bitches have now added 10 years to their faces and 300 lbs to their bodies. They are out for blood, or twinkies - whatever hits them first.
Its another lefty/pol/ Lauren thread
>3.5 million views on Youtube per month
You lefty cucks are fucked
>White nationalism
>pushes tens of thousands of anons to white knighting
>this is the saviour uf the white race
>heil peter
Where was all that strategic intelligence during the election. This guy really dropped the ball before november. well I guess he's making up for lost production.
where's the Finn
she's jewish
Focus less on me and more on defeating leftypol which is fervently raiding this board right now.
>good user makes Lauren thread
>(((shills))) attack her
Can't wait until we get this fucking Ethno-State. Finally peace and fucking quite.
No she is not.
You are my hero
Kill yourself kike shill.
>she's stated more than once that she doesn't care what race her bf/husband would be so long as he's a citizen and shares the same values as her.
She's gone on record as saying she wants her children to look like her. Like every r/thedonald faggot she bends over so as to not be seen as big waycis by libs but is actually 14 sans 88.
But yeah she is annoying
He's probably occupied with all the hatreon threads.
>14 sans 88
The way it should be.
>having a massive collection of rare Laurens
>assad gassings trump happening
>"Uh buh leftypol"
>Point out something about their e celebs
She started with "there is no raep culture in the West." But the lefties persecuted her so much she was driven full 1488.
Agreed. Hitler worshippers are fucking retarded. Idolising someone who fucked up all of Europe for a reason no better than "muh lebensraum".
You redpilled me on Lauren and her critics, Finnon.
>white nationalism
you mean jewish controlled civic nationalism goyim
Sup Forums supports her 100%. Anyone claiming other wise is a D&C shill.
>converts tens of thousands of males to white knights
Heh, nothing personnel kid
t. Slavnigger
She's a desirable woman advocating the defense of our values. Invaluable to our cause.
If you attack Lauren you are actively stopping the spread of nationalist values, which is suspicious to say the least...
She did more to save the west than 99% of Sup Forums.
/leftypol/ are so fucking mad and made character assassination posts all day long.
Stay mad.
Says the communist
But she's 23 and doesn't have babies!!! Must be a Jew!!! Muh national socialism !!!
Admit it,the point of this thread is to bait out the autistic finn
>sans 88
Into the gas chamber then, you can't have only one. You need both for it to work.
>Lauren Southern
>White Nationalism
Also I bet her real last name is Hershlag or some shit.
>How do you do, fellow white people?
>white nationalism
No such thing since 80% of time whites are killing other whites.
>he doesn't
Fixed it for you buddy
>greeting a deadman
Reminder that commies are literally trying to subvert our movement by turning us against alt-lighter. You might hate them but theyare bringing people to oru side.
>It's half Spaniard
Geesh, what's next? A black dude converting people to Nazism?
I just want a slutty girl that's been thrown away constantly by Chads to protect and show that she's beautiful and worth something
>fucks niggers
>supports white identity politics
>actually does real activism for the Identitarian movement in Europe
>left Rebel Media after they made their dumb anti-white nationalism video with muh based black guy
Lauren is alright, people shilling against her are obviously leftypol
Well she is Western Europe that is second place to being Jew already.
Holy shit, you are fucking disgusting. Grow a fucking pair, you motherfucking betafag.
Holy shit can you imagine being this retarded
Jewtubers are cancer.
How am I beta? It's the Alpha in me that wants to save these girls.
>Spanish people aren't white
You have to go back, panchito frijolero
She's not interesting. Also sage.
Millennials are cancer
that looks nothing like her
>Deluding yourself
Be proud of being Mediterranean, Nords have tried for centuries to stripe us of our achievements and brand us a lesser people. I have no wish of being considered white, even more so now that most whites are a bunch of cucks that enjoy seeing their wife getting fucked by negros.
>Alpha in me
You must be retarded, an Alpha wouldn't give two shits about the bad decisions fucking roasties make. Get a fucking a nice girl that loves animals and taking care of things, not some cock hungry whore.
Lmao. Southerner lazy shitfuck detected. everything from Soria downards is crap and the reason spain is in the gutter. Lazy bastards. We (Navarra, Euskadi, Asturias, Cantabria) as always holding all the weight and burden.
You're all half moor anyways.
>North Mediterraneans are black people
Cantabria And Asturias holding something more than Madri's dick.
>see cute girl on youtube
>she writes FUCK ISLAM on her forhead
>wtf I hate Islam now
and hat's how I ended up red pilled
Lauren Southern is a blessing on this world.
I am from Catalonia, not a southerner. Still consider myself a Med and not white. I don't give a shit about your retarded Aryan dream made by fucking cucks who have tried to destroyed Europe for 3 fucking times now.
>Navarra, Euskadi
Literally thieves
Did she really, I doubt someone was a lefty/normie, saw her videos and went: "Well, guess I'm a nazi now xD".
>denounced white nationalism
>only parrots the same things everyone else was already saying
>beta orbiters still defend and throw money at her
She's not even that cute and her voice makes her sound like a 12 year old boy. Guess Sup Forums likes that.
Makes Kat Timph look even more like a feral cat.
And terrorists, kek.
I donated $150 to her yesterday, i'm glad to support someone that has done more for our cause in comparison to the average loser on Sup Forums.
Denying being WN != denouncing WN
Good grief, I want to puke in disgust.
Nigger everyone knows about these tweets.
>brown eyes
pick one
>I donated $150 to her yesterday,
and here you are calling the left """regressive"""
>Listening to women
That's what got us in trouble in the first place, why fall for it again?
Are Salvadoreans white? The flag is a bit too close to Argentinian
If you want to support people actually working for our cause then support real white nationalists.
her eyes are green
Get this spic outta here
That's a big guy
>converts tens of thousands of people to white nationa-