>when God doesn't exist but Allah does
When God doesn't exist but Allah does
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw atheist
God is a concept in Christianity born of the union of three divine essences all according to a neoplatonician hierarchy to justify Perfection, or Good, as a distinct spiritual entity. Neoplatonician that follow christianity as a religion usually tends to be conservatives, and moral absolutists
Allah is a unique superbeing that shits on philosophy because "muh ONE GOD" and that is followed by a bunch of sandniggers and street-shitters for the sole reason of fucking RUINING EVERYTHING.
tfw to atheist for u
His dislike for islam will grow that he will eventually convert to christianity and support the crusades
>"all those who criticize Islam shall be punished"
t. western society
What the fuck happened to Berkeley? I guess it was always harboring SJW's but being this retarded Jesus flappin Christ guys
I like Dawkins. At least he is consistent and he even rattles his "side" quite a bit.
based dawkins
his criticisms of islam are ones that can also be made against us
>hurr durr they mistreat women
>hurr durr they kill people
Impressively, Dawkins right wing memes *himself* here.
He's in an unenviable position really, as someone who views himself as to intelegent for the rural and suburban retards, but someone who is viewed by his educated and cosmopolitan peers as an Islamophobic Fucking White Male
This is all you and that faggot Voltaire's fault.
We had religion for a reason, you threw it out and now Islam and Socialism are filling in the gaps.
>Bu- but c-creationists!
Nothing but a fucking exaggerated Boogeyman. How many were there? 20,000 tops? Out of several billion Christians?
For full disclosure, I'm a Christian, but I want to try to objectively look at it from an atheist's point of view.
>Christianity and Islam are both nonsense based on falsehoods
>Christianity and Islam are both nonsense based on falsehoods, but Christianity is preferable to Islam as the lesser of two evils because it has seen societal reform and "Christian" societies are largely secular
>Christianity and Islam are both nonsense based on falsehoods, but Islam is preferable to Christianity as the lesser of two evils because
The 'go out and conquer nature' clause in the Bible created modern science.
The Catholic Church is the most important scientific research organization in human history.
The Atheists will never admit that.
They usually dodge it with "muh galileo"
Again, I'm not going to entirely begrudge atheists their critique of Christianity. It muddies the issue I'm trying to understand, which is the widespread atheist embrace of Islam. Dawkins himself knows he is an exception to the rule, he was invited to speak at an event sponsored by atheists and they were no longer interested in him after they realized he would also comment on Islam in his speech.
God is allah is moloch the kike volcano demon.
The Black Son is the only way.
and yet Islam gets to criticize every other religion and way of life?
How many speakers did these hypocrites cancel for criticizing Christianity?
>tfw you're a fucking faggot
Ironically Galileo wasn't punished more teaching heliocentrism, but because he demanded the church change their view on heliocentrism when he didn't technically have proof for it yet.
Heliocentrism predates or at least concepts of it predated Copernicus even in Europe. Once there was proof a few decades later the church readily accepted the truth.
Islam is the religion that actually punishes you for scientific investigation namely due to the rise of the fundamentalist Ash'ari School in the 11th-13th centuries which teach that any explanation for physical phenomenon besides "Allah did it" is heretical.
if only he swallowed the JQ, then he'd know
Doesn't the whole Scientific Method exist because the Church demanded proofs in the first place?
It´s because many marxists also fashion themselves to be "atheists". It´s not that atheism in general favours Islam. That would be absurd and in my experience isn´t the case. Sadly a majority who calls themselves "atheist" today is not really atheist but rather leftwing nutcases looking for an extra edge that makes them better minorities/victims because that´s the new social currency.
> invite well known atheist to radio show
> won't think that he will talk shit about religion
>Christianity and Islam are both nonsense based on falsehoods, but Christianity is preferable to Islam as the lesser of two evils because it has seen societal reform and "Christian" societies are largely secular
As an atheist, I'll take this one. I'll also give you that the person you consider your prophet, at the very least, didn't have sex with underage girls.
Eh, I'll admit that the catholic church is in support of science. I can agree with Christians on a number of things. Just not that there is a god.
*wasn't punished for teaching heliocentrism
The Christian conception of learning meant that understanding the world brought you inevitably closer to God.
Scholastics, contrary to memes, were actually very intelligent men who were well read in Greek philosophy and debated the meaning and interpretation of biblical passages and their relation to basic philosophical ideas.
They branched out to science/math because they had to prove those ideas to gain acceptance.
This pamphlet is gold.
but honestly though, no matter what their reasoning is, muslim or not, I would have cancelled the everliving shit out of this total faggot as well.
Your wifes black son?
I will tell you why.
Christianity was made by jews to enslave the gential.
islam is jewdisum.
If this wojak is so smart why does he have bad eyesight?
Checkmate, athiests
>when allah is supposed to be yahweh
>i-is-islam is okay cuz ur racist
I'm an atheist and this just....confuses the shit out of me.
Islam gets a pass because if they don't they'll bomb you.
The worst Christians do is protest funerals.
Welcome to the world of atheism +
Atheist here, I don't care that people are Christians, live and let live, but I honestly Islam should be eradicated because it can never be reformed.
More like the world of communist confusion
>He's in an unenviable position really, as someone who views himself as to intelegent for the rural and suburban retards, but someone who is viewed by his educated and cosmopolitan peers as an Islamophobic Fucking White Male
Both of those groups of people are all fucking retarded
Be like Dawkins don't be a sheep.
Marxists, leftists, jews, and muslim-enablers are behind it. No more confusion.
richard dawkins is based desu
most people say fuck religion because they know that christians will never get violent about it and rarely retaliate
this is starting to become a pretty popular opinion among open minded atheists
you got jewed son
>old atheist sees his entire life's work of deconstructing religion torn down when islamists enabled by spineless fedora cucks fill in the vacuum Christianity's collapse left
>witnessing technique
I am an Atheist. I think christianity is bullshit but islam is not just bullshit its dangerous and repulsive and a threat to the west. Christians are 1000 years ahead of islam.
serie villa
>Berkeley still has some of the best engineering grad programs
>Weighing this nonsense versus massive private debt
Just fucking kill me
Jew Shapiro suing UC berkely when?
>Berkeley Radio Station
I've come do dislike that name over the last year. Why is it always Berkeley!?
>right wingers don't like mudslimes
>left opposes anything the right does
>therefor the left has to love mudslimes
that's why
They're protecting mudslimes from criticism for reasons completely unrelated to God or Allah or Islam or any religion; destroying all conventional values and norms are the purpose.
This. Islam is the biggest threat to atheism, modern civilisation, and rationalism as a whole. Atheist who rush to defend islam/islamic culture should have a VERY good look at themselves.
Intelectual people tend to be very grumpy, yes.
Happy are the ones living in blissful ignorance
California isn't America and they don't have to pretend to follow American law or ideals. California belongs to ISLAM
>atheism, modern civilisation, and rationalism
You speak as if that gives you some sort of edge or superiority.
Abdul pls leave
The left is devouring itself.
What a joke. The newest generation alive now will be the most right-wing in history. With easy access to information and the most absolutely idiotic content by the left, this is just another business cycle, routine.
Probably expect to be purged as 'Lebensunwertes Leben' when our generation reaches retirement.
Is this a Pacifica radio station? Lots of shit going down with Pacifica right now that Sup Forums could exploit for laughs.
>tfw edgelord who will never have children
Bitch ass lefty's are afraid of the "If you don't submit to Islam we will kill you" threat. While everyone else tells Islam and Muslims to fuck off or they will end up dead.
Dawkins at least doesn't have double standards when it comes to Muslims. I didn't know that a day would come where his speeches are canceled for not being liberal enough though.
My lefty local public radio station IS eating itself. Its fucking hilarious. I need to make a thread about it but google "kpft police" and start digging around the comments on the chron.com website, also check out their facebook comments... its basically the crazy identity politics left vs the just-want-to-listen-to-good-music economic populists.
>Puts rake down
It's great when the left eats their own
I am remember... A few years ago..
"je suis Charlie"
I believed all that
It's not so bad. But where are you going to live for less than $1,000?
Bro, it got soooo bad after Trump was elected.
I used to like NPR, since they seemed to give equal time to everyone.... and then they totally turned into vicious animals, lashing out at everyone after he was elected.
Lately they basically rejected electric cars, alternative energy, globalism and simply said for westerners to genocide themselves to keep climate change in check. The left is a battleground between statist transhumanists and equally deluded identity politic- anarchists. To paint broad strokes.
>>Christianity and Islam are both nonsense based on falsehoods, but Islam is preferable to Christianity as the lesser of two evils because
Actually Dawkins says the exact opposite. He much prefers Christianity over Islam.
NPR reported on the piss allegations, and they are always passive-aggressively anti-trump, and so fucking smug.
NPR caters to rich smug liberal fucks, well they have the money to support it after its taxpayer funding is removed.
Recently those guys Seigel and Shapiro were doing a bit on the origin of Trump's WWE gif and the non-jew anthropology professor they were interviewing was just going through the redditor's posts and she made sure to mention the one about the jews controlling the media. Then went back to Seigel and Shapiro. Fucking hilarious.
I live in the south and even my local NPR people are almost all jews. Its just a jobs program for jews.
That's it I will make a general thread detailing the drama at my local Pacifica station and the factions and accusations, with links and ideas of how Sup Forums can fuck with them further and milk as much laughs and schadenfreude as possible. Its SELFISH of me not to share the entertainment.
Yeah. Again, Dawkins is the outlier. And there's plenty of atheists who say a pox on both houses, Islam and Christianity are equally invalid. I disagree, but I respect the view.
The point is there's a certain "atheist community" that believes that Christianity is a cancer that must be eradicated yet Islam is a beautiful tradition that can be freely embraced, and they seem to control the voice of modern atheism while actually excluding pioneers like Dawkins or the late Christopher Hitchens.
>I didn't know that a day would come where his speeches are canceled for not being liberal enough though.
how could it not be obvious? Muslims are the new protected class, of course it would become forbidden to criticize them. you of course can't criticize Jews either. Islam and Judaism operate similarly so it shouldn't be a surprise.
This can be explained solely by reflexive hatred of whites. Churches in the US and Western Europe have overwhelmingly white congregations, mosques in the US and Western Europe have overwhelmingly nonwhite congregations. Therefore, Islam is inherently preferable in their view.
See also: ever see an atheist condemn a black Southern Baptist church, even if it preaches the exact same tenets as a white Evangelical church?
>>when God doesn't exist but Allah does
Not our fault you got jewed.
This. They're happy to promote Dawkins to the extent that his ideas are an affront against Christianity, but can't have him shitting on Islam because it is also used as an assault against Christianity...an important component of white European culture. Fucking kikes.
>widespread atheist embrace of Islam
Never noticed that. On the contrary, most proheminent atheists have been very vocal against islam: Dawkins, Hitchens, Sam Harris, Lawrence Krauss, just to name a few
>inb4 dawkins criticizes jews and commits suicide by locking himself in a bag and tossing himself into a river
He was quite depressed!
evolution is real guise!
It's not surprising that Atheists and Muslims are in an unholy, anti-Christian alliance. Both of them want the same thing: to tear down the established order. Atheists because atheism logically leads to moral and cultural relativism (this is according to atheists themselves, read Nietzsche or Sartre or Camus) which means Christianity and its exclusive moral truth claims need to be destroyed, and Muslims because they wish to subjugate the People of the Book (Christians and Jews).
Dawkins, for all his faults, is at least consistent in his criticism of religion. That's more than the majority of atheists can say.
Too bad nobody actually reads the drivel your mudpeople loving ancestors see as their salvation. Why is the white race cucked by the fables of desert peasants?
>jews ever doing anything of substance against Mudniggers unless for their own personal jewish interests
hes just milking and divert from the root cause and trying to turn everyone into good goyim, nigger
fuck your kikes.
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
Reminder this is what terrorists want
>Canceling Dawkins's event not his anti-Christian, anti-Jewish views, but because he criticized Islam, which means he offended Muslims, who are considered "minorities"
You just know if Berkeley was asked to cancel an event because said person was anti-Christian, that they would bring up the First Amendment, lecture how valuable freedom of speech is, and state how intolerant that person would have to be to request cancellation. Then they would have the event continue as planned just out of spite, without realizing the hypocrisy of it when they fold for Muslims and their religion of peace.
against you, maybe. civilised people do neither of those things.
I'm an Atheist but Christian don't bother me because they won't cut my head off for not believing their religion, and I share almost all their beliefs, I even think Jesus gave some pretty great life advice that people should heed, I just think god and satan are bullshit, and I tune out when they start saying non believers are going to burn in hell because my bullshit alarm rings off the charts.
>“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
This means that wanting to do something is the same as doing it from god's perspective. You want to do it, and likely would if you think you would get away with it. So God knows something is wrong, and something in you needs to change. It's a good thing in that God wants to help you.
Stay away from the bible bru, it was written to control almost everyone. They took jesus' word and turned it into whips.
>Why is the white race cucked by the fables of desert peasants?
Widukind pls. Not only is Christianity a clear and unmistakable part of European identity but those "sandniggers" contributed more to human history than the Scandinavians nordicists so admire. In fact, "sandniggers" founded the first civilizations and invented writing systems, mathematics, agriculture and all the other foundations of civilized society. In fact, Hitler and his cronies were so bothered by this that they had to make up conspiracies about how Babylonian kings, the Carthaginian nobility, Greek statesmen and Roman Emperors were actually blond haired, blue eyed Germans and that over the centuries their blood was dilluted by the lesser races of the Mediterranean until Spain became the first global empire in history and their gemanic genes suddenly re-emerged. And then there's France, which is either full of Mediterranean sandniggers or full of Germanic brethren depending on Hitler's mood.
Come on, man.
>The point is there's a certain "atheist community" that believes that Christianity is a cancer that must be eradicated yet Islam is a beautiful tradition that can be freely embraced,
there really aren't tho
if you read the article, the answer to the question asked on the cover of that magazine is basically "no, unless you are actually being racist as well"
>non believers are going to burn in hell because my bullshit alarm rings off the charts.
This is what I don't get about right wing athiests. God was the ultimate law enforcement. He took no mercy on the guilty before Jesus got humanity a stay of execution. The jackboot types should be all over that smiting the unclean stuff.
like what?
>right wing atheists
No such thing. They're just closet marxists.
What is this thing where liberals will criticize Christianity all day long, but will never criticize Islam?
Is their atheism really just a type of anti-whiteness?
I am an atheist and seek a revival of human rationalism as the prime drive, as has always been in my country. The day that the last church and mosque burn is a good day.
>>when God doesn't exist but Allah does
Someone make a meme ball please.