Sup Forums communism general

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Other urls found in this thread:

Communism is cancer

Communism is a garbage ideology that needs to fuck off back to plebbit

How's Venezuela doing???

So I've been working to achieve a sissygasm on and off for roughly the last year. Frequently I would get to the point where it felt like I was going to climax but before I could reach the tipping point my ass would contract, attempting to force the dildo out. This was very uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, and completely undid any progress made during that session. In an attempt to make it easier to achieve the coveted sissygasm I put myself in chastity for the week. Today I cleaned myself up, put on some of my favorite hypnos on my TV and spent roughly 3 hours fucking my pussy. About one hour in I felt an incredibly intense burning pleasure in my clitty and it started spasming, shooting out cum. I had done it. My first sissygasm and it felt amazing. But I was still insatiably horny and I kept going. For the next two hours I would have waves of pleasure wash over me as rammed my prostate with my dildo. At one point I had a sissygasm so intense that I started uncontrollably peeing. And, since I was in full slut mode I cupped it in my hands and slurped it all up. It was very sticky and gooey as it was also full of precum. After three hours I am still insatiably horny, but am too exhausted to continue. However, if someone just walked in with their cock out I would mindlessly start sucking it and then take it in my now gaping hole. I just wanted to say thank communism for showing me what my purpose is in life and guiding me along the way to being an anal whore. If there was any doubt in my mind that I was not a sissy cumslut they are now gone, replaced with the desire to experience more pleasure from my pussy being used.

Edit: I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was lube up my pussy with spit and finger myself because I was still so horny.

Remove communism and liberal scum

i know it's you spaniard

>The most obvious fact dispelling this is that the other left social-democratic economy: Bolivia. At the moment, Bolivia’s economy is thriving, due to a boom in the demand for minerals.
>As the price of minerals has shot up, the price of oil has plummeted. Oil, of course, has been the primary mover in making the social programs in Venezuela possible. The collapse of oil prices was not because of Venezuela’s social system, but rather because of the world market and geopolitics.

>The policy crystallizes when we take a look at the words of Ali al-Naimi, who was the Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources in Saudi Arabia: “As a policy for Opec – and I convinced Opec of this, even Mr al-Badri [Opec secretary general] is now convinced – it is not in the interest of Opec producers to cut their production, whatever the price is.”

>If you refer to the above links (both of which are BBC, hardly a leftist news outlet), we can see that the levels of production maintained by OPEC are entirely intentional. Oil prices are artificial, as OPEC countries over-produce. The rationale for such a move is, according to the BBC, the Gulf states’ attempt to keep their market-share.

>However, that article also clearly demonstrates who the losers are when over-production happens: Russia, Iran, and Venezuela are at the top of the list.

Where does that leave us? Is it reasonable to assume that the drop in oil prices is entirely manufactured in order to not only maintain Gulf states’ market-share but also to destabilize countries that don’t nicely fit into U.S. global hegemony?

We shouldn’t take the right-wing baiting that Hugo Chavez’s mistake was nationalizing industries – Chavez’s mistake was rather assuming that the global powers weren’t intent on destroying his gains.

Chavez’s mistake was that he didn’t completely do away with capitalism in Venezuela.

Since the beginning of the social programs instituted by the Bolivarian government under Chavez, the West sought to undermine ever step of progress – even to the point of attempting to overthrow him in 2002.

Remember that throughout all of this:

The U.$. doesn’t hate Venezuela for the bad things it has done, but for the good things it has done.


No profits today

aljazeera. gomunism. kys

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.


Watch Sup Forums hate this thread while at he same time prising facism for the same flaws

when your Country is so weak and dependent on one product, that Saudi-Arabia can fuck with you from the other side of the Globe without sending Angry Muslims

Like allways, best post in this thread

you get 10 Aryan Points


>be NEET without any prior qualifications, education or job experience
>let me tell you about the struggles of the working class


Bump comrades

>If you're not a woman you can't talk about abortion

This is how retarded your argument is right now


I dont have an inherent problem with the idea of pooling the capital of a state and spreading amongst the people, but I would say the problem comes if you end up with an almost cultish ideology like they had in the soviet union. For as many national socialists that are on this board, they're very hostile to the idea. My main question is how do you guys feel about the jq and race/importance of homogeneity.

>le everyone except me is a le commie XDDD!!!

The statistics are easily available from the fucking UN, UNICEF, the World Bank, etc.
Or are those communist conspiracies too?

OP is a faggot

>Socialism does not work


TOP FUCKING KEK user BEST GIF IVE SEEN ON Sup Forums YET, you make that?

>implying Venezuela is the only argument against communism

I live on the west coast. I'm sourrounded by "people" like you. I've never seen a more ugly group of people in my life. If you were never born this would would be a tiny bit better.

Pic related. One of your comrades.

forgot pic

For a love of god, every time i visit /pol i see this ugly red flag with sickle and hammer. Where are you from, boy? Do you really believe in this shit or you just trolling?

Sup Forums is for everyone user I'm not a communist but I am a true American and think OP and his people can express themselves here if they want doesn't bother me

I know it's great but I didn't make it. Picked it up off /leftypol/ and reduced the file size

Meme image that fundamentally doesn't understand the classes. Also, it doesn't acknowledge the level of wealth we have. For example saying you're going to cram people like sardines into houses when the US has 15 million EMPTY homes.

Nice, capitalist efficiency

Sage in all fields. Commies must burn, like Russia in 1917.

Bash the fash

Would you really rather live in NK instead of SK? Your are either lying to yourself or retarded, pick one.

>tfw forgot to actually put sage in all fields
Ok, commies, you win this time, but i'll be back.



Neither does NatBol, it's just an autistic child of Communism and Nazism.


Oh, hi. Do you realize art and entertainment cannot exist under socialism?

I agree that they can express themselves, but that red shit is still just makes me sick to the stomach. I just wanna know if that user have any experience of that ideology firsthandly.

I love you and I'll protect you, Ukraine.


The funny thing about all this left vs right stuff is that back in the day before the History Channel became the land of pawn shops and junk yard scavengers there was actual history there. I saw a documentary on World War 1 where Austria-Hungarian empire long with Germany where losing the war on the Russian front and found Lenin in exile so they gave him millions of Marks and sent him off too Russia with his followers among them was Stalin, with the idea to fund the communist takeover of Russia and when the Lenin regime takes power they withdraw from the war. Unfortunately Germany still lost but there plan worked and Lenin upheld his end of the bargain. So in reality Germany is responsible for the communist uprise in Europe. Ironic don't you think.

You disgrace your former Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic

On the contrary comrade, artists of all kinds are free to pursue their passions without worrying about rent, food, clothes, and utilities. Also, artists are free to make art with their own interests, instead of the interests of the masses. For example, without having to worry about whether their PRODUCT will sell or not, they can focus on making a personal work. No more capeshit, explosions, sausage party, and emoji movies. No more Katy Perry BLACKED music, Areola Grande degeneracy and cultureless dribble. No more modern art. It will be glorious comrade, glorious.

Are Maoists welcome in this general?

pic related is me


>The funny thing about all this left vs right stuff is that back in the day before the History Channel became the land of pawn shops and junk yard scavengers there was actual history there
This is another good point user. Why do you think there is so much reality tv crap on the HISTORY channel? It sells. It makes a lot of money. It makes the owners happy. Under communism historians wouldn't need to make documentaries to appease to profit. Read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, he talks about a lot of the seemingly unnoticed negative changes capitalism has on our society and culture.

>So in reality Germany is responsible for the communist uprise in Europe
This is true. We must thank our german comrades

Jesus Christ you cunts are on another level of subhuman.


OP is a titanic phaget.

Latvia is the best

You're not larper

>says the guy who has made a pic of all the bad looking rightwingers

You come from a board that censors dissent. GTFO.

Sage your posts and post images boys.

show your flag LEAF

>non factual data pulled out of porkey ass
>into the garbage it goes

Yeah like I said earlier I'm not a communist I'm just a American dude that believes in the constitution and think all people have the right to free speech, I don't like this falsifying of history the super hard right does sometimes, people basically live a lie for the most part on Sup Forums with super far right or super far left. But it is want freedom is about, I may not agree with what you say but ill defend your right to say it.

>"Hehheh let's post images of a few average looking redditors we cherrypicked!"

Nice non-argument, retard.


>"Capitalism killed 100 million Native Americans!"
>"Haha! Take that! Communism is totally proven successful now!"

It's time to stop posting.

>The data doesn't vilify capitalism
>Doesn't post data disputing it

Holy fuck. Did you take that shit while at a fucking MTG tournament? You're gonna need a little more than that faggot.

Always my favorite post in these threads. Thanks bro.

You know the thread just got serious when anons start time stamping

Nuh uh! You look like that strawman, fictional Capitalist made to blame everything wrong with the world on the concept of private property!

So there!

Its not a leaf, its the spaniardtard


fucking commie subhumans




still buthurt the soviets won kraut?

What's the difference between Democratic Socialism and full blown COMMUNISM?

This is the epitome of being a retard.
So Venezuela's entire progress is purely based on luck (communism or capitalism, having the largest oil reserves in the world is just luck) and the wasteful management of oil riches, and that is something to attribute to socialism? Fucking idiot.
Meanwhile the price of the commodity falls (as is expected to. 100$ a barrel was artificially high) and, lo and behold, all that "progress" means jack shit.

Read this and tell me it's progress

>"That wasn't REAL communism!"

>We fight for porky and to keep the current capitalist system of inefficiency and exploitation of the working class up

Wow, what a rebel

fucking bolchivics.

everybody knows communism and the way it works needs an update.

marx was right on the capital part but his solutions where shit.



worked the best under stalin only bad thing might be the replacement of the ethnics to diffrent locations

*it's your brain on communism

Stop trying to take away my private property

>So Venezuela's entire progress is purely based on luck (communism or capitalism, having the largest oil reserves in the world is just luck) and the wasteful management of oil riches, and that is something to attribute to socialism? Fucking idiot.
>Meanwhile the price of the commodity falls (as is expected to. 100$ a barrel was artificially high) and, lo and behold, all that "progress" means jack shit.

>but but venezuela!!
both of us can play this game comrade look at those african shitholes that inploy capitalism.

stalin purged degenerates and purged the kikes that where in the leninist soviet union.


>Ruined Chile
>But hey at least he through some political dissidents out of helicopters (of which the USSR had the best helicopters) xD

>Stop trying to take away my private property

i dont want youre private property.

and why are you making this argument anyways?

you do know you dont own the land youre on right? you still have to pay tax? and the state owns the land and can kick you out anytime.

its the same with landlords.

Name one

what is it with commies and next level paragraphs on their memes

Why choose to work when you can work at gunpoint?!

>Unironically a communist in 2017
Neck yourself you spic.

The only other ideology that has killed more than communism is Islam.

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
Communism is a final stage of societal decay in which the productive infrastructure stays frozen in time until exploited to ruin, and substandard goods with no competing products are produced not in order to be used/consumed properly, but in order to meet an apparatchik defined quota.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
Communism in it's full form is a totalitarian state comprising of three classes: apparatchik/party elite, military/"law" enforcement, proleteriat; these classes follows the maxim "Quid licet Iovi non licet bovi."

>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state...
To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the party. Then, a period of purges follows in which the disobedient are liquidated by the obedient. When the disobedient have been completely vanquished, there will be only obedient ones, and eventually the terror of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away alongside its prisoners' as Marx said.

As if lazy Africans know what the fuck they are doing... If the best argument against capitalism you have is looking at nigger countries, I rest my case.

What private property do you own?

>Dude the USSR was a genocidal hellhole
>Population skyrocketed under communism then this happened...

thats why communism has killed 400gazillion ppl...
the blamegame began loong ago