>richard dawkins is a cu-
>he only hates christianity
watch this absurdly bias interview against him
they tried to set up a trap because he didn't kiss the feet of clockmed "clock boy" muhammad
>richard dawkins is a cu-
>he only hates christianity
watch this absurdly bias interview against him
they tried to set up a trap because he didn't kiss the feet of clockmed "clock boy" muhammad
>you will live to witness the dawkins redemption arc
The only reason pol hates Richard Dawkings is because most of them are coward men who can't face the coldness of a world without some caring god up above looking out for them. Scared men are scared of Atheism, scared of death and the void.
richard dawkins is the only admirable famous atheist
also, his tweets during last few years became quite redpilled
t. atheist
We should love him for this if nothing else
is this wapanese
We need Dawkins now more than ever since Christopher Hitchens passed on.
Full blue pill, 'God' is real - just not the 'old man with a beard living in the clouds' version that the kikes taught us.
Nah, you are just deluding yourself because you need god to be real. There's no god, there's no karma.
First time I have ever seen an image I made reposted on Sup Forums. I am literally tearing up here.
With shit like this, I feel like he really is turning toward Sup Forums's side more and more.
If that kid was Canadian, Trudeau would dosh out another 10 million because his rights have been infringed as he's infringing the rights of the person he's beheading
I don't need 'God' to be real, you need 'God' to be unreal so that you cannot be held accountable for your own actions.
it started years ago
>you need 'God' to be unreal so that you cannot be held accountable for your own actions.
Yeah, no. I have this thing called a functional amygdala that allows me to feel empathy and guilt. I don't need a god to punish me for my mistakes, that part of my brain does it for me.
Maybe you are the fucking psychopath here.
What about Christopher Hitchens?
This. Pol filled by Christian cuckolds and Jew lovers. Nuke christians, atheism the final red pill
i dont hate jews or christians because im in no danger of getting beheaded or blown up by them. Doesnt mean i love them.
Incorrect, Hitchens was way more based
Shame about Harris though, went full blown cuck
he ded unfortunately
thankgod, Peter Hitchens is still alive and dropping truth bombs
>When I was a Revolutionary Marxist, we were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.
>It wasn't because we liked immigrants, but because we didn't like Britain. We saw immigrants - from anywhere - as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.
>Also, we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people - usually in the poorest parts of Britain - who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly 'vibrant communities'.
>If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots.
>Revolutionary students didn't come from such 'vibrant' areas (we came, as far as I could tell, mostly from Surrey and the nicer parts of London).
>We might live in 'vibrant' places for a few (usually squalid) years, amid unmown lawns and overflowing dustbins.
>But we did so as irresponsible, childless transients - not as homeowners, or as parents of school-age children, or as old people hoping for a bit of serenity at the ends of their lives.
He fucking caused this to happen by summoning the grand fedora army
Hitchens was based only because he was aggressively anti-Islam, but he still supported Jewish agendas like the war in Iraq. If he was alive today, he would support the removal of Assad from the Syrian government.
Certainly possible, he at least was somewhat opposed to Israel
This. I respect his opposition to Israel, it means that he wasn't a full-blown neocon.
Thanks for the OC!
Hitchens is a fucking retard. If not for his smug condescending accent he would be just another le epic centrist.
Dawkins is just a contrarian at this point. He has long since stopped arguing based on any kind of personal values. He just takes the side that is most inflammatory.
There was nothing wrong with blowing up millions of shitskins
Only pathetic cucks like you disagree
>Getting involved in a conflict that already killed off plenty of mudslimes on its own
>Results is massive amounts of tax dollars going to weapon manufacturers and Israel as well as European countries getting a flood of Muds diluting their population and culture
You're falling into (((their))) hand, Dundee
>We're all Africans.
You just described Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole
religion btfo
Fucking kek Conquistabro. You destroyed this faggot. I feel like most people literally can't operate without a daddy god or a daddy government. Even most atheists are socialists/state worshippers.
Soon in class at some Swedish school I'm fairly certain
religion is (mostly) dumb, but I think a lot of atheists miss the fact that the vast majority of the population (probably at least 80%) are just innately incapable of decency and civility without some big threat of permanent time out.
"Forced to behead victim"