Other urls found in this thread:
So basically, he's got nothing?
Miley Cyrus? Comet Ping Pong? Is he even trying??
>find anything with a pizza on it
Pure schizophrenia
"MAJOR HAPPENING" = Some guy larping that he has inside knowledge while he posts his 'research'.
This is fucking RETARDED
i was going to call bullshit, but you shlomos got here so quick I'm guessig I should give it a read.
It's journalism 101.
Not 1 piece of factual information
Legit hope you lose everyone around you and they all die and you suffer. Fucking cocksucking shill
im a shill? Your the one fag flagging. But i did read through his post and there literally is nothing. Just a bunch of speculation about bands nobody ever heard of.
Go read it and tell me what you think
It's nothing new. He didn't give any hard evidence.
Then come back and apologise for calling me a jew.
i know thats what I just said in my comment above you.
Glad we're in agreement about this nothingburger
I'm feeling kind of sleepy anyway.
Sup Forums is to blame. Retarded children here saw the word pizza in Podesta emails, and since CP is "cheese pizza" here, they instantly started spinning theories instead of actually reading them. Watched it unfold and knew it was going to be around forever, like the WTC 7 shit, that I also watched get birthed in a similar fashion. "Pizza" is the latest schizotypal hobby horse.
More proof that pizza might have some other meaning in certain circles. Nothing substantial though. Have to see what else he was gonna release, he did say something about spider(?)-trafficking ring. gun clubs in LA etc in his demands, so guess he will have more.
Hahaha it's fucking nothing!!! Eat that nothing burger Trampanzees!!!!
Dude a species is biologically defined as beings that can produce healthy offspring with eachother. Your post is shitpost-tier.
is swordfish was a larp then votl is prob also a larp
digits shall confirm
>like the WTC 7 shit
thre is a lot more to the WTC 7 shit than this.
There is no doubt in my mind that these people engage in the most disgusting, mind bendingly horrific stuff in human history. Nothing is beyond them.
I am equally sure that this guy has 0 evidence of it, like everyone else. There's no evidence. Information isn't evidence.
the happening is real lads, just look at the huge amount of shillposts and slide threads. they is shitting themselves. keep it bumped
nothing burger
Original post by him:
Fuck you assholes who say this shit is nothing. This is one step closer to the truth, and swordfish just uncovered a shitload more connections and more implications to these sick dealings.
It's not the smoking gun we were all looking for but he's helping to set the picture of how widereaching this pedo scandal is. We need to know the scope of the crimes and swordfish has shown us so many other clues and leads.
When the time comes and all the pedos are exposed, the people will have already known the context and the gravity of their crimes. They won't need to explain anything to the public at that point.
This is all a set up for that, and more knowledge is always good knowledge. I applaud Swordfish for his investigative work and will continue to disseminate his information and continue his investigations.
>im a shill?
yes you are, lookup a dictionary if your murican education has taught you how to read
>This is one step closer to the truth
And I'm about to break?
so, did he say who the prominent musicians are that are involved in human trafficking?
the art galleries?
the hastert connection?
am i missing something?
>Evidence proves that musicians have been part of a pizza cult, and have been promoting it in videos
Laughing my FUCKING ass off here. This was supposed to be the big bomb to set off WWIII? Holy shit you guys got played hard.
His "evidence" amounts to anyone in a music video eating or referencing one of the most commonly consumed foods in America... Honestly you guys are starting to sound like the gangstalking schizos.
>Oh no, a red car drove by! That means he's part of the staszi FBI gangstalkers and they're purposefully showing themselves to me just to rub it in my face!
Well if it's nothing I guess you won't mind us automatically analyzing everything about it.
I'm sure it's all a nothing burger, right ;)
“First they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win“
this is a new low...even for trumpers
Knock yourself out buddy. It's kind of annoying having to hide another thread on the topic every hour but I guess that's just life.
By the way, nowhere in my post did I say the word "nothing" or "nothingburger," so that was purely injected by your schizo mind.
>If people are hating on you then you're doing something right!
Reads as:
>I can do literally anything I want and when people make fun of me for it that will only redouble my vigor to be a retard!
Oh look, more bullshit.
Go ahead. Waste your time. This is a big load of nothing.
We need to distribute Swordfishs infos into easily understandable infographs and memes. However his delivery was great and I'm happy that VOTL helps pushing him!
It's supposed to be "First they ignore you" you turkroach fuck
And the katamari ball rolls on
literally nothing
So many shills here already
>i was going to type the same thing as you, but you did first, so that means you are shills
This guy...
Did anyone else see this tweet by Votl. Then being deleted instantly ? what did he mean by this
There is still quite a bit of debate within scientific communities. You have the "lumpers" and "splitters" camps of classification. Its really quite arbitrary, with quite a bit of variation between species differentiation.
>some user decides to really get his hands dirty and infiltrate the club itself
>he spends years accumulating wealth and power
>he makes the connections he needs to in order to be a part of the club
>he gets an invite
>two men in suits take him to their car
>his head is bagged and he can't see anything, he can only hear the hum of the engine and the feel the slight bump in the road
>he is lead to a building
>the bag is taken off his head
>"user, we vetted you and we think you're ready to be part of our organisation"
>user looks nervous but he has prepared his whole life for this, he will figure out the truth
>user nods
>"very well..."
>politicians, celebrities, musicians all come from behind the curtains
>barack obama appears
>they lead user to a pedestal
>"now user ... repeart after me"
>user is shaking, sweat is dripping from his brow
>suddenly lights come on
>user is startled but turns towards the pedestal
>it's a peperoni pizza
>"Welcome to the pizza party user!"
>everybody is eating pizza and dancing
>there are photos of pizza everywhere
>there is a guy in a pizza costume playing pizza related music
>everything is pizza
Justin Bieber's Manager Scooter Braun's brother Alex and Scooter himself hangs out with Soro's Kid and has a pencils for poor kids charity he runs in 3rd world countries so...also the link to pedos.... this picture is a little unsettling no?
why would bieber hug him then but not later on? why would a 15/16 year old hug this old man for a photo? then not still have the same connection later on?
check out their social media and see what you find for yourself...they are having hiliary and bill clinton speak at dinners they attend, they are raising literally millions of dollars for pencils of promise every year and are connected with pizzagate democrats and globalists....
FYI this all came about from I believe it was an fbi user thread on pol or some shit saying to look into biebers mom and how bieber and people like him and programmed and created from birth...who knows if that's true, biebers mom was in a psych ward as a teen though and came out all godly and weird...
what is true though is that the Brauns run in the same pizzagate circles the pizzagaters do and are in the music industry and run a charity "helping" kids in 3rd world countries
Lol its fucking nothing
Did you know that there was once no WTC 7 theory at all? Pizzashit is the same collective internet "investigation" and ever-expanding narrative that grows by creeping assertion. Never mind the fact that it's well known that Podesta is an Italian chef with a wood burning oven in his backyard-- must mean kidfuckng.
That said, Podesta is a first rate creep, and him calling Hastert "Denny" is awful interesting. But "hot dogs" is not code for baby dicks....
please tell me this picture is real
>Pedo level
>Pizza music starts playing
Wtc7 did collapse though
And there are satanic pedophiles in our government running a pedoring
Pizzagate is just a silly hashtag
good stuff bro
>pencils for poor kids charity he runs in 3rd world countries
>Pencils for Poor Kids
So fucking sick of these idiots hyping up their nothing.
That guy is dead since 1995. KYS shill, stop trying to poison the well.
Maybe nobody has found concrete evidence of Pizzagate because it isn't real?
Anyways I don't know about you but I am so sleepy right now it's time to catch some ZZzzz...zzz
Ok so where is the party at ?
just asking for a friend of mine ....
It's about the post not who posted it. It mentions Chris Cornell's cracked ribs which is suspicious since he performed the night he killed himself.
What's that? Short summary pls
something was said about a person, and one of their contacts being named forrest
and everyone would know them
the person said their name was forrest
now 2 people from forrest gump are known as good dudes, obviously tom hanks and gary sinese
>FBIANON = swordfish
Quote from VotL in regards to their connection to Swordfish: "Swordfish is in the entertainment industry and received a green light from us via one of our sources who works in the industry."
there's no evidence or proof presented, only more conjecture.
if you're not familiar with what evidence looks like you shouldn't be following these types of stories.
Sooooo, what's the big news besides a Voat post?
Literally fucking nothing lmfao.
Still reaching for absolutely nothing, you fucking conservashits. You fucking backwards Neanderthal monkeys lmfao
Keep reaching.
Ah hahahaha gang stalking.
I used to frequent this message board for DJs and ravers in the early 2000's. This kid on there who was a dipshit by default ate waaaaayyy too much ecstasy and acid and fucked his brain up.
He became consumed with gang stalking and was convinced he was a "targeted individual"
So one day I'm on Sup Forums and some dipshit is on here ranting and raving about gang stalking in Seattle and a couple of his stories sound familiar. So I'm like nawwwwwww ... maybe?
So I post "Listen Schuyler we've warned you about talking about this online. You remember what we did to your mother's job. That's why she won't talk to you anymore. Delete this post and never speak of us again or there WILL be consequences!"
Hooooooly SHIT bros this kid lost his SHIT on me! Direct fucking hit!
Not just that but the sheer volume of retards posting "OMFG IT MUST BE TRUE!!1"
I posted screencaps on Facebook and all my old raver buddies had a good laugh at his expense. Well his and yours as well Sup Forums
Bump this one too:
>You fucking backwards Neanderthal monkeys lmfao
das' raycis'
>posts text with nothing else
All smoke, no fire. Every time.
The irony is that the presence of Neanderthal DNA is what sets apart humanity from the niggers.
Will Trump darin the swamp ?
Stay tuned next week for yet another ... HAPPENING
sage these shills
I hope you all understand that a few decades from now when our rights to privacy have been sold to the highest bidder, and your entire history of internet browsing is public knowledge, anyone who has used Sup Forums will be subject to this exact same scrutiny right?
I mean the absolute reaches you guys are making to try and connect celebrities with pedo networks is cool and all, but here we all are posting on a website that is already notorious for CP.
So the smoke comes from nothing at all
agreed , never lose hope that justice will be served....
Back in the good old days at 2am maybe....
But that was before normies could get on the net...
We'll neck the shills as well. Anyone who stands in the way of this investigation deserves death.
Look posting information is great but making a countdown clock and making a giant production out of something you don't have decent evidence for is pointless.
LARP thread? Going to sleep
Hahahahahaha you are all fucking retards ahahahaha
Was notorious for CP. now it's deleted here within minutes if anyone is dumb enough to post it.
you sound awfully black their friend
Hey, I'm no shill you faggot, I said the dude is dead since 1995, and that shit made me think the other dude was trying to poison the well. I read his reply and understood why he poasted (although I still think is a bad idea to make a fake tweet like that, make a fucking info graphic or something with the info).
>Anyone who stands in the way of this investigation deserves death.
We're quite literally WAITING for the evidence he said he was going to provide. Instead, he's scooting around it and playing cloak & dagger.
If anyone is actually standing in the way of investigation in this case, it's the individual withholding fucking evidence.
And you think anyone is going to care about the distinction? Just look at the amount of meaningless circumstantial evidence that anons post in these threads and scream "this is it! this will surely take them down!"
lel, Sage isn't a downvote newfaggot. But by all means go ahead and sage a thread that you think is important. I think reddit is more your speed.
top kek once again literally nothing
What a load of shit.
/x/ pls go
I don't think so. That car seems way newer than even a 2001 model.
Is there a mod or admin who can delete this non-political, off-topic thread?
>uses Jihadi flag that only kikes, liberals and FBIfags use
>expects to be taken seriously
Really, Schlomo? If you're this concerned to write so much as if you care about the reputation of Sup Forums, then you can only be a fucking kike faggot disinfo shill.
plebbit pls go