Berlin Domestic Spy Chief: Left-wing Extremists Will Kill If Necessary
>Bern Palenda, head of the Berlin branch of the Agency for the Protection of the Constitution, has warned that left-wing extremism has been severely underestimated, and that many left-extremists could be willing to kill.
Germany: Left Wing G20 Riots Caused up to $13.8 Million Insured Damage
>A group representing German insurers says the rioting that accompanied the Group of 20 summit earlier this month could cost insurance companies up to 12 million euros ($13.8 million). +
German Police Chief on G20 Protests: ‘I have Never Experienced Such Violence’
>German Special Police Forces (SEK) Saxony chief Sven Mewes described the harrowing police experience at the Hamburg G20 summit last week saying he had never seen such a level of violence directed toward police officers.

nice map you got there



Not German related per say, but how is the whole south-tyrol debate going?

I'd like to have them back, but that probably won't happen under the EU, since they can travel and work in Austria and Germany anyway.

>m-muh heritage
>muh a good ol rebel.
As Lee quoted "Take that confederate flag, fold it up, and stick it right up your arse"

Give me a basic gestalt on South Tyrol and the people living there.

Every year more Germans outside the Fatherland drifts further and further away from das Volk.
They are Austrians and used terrorbombings in response to Italian attempts at incorporating them into Italy. There is a sepperation movement who want to join Austria. Could benefit our course since they are right wing and would get a far right government in play at the next Austrian election

Just noticed I forgot to put DEUTSCH/POL/ in the title, but it doesn't matter since I have to go anyway.
If someone wants to make a new one, you're welcome to do so.

Are they leftovers from the Austro-Hungarian Empire or something? If they are then the clay is rightfully Austrian desu.

>has warned that left-wing extremism has been severely underestimated, and that many left-extremists could be willing to kill.
So we're going to go down this route again? Fine by me.

South Tyrol and Flemish Belgium is the key to a right wing Europe. I don't quite get why Sup Forums isn't putting everything into getting those two provinces Incorporated in Holland and Austria respectively.


Hey Dutchbro, how is the general gestalt on Flemish Belgium? When will you guys join together?

that's a beautiful map

Most of Sup Forums probably hasn't even heard of South Tyrol and they probably care little about Belgian affairs. Pretty sad really.

If there was atleast one semi-competent politician left in this country this wouldn't be a problem anymore

Split it up, give Südtirol back to us Austrians and let Trentino stay with Italy

One less problem

When God tells us to do it. When we will get Flanders Wallonia will join us too.

The regions themselves are not the that important its the voters. Flanders is much more rightwing than Holland which would make the next Dutch election a decisive right wing victory. And Had south Tyrol been a part of Austria the Right wing party would have won. Its literally the key to a more right wing Europe.
But could we put pressure on the politicians?
They are right wing. Make it happen.

What kind of fucking architecture design is that? It's ugly as fuck. Looks like God dropped his kitchen sink.

Damn. This is really bugging me. It's such an eyesore. It's taking away from the beautiful building right by it.

Merkel will win. So the best outcome is for AfD to get into parliament where they can have a national stage and sit to the right of the CDU.

We need a meme campaign encouraging voters on the fence to vote for AfD simply to put pressure on Merkel from her right. It's similar to what Geert Wilders did a half decade ago in Holland.

The problem about Flanders is the Brussels question. Wallonia want to have Brussels after Belgium would fall apart, but Flanders want it too. It used to be a Dutch speaking city, but it is still in the middle of a Flemish province. I think Brussels rather want to stay independent, but France is where the French language is. So to prevent a war all of Belgium should go to the Netherlands.

Politicians here are all retarded

Least retarded are the FPÖ, who used to frequently talking about wanting Südtirol back, but now everything is overshadowed by the sandniggerflood problem

>So to prevent a war all of Belgium should go to the Netherlands.

That doesn't sound like it would prevent a war, more like it would spark one

Do you think the Frogs would just watch and let that happen?

How about this? American bombers are one hell of a drug
This is the largest party in Flanders: "The main objective of the party is to work on Flemish independence by gradually obtaining more powers for both Belgian communities separately." Couldn't you get to a compromise? Dutch politics would forever be more right wing.
Keep up the heat? Writte letters? Something?

Well, I suppose it can always get worse.

I don't even know what the fuck that looks like. The robotic entrails of some sort of cyber giant?

With jews you loose

it's basically a non-issue at this point

yeah I wish Koenigsberg, Danzig, Pommerania, Silesia, etc. were still German cities and regions; but the West is facing an existential issue by being flooded with foreigners

They basically started the Belgian revolution, so no. But they shouldn't get Brussels (Brussels is the old Dutch capital) and when they'd try to invade the Netherlands I'm sure we would get support from the international community.

The difference is that there are no Germans left in those cities. There is about a million mostly rightwing rather redpiled Germans/Austians in south Tyrol and they could swing the next Austrian election in favor of a nationalistic candidate. And there just so happens to be general support for the movement so why not get it going? A more right wing government would help on the refugee crisis.

>I'm sure we would get support from the international community.
>relying on others to bail your ass out of a war you have no chance of winning on your own

Not trying to shit on you, but that sounds like an absolutely horrible idea

Give Brussels to Africa, and make a corridor to France such that they can keep in touch with their brothers, similar to Westberlin in East Germany

Nearly all of Brussels is French speaking, just give it up. Better than to live with the Fniggers

Tell users that without pressure from the AfD, Merkel would never have adjusted her crazy "refugee" policies. Remind them of the legitimate role of a small opposition party in parliament, and convince some of them to vote for the AfD as a counterbalance to the CDU.

Oh jesus christ. Are these really all created by Jewish architects? What mentally unstable assholes. Things like this make me want fascism, just so those assholes aren't free to fuck up the beauty of the world.


Well america did side with the jews last time so that warms my heart

>And there just so happens to be general support for the movement so why not get it going?

Well, it is really none of my business as an American. Maybe the desire for unification of territories and peoples, and even the contention between national entities is the most visible aspect of a healthy state. I do myself get annoyed with other American posters that demand other Americans get rid of their regional identity in order to identify with a solid Anglo-American group that has never really existed

This is the most painful one.

French was common language in then17th provinces too. We will never give parts of Belgium to France again, because those would be lost forever (French Flanders, Cambrai, Artois). It would not really be a battle between Francophones vs Néerlandophones, but just French vs Dutch. France would never give up Paris, so why would we give up Brussels?

if you have any money to spare consider donating it to the various reconstruction projects around europe. Germany got hit hard.

Jews have fucked us up big time. I'm actually hearing people talk about how they're sick of Jewish interests interfering with our lives, when just five or so years ago nobody spoke of them, so maybe something will change.

Here in America, from what I've noticed, they're almost always behind shit like

>non-profit organizations bringing in 3rd world refugees
>advocating for open-borders or broad immigration
>advocating for penalizing whites or rewarding non-whites
>women advocating for something penalizing men or men advocating for something that penalizes women
>destroying or advocating for the destruction of historical monuments
>movements to restrict free speech
>movements to restrict gun rights
>movements to restrict property rights
>movements to alter or demonize American and European history
>using tax money to pay for illegals and refugees

There's a lot more shit I could think of, given time. Don't know how they are in Europe, but I really dislike a lot of the American Jews.

For what purpose? Why?

It survived the war (miraculously) but was blown upby the commies because it was "outdated" read: Prussian arcitecture so they build that monster instead. Most German monuments got that handling after the war

For the same reason we don't ask for Prag. It once had a large German population, was the capital of the Holy Roman empire of the German nation, home to the oldest German speaking university and still hosts large amounts of beautiful architecture and palaces built by German speaking people. But its Czech now. You can't remove them, unless there is some WW3 like scenario. Just deal with the current situation and make the best out of it. Unless there is a large war you won't get Brussels back. And as of now such a war is definitely not in your interest, just wait until French demographics destabilize the country.

That aside, Brussel is completely African infested. If Brussels would be in France, the French would host like 80% of radical European muslims. Let them have their fun.


After. Blown up after the war...

>But its Czech now
it was always Czech, only under temporary german infestation

I can't even imagine thinking like that. I've always been pretty jealous of the cities in Europe; I'd kill for America to have more buildings like the ones you see in Europe. I wonder if people like that would be more appreciative if they were forced to stay in my eyesore of city, full of ugly and boring buildings.

So is there any sort of movement to rebuild these things? Or are people fine with their replacements?

>that pic

I dont like to use that term but... cringe

>Polish subhuman
>talking about infestation


Lol no one wants the new crap. But good luck getting modern (((architects))) to build anything that invoke European identity. But there are a number f projects in Germany. This ine showcase the struggle.

it was celtic, only under temporary slavic infestation

>implying you aren't mad because I'm right

>implying the Polish people had any notable achievements or was even relevant

12 years of the Thid Reich produced more technological advancement than Polish vermin it its whole history.

As Irish Bavarian.
I am way more celtic than """""Aryan""""""" I believe.
BUt that is still Germanic right

nigga so mad
>you in the middle