Other urls found in this thread:
That's not proof.
Post the links or proof or neck yourself
> Jack Black
What a disappointment...
It's a bunch of sperglord nothing, as I suspected. Tell these idiots to start using hidden cams/mics instead of wasting their time trying to strain out something sinister from fucking album art and six-degrees-of-separation bullshit.
is skippy going down?
So that's it? A big fat fucking nothing. I was dumb to expect more. Wasted a lot of peoples time and hope.
Pizzagate was hijacked a long time ago, people like D Seaman were used to discredit it, wether he knew it or not. Whatever, it worked to smear Hillary and Podesta- that was the whole point, considering the accusations they were lobbing at Trump, I find it justified. Now these conspiracy nuts are just making themselves look nutty and dumb as fuck, I'm loving it
As I wrote earlier, instead of attention-whoring on the Internet, they need to get mini spy drones, pinhole cams, that kinda thing. Anything less is just going to be dismissed as "cool story, bro," and given this garbage of a release, it's easy to see why.
it at least proves pizza is a codeword, all of these people are obsessed with pizza
Fake tweet
The devils tell me yes. What they don't tell me is who is gonna replace them when they're gone.
Wew, good thing law enforcement and celebrities didn't come forward, would've been embarrassing outing yourself because this is the "information" that they have. At least they spent the 48 hours leading up to this to compile a list of dodo bird dumb shit. Miley Cyrus is like pop royalty, she's not in on the pizza. Plus, pizza is pretty amazing. I make weird music and would never use pizza artistically, and while Alefantis and co on Instagram appeared to be very fucked, a majority of this stuff is the result of people with no talent and a love for pizza
Got moar?
Fake adn gay
No, it doesn't prove anything. Fuck this board, I'll check in tomorrow. You're all dumb faggots
wow it's nothing lmao. pizzacancer rekt again.
This makes Michael Jackson's defence look terrible
countdowns are always either larps or disappointments, probably meant to degrade morale
Pizzagate is real and should never stop getting investigated.
These people are sick, they are liars, they are child abusers, they must be brought to justice!
Why do you even post this shit when you read it and know there was nothing in it. For fuck's sake guys, proofs!
>pizzagate """""""""""""""""""""""""evidence"""""""""""""""""""""""""
>probably meant to degrade morale
that's a really interesting point. I remember that being brought up when we thought we were going to get the tape of hilldog saying nigger
we knew it was a code before because of the podesta emails, this is just more evidence of it.
I'm not saying this swordfish stuff is anything substantial, just more evidence of pizza clearly meaning something else.
This was always going to be a letdown, I warned in the last thread and was called a shill, but I'm amazed it you don't think pizza is a codeword
>bunch of schizophrenic ramblings with no actual evidence that could be used to make a criminal case
I don't understand why you all keep falling for it
Last person to say something like that got popped too
I think that's what these countdown thing are, build hype, deflate everyone and possibly demoralize people from investigating.
And everyone else just sees a nothingburger and thinks pizzagaters are loons.
Jesus christ swordfish
this is nothing
Wooooow, Psychedelic bands and the people in them like to use satanic and occult references as part of their image, this proves everything. It's not like there's a heavy crossover between psych users and conspiracy theorists or anything
idiot did more harm than good with this
how could you tell?
Fake. Sage
I definitely think that has been the case in the past. I hope it isn't this time, though, and that it does turn out that Mr. Swordfish has something better up his sleeve. I do note that it is still only 2.25PM Eastern
Jesus christ swordfish
this is
Shaquille O'Neal is a giant retarded nigger
That just made me super dizzy. Im going to laydown.
Of course she was, all I have to do is look at the progression of her album covers to know that.
Ask me how I know this is your first day here.
you dont say
It is absolutely the best cia tactic to make the more autistic and extreme people calm down and become complacent. Needing to wait around for some future date for something to happen stops these people from acting.
I've been saying this for months. Specifying a date or a countdown for a happening is purely for demoralization purposes. It makes us want to give up when it turns out to be a bunch of shit.
it's literally nothing.
this voat poster said it best
>Nothing short of video footage of these freaks raping and murdering children is gonna get anything done. We need hard evidence
Trafficking Networks Research:
1) [/EWO/ Archives: archive.4plebs.org
2) [/ELB/ Archives: archive.4plebs.org
3) [/HTG/ Archives: archive.4plebs.org
4) [KB Archives: archive.4plebs.org
voat poster said it best
Whats with these "nothingburger" posters? Is it the new sleepytime crew? LP
Skippy pls
>build hype
if this case isnt solved soon it will be lost cause. the next level of the narrative after trannys is incest, followed by pedo
Skippy is legion.
>slightly off-topic
why this voat.co looks like leddit, and is it also full of leftie circle-jerks?
>evidence shows
>does not show evidence
What type of bullshit is this? Either put out or I'm driving you home.
It's just he tinfoiler type of evidence aka nothing
it's like kimdotcuck and seth rich all over again
what do any of the numbers with Miley mean?
the happening is real lads, just look at the huge amount of shillposts and slide threads. they is shitting themselves. keep it bumped
>pizzagate morons fall for more bullshit
Surprise. Maybe if you guys spent more time going after actual pedophiles and sexual deviants you might get somewhere. Trump has already acknowledged going in on women dressing at his pageants and there are more than enough rumors about his peepee tape. When are you people going to go autismo on that?
>Everyone knows pedophile rings exist
>Everyone knows human trafficking exists
>Everyone knows prominent members of the elite / media / political sphere / Hollywood have and are involved
>Thousands upon thousands of arrests in the last few months alone
No guys it's nothing stop looking stop
This is actually better than swordfishs post. Thanks Frank
What about 2 degrees of separation?
Send all satanic pedophiles to the gulags.
Implying the fbi are not in on the scam.
The jews use pedophilia as blackmail to control their pets with. It's the only way they can influence another race's society reliably, since only compromised psychopaths would be willing to sellout their own people for shekels.
The issue is the system must entirely die before things get better. Along with every single jew.
>you all
It's because you're some flavor of shitskin; you don't have a high enough iq to sort shills from real anons. to make matters worse for yourself, your ego has you believing you don't need to the follow the rules
>lurk for years before posting.
In short, you're "confused" because you're a moron. You probably can't fix that condition, so just don't post and call attention to the fact that you have the intellect of a a sub-human.
looks like Justina Bieber's (trans) sister
>peepee tape
Psyop from a bronze polishing congolese board.
miley suicide inbound
Yes, you dumb Faggots. The LARPING about having uber secret Doxing info ENDS NOW.
Fucking too many Reddit Fags on Sup Forums to even take this shit seriously.
Sup Forums is always right
Nothing gets by you, huh bud?
So he was bluffing. Whoda thunk it?
about #cumpanda, skip to the end of my next post if the rest doesnt interest you:
Josh Bekenstein, Sponsor of the New York Dinner of the Clinton Foundation
He works for a company founded (among others) by Mitt Romney
>Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by several former Bain & Co. partners that included Mitt Romney (later to become the 70th Governor of Massachusetts and candidate for President of the United States), T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss.[4] On account of these shared roots, Bain & Co. still maintains a strong institutional relationship with Bain Capital. Many current Bain Capital managing directors and professional staffers began their business careers at Bain & Co.[11]
Bain & Co, even though allegedly a seperate group still has the same origin as Bain Capital and I would be suprised if they really severed all ties. Bain & Co has ties to Atlantic Council
Which in turn has ties through Dmitri Alperovitch to Crowdstrike
Crowdstrike is one of the companies which fueled the rumors of russian hacking and has ties to the DNC
So Bekenstein has ties to the DNC, donated to the Clintonfoundation, and has connections to a group fueling the russian hacker narrative. However there is Seth Bekenstein, his brother, who was found guilty of Childpornography
So a Bekenstein, with ties to the DNC and donated for a CF dinner working for a company founded by Mitt Romney has a brother that distributed Childporn
>Bekenstein was convicted in 1987 in New York on charges of sexual abuse and placed on three years' probation, records show.
>Bekenstein was charged in a criminal complaint with receiving child pornography that was mailed or shipped in foreign commerce. He is scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Wayne Brazil at a detention hearing today. (January 12, 2001 )
>The sender, later identified as Seth Bekenstein, emailed hundreds of child-porn images, including photos taken by McVicker, to the agent. Bekenstein, a U.S. citizen living in Mexico, was then arrested when he visited Portland in February 2011.
he was found guilty for sexual abuse and only got 3 years on probation, was then caught again in 2001, and then was arrested in 2011?!
also in
>One pornographic video, ostensibly titled as being a National Geographic documentary about pandas, opened with an image of a panda before leading to a depiction of "three underage boys engaged in sexually explicit activities," Kawabata said.
ever notices how many of the kids in the instagram pics look really tired? so tired they have rings around their eyes? rings like pandas have them? i believe the kids are the #cumpandas
Pedo bear Cyrus
Big nothing burger?
Very true, this is over, let's all go take a nap. I'm getting sleepy.
The biggest in recent history.
Instead, I think I going to stay focused on pushing the investigation forward. We're getting more and more determined, it's good to feel like we are moving toward the truth.
>(And if you want to ‘debunk’ this, just ask: who would bring their cat anywhere?)
KEK all these "this is fucking nothing" posters with only 1 post in the thread
Take time and read through it, then decide if it's truly "nothing"
give me a quick rundown I'm not gonna read all that shit
Lemme give you a hint bud.
They're shitposting, making fun of people who originally posted those lines.
This whole dog and pony show was to let people down so they get discouraged and confuse this with real happenings on the 27th. Anybody with half a brain knew this guy was a larping faggot.
Can someone give me a quick summary on what this means?
So whats the evidence? there's literally no hard evidence other than "muh pizza" even tho pizza's have been a normie meme for years now.
Your instincts are correct
Same group