I don't come here often but I don't know of any other place I can post about this without being crucified. My sister, who used to be very intelligent and kind, moved to Boston so she could go to college about two years ago. We live in Texas, so she was raised to not be a fucking retard. Well, during that stay in boston, she shaves her head and starts preaching this feminazi crap. Later she drops out and moves back here to Texas. She's a total whore, she does NOTHING but smoke weed and watch netflix, and she seems to have lost any cognitive ability she used to have. But now, she thinks she's a man, and even renamed herself. She is literally blackmailing us (the rest of the family) into accepting her trans-ness and putting her on Testosterone, or else she cuts off all contact with us (which she can't do since my parents pay her rent and, if she wants to go again, her college tuition). She has become the most selfish, hateful person I've ever met and I don't know what to do about it. My parents and I are afraid that she is going to kill herself or harm herself in some way. What do I do??
My sister thinks shes a man
Other urls found in this thread:
Press G to gas
How is she blackmailing you?
Why did your parents hate her enough to let her go to school outside of Texas?
>My sister thinks shes a man
>don't know of any other place I can post about this without being crucified
Think again
It's probably too late. If you want, have a discussion with her and be sure to stay calm. Remind here that she's being a retarded and if she cuts contact with you it's a bigger loss for her. Sure you may be bluffing but it has a better chance of working.
Dont know what to tell ya OP.
Sucks for you and your sis and family this has happened. You have my sympathies bro. :(
Bump for answer.
I'm kind of curious too
Steal her test-e and use it for yourself
>She is literally blackmailing us (the rest of the family) into accepting her trans-ness and putting her on Testosterone
>or else she cuts off all contact with us
So long you dumb bitch!
Kill her before she get a bigger cock than yours.
Otherwise prepare yourself to be her cockslave
Pic related
She has been indoctrinated brother.Let her know how you and your parents feel try to find out what triggered her mental breakdown you'll be in my prayers lad.
Gotta cut the money off. She's being enabled. If she threatens suicide, put her in a mental hospital. If you're afraid she'll do it without saying, that's the risk you have to take. You're going to lose her anyway if this keeps up. Good luck.
Once someone is demoralized, there is no coming back. I'm sorry, user.
Give her a science book and tell her to grow up
Sometimes things go wrong in humans and it's unfixable. Forget about her.
>1 post by this ID
Reveal your real flag.
if i were your parents i would immediately give her a choice of either abandoning her cult or being disowned and thrown out of the house so she could find a job and live on her own.
You are too soft. Your parents should tell her to sort herself out, or she gets disowned. Help her with it if she does, disown if she does not.
Fellow Texanon here. First, Sup Forums will never help you with this.
Second, you and her/him should "talk through things". She'll accept any invitation to bitch about her new beliefs, so just pretend you are a n00b that needs to be educated. From there, turn the conversation to "but at the end of the day, aren't we all just slaves to big agriculture." Then convince her to join a co-op or start her own farm. She'll be fine by this time next year.
t. My sister had the same problem
This is an excellent bait thread. I'm glad you caught it before I did.
Arizona-bro living in Boston, here. This city ruins people, m8. The good ol' Boston townies--Irish-Americans--that formerly made Boston the based city it was have been overwhelmed and exiled to quincy, lawrence, heroin-addled shitholes. Your sister is just the latest victim. Luck to you, kehd.
Ok i guess this isnt bait, so you deserve an answer.
Find out who is manipulating your sister into doing this. You said yourself she changed after moving away from your family. The most probable cause for this situation is a new social circle she s tryin to fit in and not some extremely rare mental illness.
So find out whos prressuring her into being someone she s not. Next step is cutting her ties to that person. This is best achieved by confronting said sick fuck and being 'convincing'
I hope u know what I mean by that. Do everything in your power to drive away her progressive friends. EVERYTHING. Its your fucking sister. If you dont want your parents and yourself to lose her. Be serious about 'confronting' them.
kill her yourself, save your family the shame user.
Well, if shes a man now, you can figth him like a man. If she wins, shes a man now, is she gets reketd and almost dies, well, shes a woman
she needs a wakeup call, just cut her off and once she hits bottom she can rebuild herself correctly.
honour killing is the only solution
Only one post by OP. Could be bait...
This. Based leaf is an honor to his people.
How could she be black mailing you?
>Afraid she's going to kill herself.
Fucking let her.
This and then swap her test with estrogen
Sounds like a lost cause. Kick her out.
Holy fuck op do this
the only problem is that suicide is shameful to the family, an honour killing can be covered up
Honor kill her
>and she seems to have lost any cognitive ability she used to have
My sister took the bluepill and she lost so many IQ points somehow. I don't even know how it's possible. She used to like renaissance music and poetry, used to read deep shit from the western canon and converse about it. Now she watches Netflix and mainly reads YA fiction. She can't figure out how to turn stuff on and off. She can't reason her way out of a paper bag. Obvious solutions to simple problems evade her.
But honestly she's pretty harmless and I'm glad she has other liberal friends to talk her out of self harm.
My brother has just revealed himself to be a total faggot and is having some minor cosmetic surgery today. I'm so disappointed in him.
I just want to move out of state and distance myself from these people.
point with your finger to her vagina, laugh and yell THAT'S NOT A PENIS
Tell your cuck parents to stop giving her money to do anything, once she realizes she will actually have to do work and get it on her own she will give up.
i feel like there's something in weed that triggers tranny disorder (as long as the subject mind is unstable enough)
Scorched earth shaming, my nigga. You have to be the bad guy to make things right sometimes. Ridicule and shame.
White Sharia
There was a thing called dialation if im not mistaken, after taking testosterone your vagina starts acting like a wound thats trying to heal and the gap between your legs start to close. To prevent that trannies have to shove a dildo in their vagina for 2 hours every day(also your hair in your vagina starts falling out and you have to clean your your vagina to prevent infections.) Tell her about this and if she is not a complete moron she'll change her mind
If she want to be a man, than beat her like a man.
Friendly challenge her to bluepill you. This kind approach will open her up. Then watch her enter into mental gimnastics and logical fallacies. Proceed to very slowly red pill her, all in the context of multiple friendly conversations.
god that's hot
i wish i was that brother
I can not believe that shit is on pixiv
Your sister already killed herself. I don't understand why you're acting like she is still alive
Better off realizing this now rather than spending a lifetime grieving
Drug her up and put her into a sanitorium where she belongs.
Then make a big media story out of it and pin the blame on indoctrination in universities.
You're a very strange hippie.
Why the fuck did I get so hard?