Daily Reminder

Daily Reminder.
This is the average Sup Forums user

The old woman?

Thats you op

Unfortunately the average Sup Forums user is much worse. That's likely a redditor.

Seems like an average fat american


HAHAHA nice try OP. The left can't meme. Praise kek.

You're confusing it with r_td.


wow really makes you think



>ad hominem


Daily Reminder.
This is the average slide thread
t. flake fag with fake flag

He's a big guy.

>not an argument

white males disgust me. creepy ass pedophile loners.

Daily Reminder.
This is the average American according to jews.
Fuck off JIDF.







"we must preserve the white race" he says, with his brown, thinning hair, mutilated kike dick, repulsive fat body and ketchup covered neckbeard

Top right one, and only if she has a BBC

(((YOU))) and your mates


You mean an unattractive guy who has been rejected by our leftist society, filled the hideous void in his life with memes, and used the election as a way to apply his few talents to achieving a larger goal to piss off the people that have been shitting on him for 25 years because it's either that or go on a fucking shooting spree or eat a bullet alone on the woods?
Really the only thing that's inaccurate is that he's showing his face and waving a meme around outside because we dont usually do that.

Don't be upset, i know that was you.

This is the original kiddo

Oy Vey!

Average Sup Forums user in 2017? Quite likely.
up until late 2015 the average users wouldn't actually go out and support their ideology of choice in person, but fight for it on the internet on twitter and other social media

This just in, extremists that hate society largely consist of antisocial faggots and aspire retards. The difference between kekistanis and stormfags vs. tumblr and antifa is that the former compensate through appeals to cliche and exaggerated masculinity and the latter have freebleeding vagina parties.