>blue collar workers think they deserve my respect
Seriously why is this even a thing on Sup Forums? Why do people shill for shitty paying blue collar jobs which require no intelligence whatsoever?
>blue collar workers think they deserve my respect
Seriously why is this even a thing on Sup Forums? Why do people shill for shitty paying blue collar jobs which require no intelligence whatsoever?
Because those blue collar jobs provide vital services that keep the country running. When an emergency hits your home, they are there fixing shit.
Whatever earns people money is better than gibs. They are useful members of the society who take care of themselves, they deserve respect for that.
>Anyone at all thinking they deserve my respect, before proving they actually do
>Pisses on people for working...
>t. Jobless low IQ college """educated""" retarded burger in debt
libtards unironically believe this
>shitting on the people who do the jobs that keep this country running smoothly
Annnnnd Saged.
The blue collar workers will be gathering documentation for a mortgage while the college grads are using MasterCard to buy their Poontang latte.
I'm 25 and work in fiance. The blue collar cucks always give me dirty looks when I'm out to lunch. I'm wearing formal attire and every girl within a 30 mile radius is smiling at me, while these cucks have to look like dirty dirt bags in their uniforms. I guess I would be jealous too. Most of these blue collar type guys are fat, sloppy balding little manlets while I'm over 6 foot and slender, strong anglo saxon features. Feels good to be the king honestly.
>require no intelligence whatsoever
I work with college "educated" engineers that regularly need my help and can not do what I do.
If I don't have their respect, I will except their fear that one day I may quit and let the gravy train run out.
almost funny how this thread was started at 2:58 on a work day
Oh, look - another shitty divide-and-conquer thread. The people who lay the bricks to build your house are just as important as the people who crunch numbers, you myopic faggot. And at least both groups of people work, unlike you. Sage.
I am the same person as you and you are an ego-tripping faggot
>has no job or skills
>insults people with a job and a skill because they consider both "beneath" them
Okay, you can take your own garbage to the dump. Personally as a "white collar" worker I like the fact that someone else has a job that makes society function nicer for everyone. But good luck with your English degree.
Build your own house then nigger, weld your own shit and lay your own roads. Your office cuck job can only exist because there are people that make the world work.
Fucking this. I have the utmost respect for the people who do physically laborious jobs, they are the unsung heroes of this world.
At least they aren't NEETs, at least they aren't working for the government. We should encourage anyone doing honest work.
Being an Aircraft engine mechanic requires no intelligence?
This is the only time I've ever agreed with a Swede.
the sentence or the picture?
I think both
The sentence. The picture is strictly a Swedish fetish.
kys faggot im an electical apprentice and im working in an office buliding girls always check me out because i look like a man but cucks like you look like weak beta and me and the boys always rip on you faggot must suck having a job even women can do cuck boy