I am serious. For once in your lifetime take 2h and listen to this podcast youtube.com/watch?v=ReKIJvOJDrs

Sam Harris has been after Trump from the outset. He called him dumb, liar, threat, you name it. This time he went against based Scott Adams of Dilbert fame, who is a Trump supporter. Let me tell you, Sam Harris might be wrong on some things like climate change and Trump, but there's nod enying he is a tower intellect and very good debater BUT I have never, and I repeat NEVER, seen him get BTFO as hard as during this podcast. Adams demolished him and made him look like a cuck.

not really

hahahaha faggot
It was literally two hours of Adams claiming post-hoc 4D chess. Adams can spin for about ten minutes before you see that all he had was rhetorical tricks and bad-faith arguments.
If Dems clean up in the midterms, you could take Adams' style of argument and claim that it was the plan all along. It's a joke because all he can do is revise the framing of the past to fit an absurd narrative.
Obviously dems have been revising the [why Hillary lost] story, but they attempts clarify whereas Adams' form of revision obscures.
You're dumb as a shit shoveler if you can't see that.

Trump is the only talking point I've seen Harris get increasingly upset and emotional over when discussing. It like he finds Trump's lack of intelligence and academics a personal insults to himself and refuses to consider how someone can be successful without graduate level education or extreme computational intelligence

never listened to sam harris but some people swear by him. If this is the 1st thing u listen to about sam harris you would think he is an emotional retard. Thats how badly he did in this discussion.

This is old news, OP, but I'm bumping your thread because Harris was absolutely and inequitably KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT. Kind of embarrassing really. He had an interview with Jordan Peterson some moons ago where he thoroughly derailed the conversation by feigning ignorance as to what Peterson's definition of truth is, just because accepting it would put his all argument to shreds. By no means is he dumb, but he is so obsessed with being right it sometimes ruins what otherwise would be a good discussion.

t. Sam Harris

Sam is a triggered faggot, he made a fool of himself.

>I couldn't really counter his points because he hypnotized me.
>t. Sam Harris

Have you considered that Harris wasn't trying to convince you personally? It's actually very smart since he further ingratiated himself to his core audience. You were never going to fund his projects, but by carrying himself the way he did he actually better served the listeners he was really trying to connect with, and they're the ones who throw money at him.

What's funny is that you think the opinion that you have of him wasn't instilled in you by him deliberately.

i was actually stupid enough to listen to it all and its boring and nothing you wouldnt expect from Harris, not worth the listen

Sam Harris is an narrow minded, condescending, hard headed ASSHOLE

Fuck him.


You sound rather cult like in you assessment.

He is a liberal dickhead. No "instilling" necessary.


>the entire thing is scott claiming le 4d quantum string theory chess

>literal no evidence of trump ever having done anything even remotely close to this

>scott always saying "as i predicted correctly", "i worked in finance with models" "i graduated from berkeley with econ major" "i've studied hypnosis for a decade"

>scott: the biggest tell for cognitive dissonance is thinking you know what someone else is thinking. btw let me tell you about what trump is thinking when he says X

>scott: analogies are used only when you have no argument left to make. btw let me tell you about this analogy about movies and the left/right.

scott is a joke. just there shilling his book

So you are insisting that Harris's goal is not to win the argument, but to argue in such a way as to earn shekels? Is that what qualifies as a defense among his fans?

>What's funny is that you think the opinion that you have of him wasn't instilled in you by him deliberately.
user, I think you're absolutely right about Harris' (successful) attempt at "further ingratiating himself to his core audience". They are his financial backers and unrepentant Never Trumpers, it makes absolute sense to double down on his position regardless of objective reality. But what you're saying is that he has no love for the facts and for what he has clearly defined as "truth" during the Peterson interview, he is just another conman doing it for the shekels.

Him being positively KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT during the Adams interview just proves how cognitive dissonant he is in regards to Trump. Truth be damned.

Do you seriously not get the joke you dumb fucks????
My "argument" is literally the form of argument Adams used to explain trump!!!! Listen to the fucking podcast. Adams doesn't respect trump supporters, he respects trump for manipulating them like fucking dogs.

>Still defending Trump.
Nice proxy Ivan.

yes. you get it.

he says at the start that he's not about winning an argument.

it's a discussion. he's not a shitty journalist trying to get a "GOTCHA!!" moment

you'd know if you actually listened to it and got anyone who even remotely supports trump's dick out of your mouth.

there wasn't a single part of that discussion that adams made a clear point or even refuted anything that sam put forth without resorting to "yeah but you see this is what the master persuader does.."

you can't discuss stuff with someone who refuses to call out trumps lies, and instead calls them "not passing the fact check" or that they were "emotionally true"

scott is so dishonest lmao, no wonder most of Sup Forums likes him.

he is the meaning of the word cognitive dissonance. everything trump does he is able to spin it into some dude epic 4d chess move

>>scott: the biggest tell for cognitive dissonance is thinking you know what someone else is thinking. btw let me tell you about what trump is thinking when he says X
His explanation for why it's different in his case is that Trump 'wrote' the Art of the Deal, and that the things he does are basically indistinguishable from what Adams would do were he in his case.

And the movies thing was to explain something, not as a replacement for logic/reasons, which is what he meant by analogies not being a part of reason

I've ALREADY listened to the entire podcast.

1. Sam Harris loses because he doesn't convince anybody of anything that they didn't already believe
2. Scott Adams doesn't convince people to support Trump
3. Scott Adams wins because he convinces people that confirmation bias and his two-movie theater analogy is a real thing

Sam's appeal that this new era of "Trump-ism" is unethical and unhealthy just didn't stand up.
You can't win if you're losing and all that.

Scott Adams is a quality political pundit, which is weird to say because it sounds like an oxymoron

>b-b-b-but muh 4d chess

>Sam: Trump is a liar with no morals.
>Scott: Yes, he acknowledges this and has stated he will use these skills to help America
>Sam: But isn't lying bad though?

Repeat for 2 hours

>trump wrote the art of the deal

look. you and i both know that isn't true. his ghostwriter even came out and said recently that it took years to write because trump didn't have the patience to sit still for 30 minutes to get some work down. honestly just read the interview with the NYT he did a few days ago.

it's an absolute mess on his behalf. just rambling. hilarious how the NYT purposely put it as text so that it's almost impossible to read, showing how much of a child trump's language capability is.

and even if, i'll grant you it for arguments sake, that he is some master persuader, how can we NOT apply this exact same reasoning to obama or bush or virtually every other single successful politician in the entire history of the world?

>looking back THIS is what obama meant when he said X Y and Z, haha look at the outcome.. no one knew it was gonna turn out like this in his favour!!

come on. we can all play this game of retroactively fitting stuff into a narrative.

literal cognitive dissonance. textbook definition.

>two fucking hours and seventeen minutes
I am a burger. I don't have the patience for this.
This video also needs more explosions and car chase scenes.
1 star.

You Harris supporters are rabid cultists

>>the entire thing is scott claiming le 4d quantum string theory chess
>>literal no evidence of trump ever having done anything even remotely close to this
False. He posited as much and made the claim that Trump would moderate his stance further down the line. He was proven correct.
>>scott always saying "as i predicted correctly", "i worked in finance with models" "i graduated from berkeley with econ major" "i've studied hypnosis for a decade"
Argument 404.
>>scott: the biggest tell for cognitive dissonance is thinking you know what someone else is thinking. btw let me tell you about what trump is thinking when he says X
He was proven correct, dimwit. Trump is not deporting millions, he has a bigger insight as to what Trump's actual goals are than numskull NeverTrumpers or the MAGApedes ever had. Or you and your imbecilic shilling.
>>scott: analogies are used only when you have no argument left to make. btw let me tell you about this analogy about movies and the left/right.
The fuck are you even trying to say here? His analogy was very on point. Everyone is watching the film that they want to see when it comes to Trump. You can make the same argument for Obama or anyone else, he was correct on that.
>scott is a joke. just there shilling his book
Isn't everyone shilling a book these days?

Fuck off.

I used to support Trump.
I still do, but I used to too

The reason he got knocked the fuck out is cause he's a pseudo intellectual jew. Sad!

>False. He posited as much and made the claim that Trump would moderate his stance further down the line. He was proven correct.
like the obama wire tapping? like the literal shitting on his own AG? like the attacking of other presidents?

>Argument 404.
you clearly haven't listened to it. he says every single one of those things i stated.

>He was proven correct, dimwit. Trump is not deporting millions, he has a bigger insight as to what Trump's actual goals are than numskull NeverTrumpers or the MAGApedes ever had. Or you and your imbecilic shilling.
literally not an argument. nice ad hominem though Sup Forumsro

>The fuck are you even trying to say here? His analogy was very on point. Everyone is watching the film that they want to see when it comes to Trump. You can make the same argument for Obama or anyone else, he was correct on that.

lol. read my point again.

cry more.

>trump proposes crazy thing that everyone knows has 0% chance of actually happening
>nostradamus-level genius predicts trump won't be able to do that thing and will have to change it

tried to make this readable

>trump wrote the art of the deal
look. you and i both know that isn't true. his ghostwriter even came out and said recently that it took years to write because trump didn't have the patience to sit still for 30 minutes to get some work down. honestly just read the interview with the NYT he did a few days ago. it's an absolute mess on his behalf. just rambling. hilarious how the NYT purposely put it as text so that it's almost impossible to read, showing how much of a child trump's language capability is. and even if, i'll grant you it for arguments sake, that he is some master persuader, how can we NOT apply this exact same reasoning to obama or bush or virtually every other single successful politician in the entire history of the world?

>looking back THIS is what obama meant when
he said X Y and Z, haha look at the outcome.. no one knew it was gonna turn out like this in his favour!! come on. we can all play this game of retroactively fitting stuff into a narrative.literal cognitive dissonance. textbook definition.

Yeah, but it's "emotionally true" that Adams is a faggot.

What the Fuck..is a sesaMEME?

>Adams demolished him and made him look like a cuck.
Adams believes "frisbee dogs" are humiliated by the act of chasing a frisbee.
Full retard.

You can fuck off. His whole spiel was that this is a post-truth society and that persuasion is much more important than the truth. You being so triggered about this just proves how you didn't understand what Adams was trying to say. Pointing out minor inconsistencies in his argument doesn't disprove anything.

I know you're being ironic(TM) but shit, someone gets it.
Adams just used common fucking sense. Trump is neither Hitler (Harris and his ilk's perspective) and neither is he Jesus (like the MAGApedes think he is).

>Adams just used common fucking sense. Trump is neither Hitler (Harris and his ilk's perspective) and neither is he Jesus (like the MAGApedes think he is).
I really like some of his ideas. Systems vs Goals etc really helped me

This was exactly my reaction too. I've heard Sam Harris talked about a lot, but never listened to him befoer. Dilbert Man is usually funny and sometimes insightful so I decided to listen to this last Friday. Sam Harris came across as a hyperventilating retard.

What is the most commonly used term to describe atheists? Immoral/Unethical.

Is Sam Harris one of the most famous Atheists in the world? I would say yes.

Does that mean he has people claiming he is immoral/unethical on a daily basis? Most likely yes, he gets very emotional when describing his Twitter spats on Joe Rogan for example.

So wouldn't it be reasonable to say that Harris has quite sufficient motive to be perceived as ethical/moral?

>he talks pretty therefore he's smart and capable
>he speaks poorly, therefore he's an idiot

I fucking hate you Brits so much.

except trump is much, much smarter than adam harris. and less of a faggot. trump is a savant genius compared to adam harris, and has a REAL education.

scott adams is an egomaniac and a total faggot who just wants to sell books.
sam harris is a globalist jew.
i don't care for either

Listened to it when it came out, it was very nicely debated by Scott. Harris got utterly BTFO'd.

>Scott Adams predicts Trump win at the very beginning of Republican primaries
>points out the specific persuasion tactics Trump uses; linguistic killshots, keeping the message simple and repetitive, focusing on visuals, hyperboles, direction-not-reality, etc.
I seriously hope you're fucking new. To find out what filter works, it's obviously the one that fits the future time and time again. Has ''master persuader'' or ''stupid egoist'' -filter worked better to predict? The denial is hard with you.

dilbertman actually talked about this yesterday on his periscope. He said he wasn't expecting for Harris to go after him on ethics and caught him off guard, and was intentionally trying to dodge the ethics stuff

Sam Harris is way too fucking intelligent to believe what he is spewing to his audience. He is obviously paid off as an intellectual authority that all the fedorafags worship. Disgusting fag needs a belting.

ethics is for fucking faggots.

he's not even close to smart.

>listens to Joe Cuckgan


>muh 17 intelligence agencies

All I heard was Harris spewing Romney/Leibowitz teir memes.

i can't listen to these insufferable fucking faggots.

debate, argument, reason, ethics, what a crock of shit. a bunch of fucking noise.

people should go back to just fighting to see who wins.

I'm torn on Joe. He has interesting guests from time to time, but he tends to be a chameleon and agree with the guest's POV.

The most disappointing thing about him is he CONSTANTLY makes stupid anti-drumpf jokes (like always saying he's going to start a war with mexico etc) and he's dead wrong about religion...he treats all religions as if they're the same and acts as if certain religions aren't just obviously better for humanity than others. He also says it's IMPOSSIBLE to know if God is real, yet for all his talk about meditation it seems as if he simply hasn't TRIED to get to know God.

So you have to take it all with a grain of salt, but he's not a bad guy.

how african of you

no, actually, how 'pre-jewish influence white' of me

you fucking kike midget

you are literally 2 weeks late or something

>im free of the jews grasp! YOU JEW
thank you for posting

I've been saying Sam Harris is a pseudo-intellectual for a long time. He is extremely eloquentic and hypnotic but that is simply to cover up the shitty arguments he has. Like most "intellectuals", he has a massive ego which is itched by this intellectual identity he has assumed.

>i'm right

love this

>backtracking and pivoting this hard
>it's hyperbole guys
>I-I like him because of his persuasion skills
>uhhh, im actually a liberal and I dont even know that much about foreign policy
Did we listen to the same interview? This Dilbert guy is pathetic. He didn't BTFO him.
He has the worst, explanation for his policies ever. This isn't what most of his "fans" think. They want all 12 million deported. Intelligent ones actually voted for him because of his de novo foreign real-politik policy that is a breath of fresh air compared to the warhawk neo-con view.

Fuck Scott Adams. He is a degenerate man whore that sleeps with young women and has no redeeming political opinions to offer other than weak sophist bullshit that only an intellectual like Harris could entertain.

And I say this as a Trump supporter.

>i'm ultra liberal

he's good. damn.


Sam should stick to what he knows best - Atheism.

Some of his other stupid topics these days include - AI, Trump

I had only other heard Sam Harris once before until the Scott Adams podcast, discussing refugees, and he seemed reasonable.

Throughout the Scott Adams podcast Sam Harris was extremely emotional and it seems like he believes every negative Trump story he hears.

we've gotten to a weird point in reality where I tend to think anyone on the anti-Trump train is just a pseudointellectual dumbfuck. It's SO EASY to rant about muh orange haired hitler. It takes zero critical thought to complain about Trump. It's just the easy road and I'm sick of all these people taking it and patting themselves on the back for it.

I think "tower of intellect" is a bit of a stretch. Now Jordan Peterson on the other hand.

Let me unpack this for you

>he's good. damn.
He is. That whole video was Persuasion: The Interview. Personally, I love how he's steering people into libertarianism whether they know it or not. KTFOing Harris was just the cherry on top of the persuasion cake.

Based user


During the campaign he said the wall was nothing but a metaphor for Trump and he wasn't talking about building a literal wall.

He never brought it up again, he only says "i told you so" when he's right. But seeing that he predicts a lot of shit per day, I bet his accuracy percent is something like 40%, below the throw of a coin.

I don't like Trump but Sam Harris really got BTFO. However, Adams did lay a bunch of traps for him though and bait him into doing exactly the kinds of things that prove Adams' points.

sam harris got fucking humiliated by scott adams. i dont know how that guy will show his face publicly again. scott adams sounded like einstein compared to him.

I audibly laughed out loud when Harris said that he doesn't spend all his time thinking about Trump.
Sam Harris is on some other level of projection.

>like einstein
Very sophisticated analogy user. You think in surprising and dynamic ways. I bet you have a high IQ.

It's in the dictionary (not the pseudo-intellectual ones). It's the combination of eloquent and hypnotic, but clearly the American education system hath failed yet another patriot.

>all these 1 posters not even making arguments

How cam you say Harris was "BTFO" and "humiliated"? I usually hate Harris but the backpeddling of Scott Adams and his justification of Trump boils down to "well you see, he's just exaggerating". "That's crazy, I dont believe that"
Adams lacks any meaningful analysis or real opinions on the matter. It's just a poor ad hoc justification of Trump based on his "experience" with persuasion that at its core isn't even a cogent argument but rather a non-sequitor.

IT doesn't make any sense. It's like the people who voted for Trump because "we need a businessman", it's a stupid argument.

There are many good justifications for mass deportations and Trump's realist foreign policy that are far more intelligent and at their core would be much more persuasive than saying "well you see kiddo, he's doing the big sell, I mean he REALLY doesnt meant these things guise"

It's boring and most people would tune out, he hardly redpilled anyone. In fact, listening to his reasoning is likely to bluepill you and make you sound like a retard if you ever use his tactics. He is long winded and a faux-intellectual just like Harris.

Its pointless to argue with leftist sheep who follow their "intellectual elite". They're unable to think for themselves.
Read top comments on that video. Absolutely zero legit arguments.

Harris obviously has biases and is hypnotized somewhat, but so is Adams.

>butthurt fedora tipper mad that his teen hero got shit on for the world to see and embarrassed himself so hard that he has to go on anime forums and call anyone posting about it unsophisticated


Your dictionary's broken then faggot.

Trips of truth. Got 20 minutes into this podcast and was thinking basically the same thing
More like bored the fuck offed. Adams and Harris both suck.

I said you were very sophisticated and smart, user. Why so hostile?

Did you read the art of the deal? I did lately.

Its almost a "best of" cases of Trump life, how he out played the market, and some parts shows about how he think and do business.

Its clear he did not wrote it, but did it on separated interviews and someone put it on paper in a organized format.

It doesnt make any difference, the man is the real deal.

Ah! When a cuck has been brought before the light!


Praise KEK!

>Harris: Trump is deplorable, he isn't persuasive, he's a professional conman, he egoistic narcissist, thinks only about himself, LITERALLY HITLER(he seriously tried to argue that its a legit argument, that we all should use without shame)
>Adams: how can you think that he conned half a country and at the same time claim that hes inept idiot who cant persuade anyone? Heres some persuasive tactics that he used, that i wrote a book about, here some his own business tactics that he used, that he wrote a book about. If you add them together they for a great arsenal to use in anywhere including his presidency. He had it all and it was obvious that his reputation will be destroyed in his presidency campaign, he had little to nothing to gain, unless he genuinely wants to help his country.

Go and getting reading a book dumbo then come talk

Sam Harris is a vicious little kike who demands that he do all the thinking of the goy for them

he cannot stand his audience straying from the mind plantation Sam has made for them

People who think well speak well. This isn't some snobby question of grammar, it's the way Trump speaks in isolated sentence fragments and often says things that don't make sense or do not cohere, i.e. he has trouble expressing himself, or has trouble organizing his own thoughts.

Haven't you ever heard it said of an intelligent person that he "speaks in paragraphs"?

Trump is the opposite of that.

Did you google it and get embarrassed? Don't worry, baby. Everyone makes mistakes.

Tell that to this guy.

>trump is demonstrably immoral and unqualified to be president
>yeah but he can persuade idiots
>perhaps but how does this make him a good person to run the country
>its all 4d chess

How is this being BTFO?


>Harris: the fact that people talk about politics means that Trump is disastrous president, who will irreparably damage our society and politics.

If this isn't funny to you, than you have no sense of humor. He seriously argues that the fact that smug elitist left is so butthurt -
is evidence of Trumps failings.
I have no idea how Adams was taking him seriously for as long as he had.

That's not talking.

This is the most important podcast post election and it is sitting at just over 60,000 views on YouTube.

Copy and paste it into his speech software then you absolute mong

Google is pleb tier English. Thusly and conversely, intellectual words like "eloquentic" won't appear there.