I hope you're happy /pol! This is all your fault. All you and your racist memes.
Paint is DEAD!
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't wait until ad-supported MSPaint 3 requires constant connection to the internet before I can make frawg memes.
Do you have a job?
Do you sleep?
32years development and still the worst graphics editor ever. that should tell you something about internship at Microsoft.
I blame homestuck
I use Paint everyday
What the shit is this
Whatever, as long as my 16 year old copy of Paint Shop Pro 7 still works.
Nice ID trips
It's a bot. Notice how it's always 20-40 seconds after the link gets posted.
quit replying to the bot you fucking retard
oh no, whatever will i do.
besides download any other graphics editor, which anyone worth a fuck already has
Pro memers use GIMP and Photoshop you fucking pleb
Use pixlr.com an in - browser - Photoshop alternative for Meme production from now on.
Thank me later.
oh my god I thought I was the only one to still use Paint Shop Pro 7.04.
That app is GODLY powerful for so little resource usage.
If only the JPG compressor in it wasn't completely useless.
>what is dead may never die
Nope, been using PSP since he 90's. Good image browser and at least used to be the best for being able to handle the largest variety of formats, even Deluxe Paint's .lbm format, which I don't think I've ever seen in any other program.
from previous thread
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/134775688#p134786236
This. Who the fuck still uses Paint to make memes?
wildly underrated
I'm going to begin replying like this just to confuse young people
>using ms-shit
i'll get you original paint to make dank memes send send me some shitcoins and its yours im actually using it right now
Wait, this is free?
From now on, only Norway is allowed to archive
what do you mean "dead"? for (((windows 10))) users or sumthin?
Yes. 100% community developed, mature, and free.
Nigger you new or something?
Just do But I would prefer if you fucked off to reddit.
Huh. Maybe I should try it out then.
Your handwriting is shit.
Best part is, it's open source.
The UI is somewhat confusing, but it's really fucking powerful for an open source program.
He's not a bot. Hard to believe I know.
Are you a human or a bot?
I can't tell the difference anymore.
25 seconds response time, astounding
I don't understand why we have to keep telling people this, it comes up in every fucking thread
Fellow Pajeet here. Go GIMP!
Thank you
How can they kill a program that is capable of creating beauty such as this?
Wtf you have the same handwriting as me
Goto pix.lr and use that. Essentially online Photoshoop
does not exist
I'm just here to comment in the most autistic thread that I've seen in a while. Well done lads.
GIMP is fucking awful compared to Photoshop. The layout is retarded.
Yep, gimp's for gimps
I didn't like the GIMP interface either but there's PhotoGIMP developed specifically for people who prefer a Photoshop-like interface.
Paint.Net much better, I gave GIMP to many tries, it only cost me frustration and disappointmen every fucking time (unlike Photoshop)
mspaint died a long time ago.
that new shit they call mspaint now is garbage.
So you single?
>He's not a bot.
>I don't understand why we have to keep telling people this
Fucking idiots. It is a bot, but he does respond sometimes when he is actually there to respond.
Fuck, have a (you)
Just use an alternative, like Paint.net
Haven't used paint since it was called paintbrush..
If I had to describe autism to someone who didn't understand what it was, I would show them this post.
Arching IS norbots job
Norbot can't sleep because of all the fucking Normie's refusing to archive and allowing bog rolls like the gaurdian to score Sup Forums clicks
What happened to Mr. Paint?
Im so proud of you norway.
Stop wasting paper, nigga, you killing dem trees, ya dig?
Thank you Linux for GIMP.
>PSP 7
My niggas.
>Not coding png images by hand
ITT plebs .
I like MS Paint. I use it err day.
Paint.net anyone?
just use stick pivot animator.
I also thought I was the only one.
Can't get text to look as crisp as Photoshop every time but other than that there's simply no need to upgrade to some DRMed resource hogging shit.
>Muh Trunks
Not using free Photoshop CS2.
fucking pleb