This is a British Police recruitment advert
lol isis is going to literally be policing the anglos in their own homelands
anglos will stay dumb and fat
Putting the obvious aside, is police pay that shitty in Europe? My friend made at least $70k a year working 4 years in a suburban police department before he quit.
I don't even care anymore.
Just fuck it all up
"Sad PePe", Andy Warhol 1977
The average cop makes about 910€/month here, the office guys make more and up to 3,5k. The Average detective is paid 1,5-2k. So yeah, cops have bad wages in the EU.
>those salaries
so the police are officially working poor in the UK? come on, dad. get it together.
What else do you expect from a police force who recently kicked the white guys out of a park, so Muslims could pray there, police included
The UK Police are now defacto Islamic agents, working against the Britons.
*English police
Only they're cucked enough
>No gun
>Cuck country
What a fucking boring job that must be. The only country worth being a cop in is America.
Well for less risk. In USA every citizen is armed, so every police intervention might end up with death of policeman.
This shit would never happen, our police force and military is secretly fascist in public, but very openly so in private. I had a normie friend go into the Army, and he came out talking shit about Jews and how NatSoc is the way to go.
Great Britain was cool while it lasted. Peace out guys
English fags better sort it out. You are getting cucked harder than Sweden. I laugh in your pathetic faces. Football firms gonna be the only ones who can get it done. Just gotta link up together. Millwall and Chelsea, shoulder to shoulder vs the ducking pakis. Get it done cunts. Should be easy to take over the police.
Even security guards get paid more then that in the US.
where should we go? (do not say Poland)
At least they're not armed.
The US is just as cucked bud, albeit in different ways
>910 euros
We had a shit interior minister, she made a bunch of shitty reforms where money was used for office supplies (yeh, seriously) instead of wages and cops now earn like 400 euros max. They had to drop standards to literally retard level so gyppos can join cause they are the only ones who want to anymore.
Believe me, it could be worse.
In Scotland our police are just as cucked, thought policing and this pandering to "diversity"
Great Britain was cool while it lasted. Peace out guys
At this point I don't see anywhere that would be good to move to. Seems like everywhere is either a globalist wreck or places like China that already suck. Went to Trinidad once, super based mother fuckers down there but slummy in a lot of parts
>be anlgo
>daughter raped by a bunch of pakis
>wife got acid thrown in her face for not wearing a burqa
>got stabbed trying to protect them
>try to find a police officer
>look for a hijab
>tap her shoulder from behind
>she turns around and unveils a suicide belt
>get blown the fuck up
I'm sure those muslim women will gladly enforce the law against other muslim men or muslims in general... kek.
In burgerland there is unironically an upper IQ limit, above which you are disqualified, OKd by the U.S. District Court
>what is insurgency
If you have a black cop frisk a black citizen, they can't pull the race card. They can call him an uncle tom, house nigger or what ever, but they can't say he's being racist.
If you have a ninja in a hijab arrest a Kebab, it will be one of their own. HOWEVER, in mudslime society a female police officer is haram. They will flip their shit and go bezerk.
I say let them embrace diversity of female cops and dine on the meal they are setting before them.
Do they have a vendor for Halal riot gear? I'd like to submit my bid for the contract
I agree. Trump is literally the last hope. Even then, 8 years isn't much time in the grand scheme of things. Anything short of a global banking /economic meltdown that brings everybody back to zero is futile
Wow that's sad
But he could just apply to a different city's police department and pretend to be stupid.
No wonder your police suck they get paid like shit
we also have way more niggers and chicanos which itself is worth the benefits and pension
These people are way overpaid.
>I'm a burger but I'm on vacation
I should switch my flag to avoid confusion
Why are Bong police so zombie like? Every single video, it's all the same. Zombies.
I'm at the point where i just laugh at the disgusting state of this country. There is no saving it at this point we're too far gone.
It's almost like the cost of living is different in these countries
You beat me to it, tarnation
Police in urban areas maybe, rural police almost never draw their weapons.
LOL 23K pounds per year? Holy shit that is trash pay
we are all dead.
nothing matters .
Gb was never great. They were always a source of utter degenerative morals.
why the fuck does it have to be a fucking female Muslim police officer, how the fuck is a female Muslim going to offer any kind of protection, grab that hijab over her face and beat the shit of her
US is lost
UK is lost
France is lost
Germany is borderline, Nordic countries are lucky to have so much homogeny that they are borderline
Southern European countries are kinda ok, it makes me especially angry that Italy is forced to do the EU's bidding
Canada is shit obviously
I consider slavs white and a lpt of slavic countries are doing about yhe same as southern eros
Jesus fucking Christ
England gives me the sads :(
The pay scale starts very low, but rises very quickly.
Source: Am britbong police.
It's actually quite hard to fool an IQ test, especially to match a specific desirable IQ range. Ultra left-wingers used to try it here when they got drafted.
But yeah if I was him I'd at least give it a try. If he's ok with working as a prison guard, he's probably not going to be bored as a policeman.
But the very concept man,.
Here's an idea, make sure to team up the most radical muslems on the force with the flaming faggots or the trans-psychos
Can confirm that this is true. Scot police now actually hold "assessment workshops", designed to ensure a candidate passes the recruitment process and become an officer
But these events are literally only available to blacks, browns and women. As in, if you are white, you are not allowed to go. They are even open about this.
How much muslim dick do you suck each day? In America the shitskins are afraid of the police not the other way around.
>no one pointing out Jewish Police Association
I work in an area which has not yet been diversified; for now most problems are caused by Slavs and the Irish.
If the people fulfill the criteria of application and go in accordance with the British law, what's the problem? Why do you have to be so ultra butthurt over a picture?
Protected any muslim sex slavers recently filth or are coordinated raids on meanies from Facebook more your style? I hope you get stabbed in the stomach by a junkie and take months to die in agony of necrotizing fasciitis. FTP all day.
Do you at least get to beat drunk Irish people up?
rare pepe
muslim politicians, muslim judges, muslim police, muslim military
al-brittania comes soon brothers, we are blessed to be born in the great jihad. The kaffir do not even resist us they know their cause goes against allah. 20 years, all white british kaffir pay jizya to our caliphate.
Fucking hell what are those things?
What the fuck is that. Even we don't have faggots like that walking our streets in mumus lol. Just perhaps, try and filter who enters and who doesn't?
Name one country where jizya is paid.
Dumb burger, have you seen the Britshit filth in operation?
None now but the british will because they are weak and stupid. We muslim will live like kings here.
Community support officers. Scary, I know.
No, I think you overestimate how much these things happen.
Obviously there are places where this does happen, but the average rank and file PC does not give a shit about political correctness.
I have never been required to do anything cucked, and if I am called on to do these things, I will probably go work in private security.
Denmark, In Vollsmose, Ishoj, Nörrebro, Islev, Gellerup Parken, Varpnergård, and probably lots of other places. They don't cal it jizya, they call it "protection!, but that's just taqiyya at work
>want to become a LEO in my state
>need 2 years of college first
In the UK millions of quid is disbursed to mosques from the Homo Office in the name of "community cohesion". After the muhammad-inspired muslim atrocity bombings, carried out in the name of islam in 2005, New Labour pumped £100m(!) in one year for this reason.
I have no doubt this is going on in the rest of the developed world and America.
>Tfw from West Yorkshire
what the actual fuck
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?
>They can call him an uncle tom, house nigger or what ever, but they can't say he's being racist.
It doesn't make any sense; but that doesn't mean they won't do it.
The day British Police Officer is a fucking hijab wearing muslim.
What did they mean by this?
Oh yeah, that too. I had suppressed knowledge off that. But yep, tons of Mohammadan project financed by actual tax money.
And as you say
>I have no doubt this is going on in the rest of the developed world and America.
Also applies to the one I mentioned about Mohammadan gangs "collecting protection money"
I know, if the establishment don't pay them enough how will they know who to support when the balloon goes up???
Hahahaha I'm fucking dying..my eyes are tearing up with cackle! Fucking hell Britain you are embarrassing to think about l..hahahahahaha
>those wages
no wonder they don't give a shit goddamn
you can't really compare yuro living costs with burger ones tho
Europoors also pay 40% in taxes
Americans get paid more and have lower cost of living. We also have to pay less to the tax jew. The only thing the Euros are better at is giving out welfare.
> hijab is officially part of british police uniform
Man, watching anglos getting colonized by their former slaves is sure satisfying.
If I moved to England tomorrow could I become a police officer with only a EU passport?
>i was merely pretending to be retarded
Yeah seriously. What the fuck who makes ~$40k after working 7 years for the same police department? That's pretty shit.
how much is your average rent? your average groceries list?
I would move to America or Australia instead. Plus if you move here and become a cop you legally get to beat up and kill niggers.
Similar sized city to Leeds, Average groceries cost around 100-200 a week for a family of 3
> legally get to beat up and kill niggers.
If I wanted to do that I would just become a cop here.
Not bothered.
Starting salary for cops is around $45k. Also, there is overtime as well. Total pay will equal around ~50-55k for first-year cop
Yeah but you have to live surrounded by the nigs in a gated community. In America you can live in nice white suburb.
Saw that too user
Housing in America is cheap af.
>If you have a black cop frisk a black citizen, they can't pull the race card.
Demonstrably untrue. To BLM mindset, all cops are white whether they are white or black or something else.
You won't get one. People don't realize just how fucking big America is population and geographically, 50k is nigger rich where I live in Ohio but you can barely live like a foster kid for 100k in the middle of NY. I could own almost literal slaves in Ohio for what it would cost to live at "average middle class citizen" standards in New York or California or one of the many other sardine can states