Why is Brazil so shitty?Was it always like that?When was Brazil's peak?Can it happen again?Will Brazil disintegrate into white and prosperous south and the rest of the country will create their state in the future? Do you have any hope for Brazil?
Would really like to know situation in Brazil.
Why is Brazil so shitty?Was it always like that?When was Brazil's peak?Can it happen again...
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>Why is Brazil so shitty?
Because it's full of Brazilians
Our white population was criminals who left from italy, poland, portugal and germany.
We work six months to pay only taxes
"White" population are forced to pay reparations.
>Why is Brazil so shitty?
The Iberian mentality we inherited from Portuguese colonization + nogs.
>Was it always like that?
Less shitty but still shitty.
>When was Brazil's peak?
During the military dictatorship there was a curfew and cops would kill anyone on the streets past that time, so the muggings and general crimes were kept down. Now with all Human Rights organizations our murder rates are 60k a year.
>Can it happen again?
Doubtful, commies are too entrenched in academia and schools.
>Will Brazil disintegrate into white and prosperous south and the rest of the country will create their state in the future?
South is a meme. Plus that's where most of the commies come from. See Luciana and Tarso Genro, Getúlio Vargas and all the senators.
>Do you have any hope for Brazil?
We'll just keep on living like this, no improvement in sight.
>Would really like to know situation in Brazil.
Pic related, fresh OC from this morning.
>"White" population are forced to pay reparations.
How this thread is going to be:
brazilians come and complain about violence
then get annoyed by foreigners telling how shit brazil is
then brazilians post bundas to compensate for the hell that is around him
>When was Brazil's peak?
The monarchy, and the 60s and 70s
>Can it happen again?
>Will Brazil disintegrate into white and prosperous south and the rest of the country will create their state in the future?
South separatism is a meme. The worst communist politicians including Dilma came from there. The state of Rio Grande is also nearly bankrupt and drowned in debt
> Do you have any hope for Brazil?
I do. Bolsonaro for president in 2018
Bolsonaro will save us
Not gassing the natives before colonization. Same problem any colony has
Typical brazilian guy.. his name is probably "Djeison"!
Bolsonaro is Brazil last chance.
The portuguese were outnumbered something like 1:5000, so they just choose to breed with the natives instead
My hope for Brazils future is Bolsonaro too, but my only fear is that with his election the commies will try to pull some shit out, and the only solution would be the resurection of the military dictatorship, just like in the 60.
And my fear is that this is a great cycle where morality and stupidity will keep on fighting eternally.
Brazil is what the JEWS want to do with all the western countries. A bunch of unintelligent brown people that live just to consume Jewish products and loans with no critical thought processes.
Not true. The problem is that countries like England and France had more than 20 times their populaition. They had to mix to compete.
Typical portuguese cuck, just watching and shit talking.
He would never be able to do that. I hope he increases military funding and deploy the army in the favelas at least
>Why is Brazil so shitty?
Because there are Brazilians living in it. Remove them and you have a beautiful land with plenty of natural resources.
They will try to defraud the polls as they did in 2014
At least I'm not a slavnigger
Croats are based. Kill yourself, nigger
That's why they hate us, the favelado starts swearing for no reason
At least the aren't beaners, now that is a shithole
It's because you are famous for being annoying, even the "high IQ" ones.
That's why you don't put computers in favelas, but they steal it anyways.
These favelados do caralho don´t represent us
We had 1 million people population in 1500, 5 million in Spain, Great Britain 10 million and France 12 million. Plus the fact everytime we a ship crew - 10%-20% of population died on the voyage with scurvy and other diseases.
Our cousins had to fuck a lot of natives and blacks and they initially didn't sent women. We also have to manpower feitorias all over African coast, Persian gulf, India, China, East Indies. It's better to have manpower ever if was miscigenated or not.
>In colonial times, over 700,000 Portuguese settled in Brazil, and most of them went there during the gold rush of the 18th century.[54] Brazil received more European settlers during its colonial era than any other country in the Americas. Between 1500 and 1760, about 700,000 Europeans immigrated to Brazil, compared to 530,000 European immigrants in the United States.
>They managed to be the only significant European population to populate the country during colonization, even though there were French and Dutch invasions. The Portuguese migration was strongly marked by the predominance of men (colonial reports from the 16th and 17th centuries almost always report the absence or rarity of Portuguese women).
>This lack of women worried the Jesuits, who asked the Portuguese King to send any kind of Portuguese women to Brazil, even the socially undesirable (e.g. prostitutes or women with mental maladies such as Down Syndrome) if necessary.
>The Crown responded by sending groups of Iberian orphan maidens to marry both cohorts of marriageable men, the nobles and the peasants. Some of which were even primarily studying to be nuns.
>The Crown also shipped over many Órfãs d'El-Rei of what was considered "good birth" to colonial Brazil to marry Portuguese settlers of high rank. Órfãs d'El-Rei (modern Portuguese órfãs do rei) literally translates to "Orphans of the King", and they were Portuguese female orphans in nubile age.
>in 1500, (...) while in
>Plus the fact everytime we sent a ship on voyage, the ship population
>There were noble and non-noble maidens and they were daughters of military compatriots who died in battle for the king or noblemen who died overseas and whose upbringing was paid by the Crown.[60] Bahia's port in the East received one of the first groups of orphans in 1551.
>The multiplication of descendants of Portuguese settlers also happened to a large degree through miscegenation with black and amerindian women.
>In fact, in colonial Brazil the Portuguese men competed for the women, because among the African slaves the female component was also a small minority.
>This explains why the Portuguese men left more descendants in Brazil than the Amerindian or African men did.
>The Indian and African women were "dominated" by the Portuguese men, preventing men of color to find partners with whom they could have children. Added to this,
>White people had a much better quality of life and therefore a lower mortality rate than the black and indigenous population
Brazil used to be non-shitty. But that was back then it was still under the rule of the portuguese
well, at least we got sum qt natives desu
kys please
>babby's first day on pol
>doesn't know that OP can't bump his own thread on first post
lrn2post, faggot. maybe browse the archives
As you can see by this thread the Brazilian is taught to be self defeatist and have no morals and principles.
Instead of arming themselves and fight to the death to overthrow the political regime they think voting for another candidate will make everything better, cause he talks well about the military.
The military is merely an arm of the state, it'll always enforce through violence the rules to maintain the state privileged. The Brazilian doesn't understand the state is his enemy.
The problem of Brazil is that it's politicians have absolutely nothing to fear.
It wont change the fact that you will always be a cuck from a cuck nation.
low IQ + democracy
I don't know why it's so fucking hard to just google where the country is on the map.
>The Iberian mentality we inherited from Portuguese colonization
Blame the white man for your own mistakes, how typical.
It's not blaming the white man, it's the noticeable moral malleability present in Portugal and Spain.
For further reference there's a book called "Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias" which illustrates the rampant corruption on every bureaucratic level of the government during the colonial times.
>Why is Brazil so shitty?
Bad climate/geography, slavery, herd mentality and recently, socialism.
>was it always like that
More or less, yes.
>when was Brazil's peak?
Pedro II (1840-1889)
South Brazil is a commie-infested shithole.
Yeah, why not.
>Why is Brazil so shitty?
We don't have an identity, no sense of comunity.
> Was it always like that?
Pretty much, maybe better or worse at some point in the past, but not by much.
> When was Brazil's peak?
Second Emperor, Peter II.
> Can it happen again?
If happen, I guess it would be in a totatlly different way.
> Will Brazil disintegrate into white and prosperous south
This is a meme, the south is not prosperous, there are villages with majority of germans with a high IDH, but they are villages, no industry or good jobs. Once you go to any urban area, it gets shitty, no matter south or north.
> and the rest of the country will create their state in the future?
It could be a possible future, break down in small pieces, where people could create a sense of identity, and then later expand it.
> Do you have any hope for Brazil?
Not much, if it gets better, I think that it would be totally circunstancial, like the rest of the world imploding in wars and we prospering because we are too far away and not interesting to any one to invade.
> Would really like to know situation in Brazil.
Good news: we may get rid of comunists in the next elections.
Bad news: we are getting more violent. I don't recommend anyone to come here.
Do these native girls really walk around naked all the time? Can a strong white man just sex them right then and there?
Nope, they only dress like that in villages deep in the Amazon jungle. Try that and you'll get eaten alive by marauding Indians.
Most natives live in secluded areas in or around the jungle and are heavily protected by the government, you can't just go interact with them.
Portugal and Spain are not corrupt, Spain is a little bite worst but not that much, at least when you look to the rest of europe and the world.
>during the colonial times.
PIDF, see: