Why does this trigger Americans so hard?

Why does this trigger Americans so hard?

wtf i love manual now

They don't have to pass their driver's tests with a manual unlike us Europeans.

wtf is that my car has mostly letters not numbers??

WHy do pooropoors even care? Less than half of you actively drive vehicles while its practically a requirement here.

>complicating things for no reason

2 out of my 4 cars are manuals. I don't know what you're talking about user.

is that a v-tec lever?


And Americans who drive more miles than Euros who drive. Comfort matters.

I smell the desperation eurotards

I'm not triggered at all.

In fact its quite telling that yuros feel the need to grab a dick shaped object unnecessarily when driving.

Stay mad, yuropoors

wtf is that, not burger so who care :-DDD

Do you really after learn how to drive the manual jew even if your car is automatic?

Because we license illegal immigrants to drive.

Why do you fear guns?
Less collateral.

that's what we call an "anti-theft" device here in texas.

I've driven both and manual is really more fun to drive than automatic.

I've never owned an automatic, fuck that.


no you get an automatic only license if that's the case and you can't drive manuals. you would have to do another test to then be able to drive manuals.

yes and it costs 500 minimum

slower though

> not going with the superior 5 speed manual
> fell for the 6-speed meme
kys OP

You can get license with an automatic but then you get like a retard's license so you can't legally drive a manual. I don't know anyone who has done that.
Everyone I know knows how to drive a manual. My 60 year old mother and aunts drive a manual every day.

Only fags and old women drive Automatic in the entirety of Europe

>We're smarter because our UI sucks!
I thought that's what the guns were for.

>All these retarded americans in this thread who can't drive stick
What are you going to do if you ever go to another country?

because they can't drive.

You do realize most Euro cars come with manual transmissions because you guys are literally too poor to afford the convenience of automatics, right?

some people have a condition that my driver instructor explained to me, their legs and arms don't work in sync or some shit something to do with co-ordination, so they can't change gears and break properly. some like % of the population just physically can't do it.

Because it's totally unnecessary bullshit that can be automated so you can focus on driving without that shit. Enjoy rolling backwards on hills at lights and shit. Bet OP misses cars having a crank to start them and arcane controls to "advance the spark" too.

For trucks, racing, and such specialized purposes, okay. For morning stop and go commute? No fucking way, unless you are a masochist.

I daily drive a volvo with stick.

Check mate m8

Because inventing shit to make life easier for us is how Americans do things - the famous American ingenuity.

Yuropoors prefer to sit around with outdated technology and act bitter towards America as we live lives you cucks can only dream of.

So yeah, no fucks given. Gonna keep driving my automatic truck.

Americans have very long roads, manual makes a lot less sense than in Europe. I personally love Manual, and would drive one even if I lived in the US because it connects me more to the car and I love the feeling of control I get while driving.
Automatics are....boring as fuck.

Fucking jewbaru.

>tfw maladaptive daydreaming and anxiety
>have to struggle to keep me concentrated
>then i have to use that fucking stick and spill my spaghetti on the streets

Fuck me i want an auto so bad, to this day i still don't know how i took that license.

No faggot, that says STI.

I actually prefer manual transmission it's more fun and keeps you in control. I think it should be required to learn. What if you have to drive your dying friend to the hospital and its fucking manual? Only cucks can't handle a STICK.

Not if you know what you're doing

Manual is a lot more fun. Automatic sucks the soul just like the rest of american culture

Because it seems like every 6 speed has a different layout

Cos' they can't burger and drive at the same time easily. Also, fuck off to /b or /int with this shit.

I don't think you should be driving cars at all if you have attention issues.

Automatic transmission is the easier option and its better to do the easy way than the hard way (manual)


>Americans have very long roads

That means they'd have to shift gears less though. Automatics are less stressful for stop start city driving, manual is fun for country roads.

Why the fuck do you call it a stick? It's a fucking manual.
It also has the added bonus of keeping you awake.

I can't drink my 72 oz soda and shift at the same time, fucker.

It's a funny system. I Am doing my minibus test in an Automatic minibus but once i pass i can drive an auto or manual minibus.

Kek commieland

I like how your liberals in power dont let you drive a FUCKING MANUAL WITHOUT A SPECIAL LISCENCE

i would be outraged, manuals are easy as pie and fun

I call it manual/standard but I said stick just to trigger you

Why are Americans replying that it's difficult or even an inconvenience to drive? lol. It's easy and entertaining.

Because we can actually afford cars and gas, so everyone drives here. It's a pain in the ass to drive manual in heavy traffic. I actually like them, but it's difficult to find decent mid-level cars. It seems they only ship out manuals if they're expensive sports cars or shitty bottom-trim econo vehicles.

i can eat a foot long sub and still change gear, i have to have it dangling out my mouth like a huge bread cock but it's possible

It doesn't I just prefer auto for daily driving because I'm a lazy fuck

This triggers the cage drivers

I drove manual for 12 years before finally getting an automatic. To be honest AT is infinitely more comfortable to drive.

I know that, but i thought that i could find a job easily by knowing how to drive, i didn't drive since last november, too scared to try, and still no fucking job.

why would this trigger me, mohammed?

I drive manual, it's a pretty good anti theft device since most Americans under 40 have no idea how to drive it.

>I like how your liberals in power dont let you drive a FUCKING MANUAL WITHOUT A SPECIAL LISCENCE

Because the inevitable stalling can be dangerous in certain situations. Being able to pass a driving test operating a manual car shows you have at least a basic ability of doing multiple things at once safely.

Automatics have better acceleration to top speed, if most of your reads are literally straight lines like you are drag racing, manual doesn't make much sense, desu.
I personally hate auto, but whatever. It can't be that Americans don't drive manual because they are retarded, the answer clearly lies somewhere else.

>checks flag

yes, I'm sure you're skilled at driving with a cock in your mouth

F350 crew cab stick shift driver here. It's a shame you can't have a man's truck in Europe.

I think it's the same here. If you do your driving school with a manual, you earn a license for both manual and automatic cars. But if you do it on automatic you get a license for an automatic only.
I (and everybody I know) has driven a manual in his driving school so these automatic-only licenses are somewhat mythological for me, since I've never actually seen one in person.

England was basically a third world country for much of the 20th century - just compare the standard of living for a 1950s American next to some limey living in bleak row house in poverty like WWII was still happening.

No wonder the third world mindset about obsolete technology.

Why do extra work shifting gears when the car can do it all itself. Literally autism. Eurofags will talk about anything as long as it's not about their women getting dicked by ahmed or jamal

>Automatics have better acceleration to top speed

Only for average drivers

Does it?

First car I had was a manual. Drove it for around 5 years but have an automatic now.

You just posted an American car you fucking retard.

>Manual license


>needs 6 gears
pussy, i drive a three-in-the-tree