***This is your FUTURE***
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Niggers will be more than 50% of the world population.
seems fine
Even China and India decrease proportionally.
assuming we keep feeding them. not sure that will continue.
Slavs are fucked while the West gets enriched. 75% of the West will be shitskin from immigration while Slavs just dwindle.
>57 m
Then they just breed and move to Europe and America.
Italy is the gateway.
Something must be done NOW.
Current population of Germany is like 80m though.
Taco wars now!
Well duh, Germany's replacement rate is well below 2.1. The decrease in population coupled with immigration will make Germany at least 3/4 non-white by 2100.
>still over 40M
so the same as now
Immigration indicator.
Balkans seem pretty empty. Bet turks would have colonised us by then.
>38 children
>at least half will emigrate to Europe
What's you're excuse?
Slavery will make a come back
Yeah that shit usually impodes hard
>50 million people in Guatemala.
Thats what I never understood about nignogs. Why have so many fucking kids if you're not even going to raise them. Just leave with half of them to Europe, the other half can just fend for themselves in the African wastelands.
Also if you know they're going to starve then I don't know, STOP HAVING SO MANY FUCKING KIDS. The stupidity of this all makes my head hurt. Fucking like rabbits, they are.
r selection
Yeah. So they have tons of kids because the odds of survival are low. Yet they move to Europe, and those chances of dying are gone. They're "safe" now. They still keep popping 'em out like crazy. And because instead of raising a few properly and just shitting them out they have ruined their new host land.
Then they move onto somewhere else to fuck it up. Like a plague.
Argentina increased 4 million in 10 years... no sign of this stopping
By 2100 it will be around 80 million people
>Ethiopia 243 mil
>Niger 203 mil
>Congo 262 mil
>Uganada 205 mil
>Tanzania 276 mil
>Nigeria almost a billion
>Several other small african nations of 100 mil
Theres no way that shit is sustainable
Over a billion people are going to starve in Africa this century if there isn't mass sterilization over there.
Looks pretty fucking sad. Why is every more or less white country dying out, including surprisingly Germany?
Yellowstone will erupt in 2 days these numbers don't lie
Can't help but notice some of the Euro countries are actually lower, like Germany. I know they have a lower birthrate, but you're telling me those Muslims aren't going to at least keep the current population level stable?
*over 100 mil
European Schools in 2200 . It's that world that you really want?
See populationpyramid.net
So much for Eastern European last white hope
Slavs are kill
They just won't abort!
More breeding!
Don't give a fuck if there's more mouths that need feeding!
thanks user
That means they'll be 80% muslim/nigger at least
Slavs were fucked from the beginning. Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine are less populous right now than they were in 1989.
Ukraine, Russia and Belorus*
>O-oh no, the replacement rate is declining! Quick, we need to ramp up the population to absurdist levels so the replacement rate corrects
>O-oh no, we doubled the population and the replacement rate is now dropping twice as fast what do we do!
Slavs are controlling their populations
But Slavs are also controlling their environments (read: not letting msulims and niggers filter in in unmanaged ways and numbers)
No..sorry. Slavs actually know what the fuck they are doing.
I just wish the same for my Teutonic peoples to do the same. The Teuton does not have much space left in Europe.
The USA yes we are here and the Teuton is here and is greater here than it is in our birthlands but its not the same.
At least the Teutonic warrior strains that the jews could not kill are alive in the USA.
Doesn't help when niggers will swarm them when the great Soviet tactic was numbers.
Yeah, I doubt it.
>914 million in Nigeria
That's almost enough black cock for the average Canadian.
Do the Mafia really help with this? I would have thought they'd be more racist than most, and want to keep Africans out.
Africans don't stick around in the South, and maybe not much in Italy in general, they walk to welfare capitals like Germany, France and the UK.
Money speaks.
You can be racist and still import shit skins for money.
holy shit sweden is going to disapear
literally breed faster than rabbits... A virgin female above the age of 12 is a unicorn there. Perpetual poverty due to overpopulation.
What would stunt their growth?
Chinks are chinks but they aren't shitskins.
Sadly that's not true. The only growth of our population is in Chechnya, Dagestan and other Caucasian regions. And just like niggers they fuck our girls and also they are muslims. Slavic hope is in Ukraine and Belarus. And I personally hope that Serbians are gonna keep it clean too.
the average niger woman produces 7 children.
Just think about that. For every woman who dies before fertility age, a woman picks up her slack and births 14.
Is it rape? Are parents forcing their children to marry young? Are blacks just that sexual? What is going on?
I think this is even a bigger problem than the climate thing.
I find we should warn the world for this. Look at that terrible hockey stick graph. The world is going to hell from overpopulation and really quickly too.
Notice Japan... Population is lower than is now... large spaces and homes for everyone, clean well maintained parks... robots handle all labor... few foreigners... heaven on earth
So USA not "doing their part" with the immigration crisis is really Mexico fault?
Kinda looks like the Grim Reaper's scythe, doesn't it?
You are giving them too much credit, they dont think that far into the future. They dont even understand what makes them pregnant and just think its some fertility god's will.
Well, time to cut off foreign aid completely or sterilize the lot of them after their first kid and enact a 1 child policy on the niggers.
The projection is insane. Niggers will mass starve way before that because the west will simply be unable to supply them with excess food very soon due to remineralization requirements. There's nothing that will avoid the mass starvation of niggers at this point, what's the most fantastic part is that they managed to keep starving all the way up to this point whilst essentially doubling their population..
>throws food at niggers
>they double their population and you now have even more niggers starving and poor
Never have a more useless people existed, invented nothing, massive murder and crime rates, yet we allow them to overbreed to such a tremendous extent.. ITS RIDICULOUS, tell me a single objective way in which niggers benefit our civilization, you're not supposed to massively reward being a fucking useless parasite!
And being allowed to breed so massively and having everyone else fucking pay for it because you hold your kids up as a sympathy/pity/guilt trip is rewarding them.. Being allowed to breed should be a reward for doing well in society, it's a mistake to allow people on welfare and especially people like niggers who are like international welfare clients to have massive amounts of children.
> implying there will be a pure white child.
And yeah, that sounds even better. The grim reaper graph.
It is a good graph to plug into communities which are already climate sceptic, it gives them something to hit back with. Interestingly enough, if that works out, they are doing the good work; making people aware of the ever growing black problem.
>1950 Africa population ~200 million. Famines
>2017 Africa population ~1300 million. Famines
Make it stop.
When the Yellow man finds an oasis in the desert, he maintains it.
When the Black man encounters an oasis, he turns it into a desert.
When a White man finds a desert, he turns it into an oasis.
>Slavs are controlling their populations
>But Slavs are also controlling their environments (read: not letting msulims and niggers filter in in unmanaged ways and numbers)
christian cuck please, stop spreading your iq89 rt propaganda. russia has biggest immigrant population after us and germany and majority of it is muslim.
Only Africa is an actual pyramid, what the fuck
nignogs are bad
someone stop this immigration
462 million is mad
Yeah that one shocked me.
What a cancerous little coutnry of mud goblins.
Mexico wipe it out please
>When the Yellow man finds an oasis in the desert, he maintains it.
>When the Black man encounters an oasis, he turns it into a desert.
>When a White man finds a desert, he turns it into an oasis.
You understand the races well... African cities BEFORE the Europeans abandoned them to the native Africans were prosperous, clean, and well maintained... now we have Zimbabwe
That's it, I know what I'm going to devote my life to. I will never let this come to pass.
It is biting it off, r-right? Why would anybody put something like that in his mouth...
>ctrl+F "pope"
>zero results
admit it poles. If you want to keep europe white, the pope needs to change his stance on contraception
Am I the only one noticing that Latinos are the only non-whites not exploding in population? Threads like this make realise how the Latino brown horde is overblown. There are more Europeans than Latinos in the world. Birth rates also suggest this won't change, not even in 50 years time.
Snickers bars taste great that is why... she is just hold a very big one and is looking up... is rather suggestive
It's because if you've ever lived anywhere with a latino population, they usually have 4-10 kids per family.
because you live in america
The spics are invading our country, they aren't breeding like rabbits, they're just abandoning their homelands for a welfare paradise more efficiently than the nogs can.
How does that relate?
Yeah, but here's the thing, a lot of the Latinos will lose whatever white percentages they had (like Brazil which is currently like 40-50% white) until they are nothing but brown. Plus any growth they DO have (which is 99% shitskin) will emigrate to the states or Europe.
Exactly. All we need to do is close the borders. Other than that they aren't taking over the world with their population.
They did NOT plan on:
floating cities,
underwater cities,
antarctic cities,
orbital cities,
lunar cities,
martian cities
It's probably not a world wide thing but America's white population is declining while it's Latino population is growing normally. But this only effects certain states.
Lel, there is no way that this is ever gonna happen. The only thing preventing africans from starving to death is white people, if the white population keeps decreasing and the nigger population keeps increasing, a point will be reached where we can no longer help them, and we know what will happen then. Ebola outbreaks or some other nigger disease. And that time, there won't be whiteys to save the day, and a huge nigger extinction will happen.
How so? They have plenty of whites by themselves and have lasted half a millenia on the continent fine. When they mix, they already have those reccesive genes, so they aren't going anywhere unlike when you mix with blacks or Asians.
Only 1% of whites are employed in agriculture. All they need for food aid.
>Ethiopia 243 mln
>Congo 262 mln
>Uganada 205 mln
>Tanzania 276 mln
>Nigeria 914 mln
>And that time, there won't be whiteys to save the day, and a huge nigger extinction will happen.
Even niggers know enough to run from fire...
there would be a human floor of people out of Africa... and Sweden would open the doors of Europe and spread her legs for as much of the African cock as it can hold
>theres no way that shit is sustainable
That's the idea. They're going to ask Asians to take in the poor starving Africans.
>b-b-but muh azns based
Nah they're going to fuck their own people over just like ours do. There's already signs of it.
Image her vagina.
That's more of a white liberal problem. They aren't having kids. As for Latinos though, they aren't exploding in population as memes would lead you to believe.
Mexico owns USA
>Am I the only one noticing that Latinos are the only non-whites not exploding in population?
They are, just in your country not theirs.
This is what happens when white people keep trying to prevent natural selection from taking its course.