YouTube: Pushing Everyone Who Isn't White
ya know i never really believed in the jewish question but the fact they go down this road ideologically rather than a profit incentive strikes me more...sinister for a lack of a better word.
John Green is white
I hate the genre of music that's in the background. I don't know what it is, but it's a weird mixture of arabic instrumenty sounds, niggerish vocals and generic drum beats that are preloaded in music editing softwares.
Hearing this type of music alone should make you worry. It's the sounds of (((diversity))).
>watch to dislike ratio
our attack plans and targets are right there
tear them ...apart
It's becoming increasingly (((obvious))).
I wish he wasn't
Scrawny-eyed little weakling
he chose not to be
smashed the Like button
Who take a photo with that kind of expression? There's something deeply disturbing about the psyche of these people
All of the recent YouTube Spotlight videos have been completely and utterly BTFO. Keep this up boys. We're doing good.
Jewels like diamonds are super compressed carbon, basically the same as human ash. The Jews were behind the holocaust to create ash to turn Jews into diamonds
lol holy fuck, the forces at work here are bent on destroying the west.
No he is the typical white male of today..
Meanwhile Blacks and Arabs are high test, which is why an increasing number of white women are now flocking to them. Just like east asians leaving their beta asian men.
>he is the typical white male of today
No he isn't though. I know of perhaps two people like him and everyone agrees that they are pathetic permavirgins anyway.
Franchesca and ilk like her want to lecture like an adult, but they don't know how to be an adult
No dude. literally 80% of white men are nu males today
>white knmighted
>low test
meanwhile, the black male is loud and ''there''.
same here
Like this guy. The only thing those arms are good for is calling the cops, which he would actually have to do if he lived near large collectives of non-whites.