A 100 years ago the British were at the peak of their colonial expansion. Now the people of those colonies have taken over London, Birmingham, Manchester and many other cities of the colonizers. It might be a slow process but so was British colonization for most part.
The greatest colonizers are being colonised everyday in front of our eyes........
Every year one more British city becomes British minority. That's something to behold.....
And this is not going to stop anytime soon just because of the differential birth rates.
The complete colonization of Britain and many other parts of Europe by the formerly colonised is the greatest event of our times.
What do you think /pol?
The colonization of Britain
Other urls found in this thread:
The British are now barbarians camped out in the relics of an older and superior civilisation to whose beauty and knowledge they are oblivious.
>What do you think /pol?
I think you should stop overreacting about how Britain has supposedly fallen whilst your own country continues to be decades ahead in demographic suicide to a point where even London is whiter than every city in the USA.
say what you want but do not insult the Prophet
The Latinos in the US are not like the Pakistani. They are largely assimilating into the larger society. They are Christians and believe it or not but many are actually partially or wholly white.
I know a Mexican family who have blond children.
UK has the Muslim plague going on.
Piss be upon him.
We border Mexico, but you bring pakis in from five thousand miles away to rape your daughters.
God dammit, that would of been great for a truck.
unfortunately these burgers are correct.
I would rather have spics than mudslimes any day.
Having said that, US by FAR has the worst nigger problem.
That's what you get for being tolerant, and now it's too late.
I'm guessing the posh, smug attitude of brits are starting to fade huh? That nose in the air is now against your chest.
Honestly just kill them. What do you have to lose?
How long you think you'll be able to say that? Does it displace the thought of your bleak future?
Fucking this lmao
Usa was never a 100% white country andwas made by Immigrants. They shifted the Immigrant demographics. Unfortunate, but understandable
Uk was 100% white 50 years ago on an island, then willingly and enthusiastically imported millions of non-whites in the name of diversity. And all they say is b-but merica
If uk border d mex they would be 20% white
>London is whiter than every city in the US
Enjoy the EU, and your refugees
Interesting to note, is that the immigration act that allowed importation from the colonies, was this...
>The British Nationality Act 1948 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that created the status of "Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies" (CUKC) as the national citizenship of the United Kingdom and its colonies.
>Having said that, US by FAR has the worst nigger problem.
this is true, but it's also fairly well-contained to most cities and we do have a lot of cultural barriers to niggers, especially in the middle-class. Middle-class Brits on the other hand don't
That's the problem with London the whites (what's left of them) have. You can walk 10 minutes down the road, and be in niggersville. They put the rich with the poor (shitskins) because labour wants to fill London with shitskins for votes (it's done that) so they use the excuse of 'Muh gentrification'.
Niggers don't like it when whitey moves in and improves the area.
Bro-tier Sikhs will remove kebab
Fucking nuke us, everything was a mistake
Not just labour, both the red and the blue cunts have spent the last 60 years fucking us over, execute them all
This women got 21 weeks in Jail for this.
Also, a man those put bacon on a mosque got thrown in prison, then killed while he was in prison.
I just spend a week in Switzerland, when I got back it wasn't even 5 minutes off the boat that I was sick of this shithole, honestly i've just had enough of this place.
Spending time in an actual nice, clean, rich white countryside really put things in perspective
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Feels weird to see my hometown on Sup Forums of all places.
Lemmie tell you, guys, it's as bad as it looks. Whole town's segregated right down the middle, asians on one side, whites on the other. When I was in high-school it was about 80% asian, and the newest year-group that came in before I left years ago was entirely asian without a single white kid.
Shit sucks.
Still, that road they're walking up in the video? I nearly hit a guy there when I was taking my driving lessons. Fun times.
Briton is Fuck all Now
-- Emma West
Sentenced to 3 years of Community service & lost her Dental Nursing licence for racist rant in train. She was saved from prison because of her mental health issues.
First came the Celts, than the Germans, than the French Vikings, more Germans, and more and more and more. Just another migration. Arthur won't save it now.
Immigration should happen, but colonization should come with it. Africa has failed. They need Europe who can take the best and brightest and guide their weak brethren to enlightenment.
Do you have any Sikhs or Hindus. Do they also stick with the Muslims? Or is it entirely Muslims? I mean is it a Muslim problem or actual Asian (South-Asian) Problem?
Honestly i'm not surprised that people can just snap, it's all too much now.
I fucking hate how things have become here, cities are dirty broken concrete jungles of permanent CCTV and third world sights and people everywhere, complete shithole in every aspect and we can't do fuck all about it.
>say what you want
Muhammad is a pedophile and he sucks cocks in hell.
I abided by half your comment at least.
Can't see anything wrong with what she actually said, it's just a wrong opinion.
Also, Liam Stacey 'case' was something that made me angry.
>Liam Stacey, 21, caused widespread revulsion by reacting to Muamba’s mid-game collapse by writing: ‘LOL [laughing out loud], **** Muamba. He’s dead!!! #haha.’ He responded to criticism of that message with vile racist tweets.
>Stacey initially claimed his account had been accessed by somebody else, but later pleaded guilty to racially aggravated harassment. He was sent to prison to ‘reflect the public outrage’ at his comments.
>Jailing the student at Swansea Magistrates’ Court, District Judge John Charles said: ‘Not just the footballer’s family, not just the footballing world, but the whole world were literally praying for Muamba’s life. Your comments aggravated this situation.
>‘I have no choice but to impose an immediate custodial sentence to reflect the public outrage at what you have done.’
>to reflect the public outrage at what you have done.
Sentenced by the mob.
I had a customer say to me today.
"they let too many people into this country"
She was about 50ish & we got talking about things.
People are saying things now they were afraid to mention just five years ago.
>complete shithole in every aspect and we can't do fuck all about it.
It's the establishment that's at fault. None of the British dare challenge it, that's a shame.
Things like this are more common than we realize.
Sometimes a white on a bad day just can't take it anymore, then the state is sure to step in and lock them away for months or even years.
What hindus there are are few and far between. One of my closest friends growing up was a hindu kid, family was full-on hindu; his mum used to pray at a shrine to Shiva whenever I was over there and he would go off to some gathering every week and come back with a dot on his head. I used to make fun of it, as is it custom in Britain to make fun of people for how they look.
But his family was the only hindu family I ever knew. There were probably one or two sikh families but I never saw any. It's all muslim. The assumption in Blackburn is that if you're brown, you're a muslim, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a brown-skinned person that wasn't muslim. Out of the hundreds I've met over the years I can remember 1 that wasn't all that religious.
The rest are what you could best describe as "poor muslims", that is, they go to mosque every week, they go to their community gatherings, and then on weekends you see them falling out of clubs completely shitfaced and taking girls home. But they still consider themselves muslim, and get outraged like muslims tend to do whenever you slight them.
I nearly got jumped once because I didn't know what halal meat was.
(I thought it was like spam)
Under what circumstances if any can you speak out honestly against this open immigration? Or are you not allowed too at all?
I can't tell where the "line" is for the average brit, how much they can say before the government silences them for wrongthink. Can you talk to your friends or family, or are you afraid they will report you as well?
to reflect the public outrage at what you have done.
WTF does that mean?! Did he break a law, or can you be imprisoned simply for offending the public? If that's the case why don't you all take the next logical step and hold public votes for who the most unpopular figures in the country are and have them arrested.
>Under what circumstances if any can you speak out honestly against this open immigration? Or are you not allowed too at all?
For working class guys, we can speak about it, middle class will automatically assume you're a racist (I actually am, but that's another issue) Working class girls will be accused of racism, middle class will bend the knee and attack us for 'being racist'.
The government can't silence everyone who sits and bitches with his mates, they don't need to, take a few high profile cases, ones that have angered footballers, celebs, and make an example of them. The rest are meant to fall in line.
It's why i smile when the Jihadis kill coppers, they aint no friends of ours. Our coppers arn't like yours though, they work for the state, bought and paid for. There is a 'human' element to yours. Ours have arrest quotas, or 'detections', so they will nick you for any reason. Section 5 of the public order act means if you do anything that causes alarm or distress, then it's an arrestable offence. So if i say you hurt my feelings, there is grounds for arrest.
2003 electronic communications act covers 'mean tweets' and 'offensive posts'. It's fucking stupid. It's the middle/upper class trying to treat the WHOLE internet like a private dinner party, and not realising it's a different beast alltogether.
We can get away with saying we want some controls on immigration. Lefties and immigrants (includes all slavs) will accuse you of racism just for that. That's about the line in public discourse, saying all immigration should stop or even that illegals should be deported is enough to get police attention if someone (especially minorities) cry hard enough.
In private conversation, many English people are outright racists or leaning that way.
This isn't colonization though. When Britain colonized these countries they just took control over the leadership and allowed the people to live as they always have lived in the home they have always lived in. The leadership might have been British, but the people and their culture was always kept intact. What we are seeing today is ethnic replacement and ethnic displacement of the common British people and their culture, while also subjecting the British people to mass-rape and mass violence, while their hands a kept tied by the police.
Now Australia and North America is a different story, there the British displaced the natives, but the immigrants doesn't come from these countries so that is a moot point.
I have a friend that is redpilled, and some of the polish guys at work joke about muslims, but on a serious level we actually have very little free speech, if something was posted on (((Facebook))) for example then the reaction would be very severe as 99% of people are completely and utterly pacified. Of course this is just the social exile, there have been cases of employers sacking people for twitter remarks.
Then finally you get the extreme reaction of the state, there are stories of police jailing people for wrong views on social media, or for jokingly placing bacon on mosques, this would probably include fine, court, possibly some kind of child social services visit and maybe jail time
>Did he break a law, or can you be imprisoned simply for offending the public?
Yes, he caused alarm and distress to people by calling a nigger a nigger.
The offence is created by section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. Section 5(1) provides:
"(1) A person is guilty of an offence if he:
(a) uses threatening [or abusive] words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening [or abusive],
within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby."
The words "or abusive" were substituted for the words ", abusive or insulting", in both places they occurred,[1] on 1 February 2014.[2]
The majority have an IQ of 100. Who cares what happens to them?
Murray describes it well here.
> Willingly and enthusiastically imported millions
Do you ever think this was discussed democratically and we had any choice for that matter? No it was pushed by an elite who a) either wanted to demographically change the country or b) Saw the benefit in cheap labour and easy votes
Just looking for a way out, that's all. I feel no connection to Britain.
I feel you, maybe a century ago we would be farmers in a comfy village, or soldiers fighting for the empire, but now?
Nothing, this land has no meaning anymore. The land of the Anglo saxons, the monarchies and the wars of the roses, the world's greatest empire, is just withering away like a rotting rose.
A dead post-industrial landscape filled with a people who aren't us, and never will be.
Who cares? Its just people. They arent colonising us by ruling us, destroying our customes, land, religion and traditons like we did to them. We did it to ourselves, no immigrants.
Who cares about the colour of their skin or their accent. They work and mind their own buisiness as should the people here. This is the smallest issue facing Britain (Increase house prices, global warming, austerity, teen suicide rates skyrocketting etc) theres a million things that I'd point to before immigration being an issue like the NHS being killed, old people getting next to no treatment or help, disabled being left in the street without a home to go to. The list is endless!
Britain is a full on Police state. And nothing is going to change about it either. It may get worse.
Karma for white devil
Back to /r/momentum
this is the problem with (((democracy)))
Pakistanis are good people. Stop talking trash about them.
>A dead post-industrial landscape filled with a people who aren't us, and never will be
Spot on. There is no culture here anymore, other than getting drunk at the weekends. That's the culture today in this modern cesspit. All of our traditions and culture has been tossed to the dogs in favour of multiculturalism and unity with outsiders who share none of our blood. I've said this before and I will say it again, Britain died with the Empire. There's nothing left. I was never taught about the Anglo-Saxons at school, just the Celts and Romans vaguely. I have difficulty naming 3 of our traditions, simply because it's been lost to time and has been kept from our noses.
I had family who fought for Britain during both World Wars. Today, I know they fought and died for nothing. This modern cesspool called Britain was their gift to me. Thanks for nothing.
Can't handle these feels lad
Excellent video...
This is all straight up 1984 level stuff. You say that you've got a friend, or situations where you can speak honestly and plainly, but is that a growing or shrinking space? Is there talk of fixing things, or any optimism at all, or are even the honest conversations just resigned to there fates?
>For working class guys, we can speak about it
This is literally the prolles out of 1984, the lower classes weren't heavily policed so long as they didn't do anything noticeable, but the middle and upper class lived under magnifying glasses. Your government read Orwell as an instruction guide!
>Ours have arrest quotas
That's insane. Our cops have ticket quotas, which are immoral, but still they can only give em out when you have genuinely broke the law. So everyone drives 60mph even though the sign says 55, so when a cop needs to fill his quota he just take his pick. It's not like they are making up offenses, and at the end of the day we are out a few hundred dollars for our own bad habit.
But arresting people is a whole nother ballpark of fucked up, what's the sentence for making a muslim cry? And what sort of evidence is required in court to prove such a claim. This shit makes me terrified of (((them))) pushing cctv cameras in our streets, lest they start to police behavior.
I'm here to stay.
Sorry :^)
You wouldn't think judging by that video that this land would have a Muslim sitting in the Mayor's position of our capital city. You wouldn't think that our children were being abducted and raped by the savages from Africa and the Middle East.
Seen this too many times but it hits home every time I watch it. I weep with despair.
This only happens because we are cucks.
The West in its entirety is the victim of its own success. Too long in r-selection, letting the rabbits control the culture while the K-selected are beaten to the side, and those who would be K in the write environment shift uncomfortably into r.
Add into that the dopamine addiction of the modern native European, and you see why there is so little will to fight, no will to do anything but be entertained.
Naturally an activation of the amygdala takes time to calm down. Ever read a scary story, or get spooked, and find yourself still a little on edge or uneasy hours later? That's normal. But you could have done away with those feelings instantly by getting a heavy dose of dopamine.
There will be no "waking up" to what everyone knows is true while comforts and distractions are still plentiful and cheap.
What we need is the collapse to happen as soon as possible.
>I have difficulty naming 3 of our traditions
guy fawkes
pancake day
the great burning
>This is all straight up 1984 level stuff. You say that you've got a friend, or situations where you can speak honestly and plainly, but is that a growing or shrinking space? Is there talk of fixing things, or any optimism at all, or are even the honest conversations just resigned to there fates?
This is why cultural marxists try so hard to undermine the family, to leave people with no private space at all in which to express dissent. I think it's probably a shrinking space, what with so many indoctrinated young people now supporting what's happening to us. As for optimism, there is no peaceful or electoral way to fix this. If push comes to shove and we win, we inherit a ruin of an already dead nation.
>This is literally the prolles out of 1984
We are 1984. CCTV is everywhere. Social media is monitored. Terrorism is consistently used as an excuse to take freedoms away from all of us en.wikipedia.org
Yeah, thanks.
There was a time when "England" was reduced to a muddy island in Somerset.
You're all bluepilled on this anyway.
BOTH USA and UK WILL fail. There is not going back. Evenm the white people in our nations are more degenerate and feral than fucking weimar republic.
There is no going back. Take the blackpill and get some land somewhere in eastern europe. if you want the last remains of any form of morality, then go to Iran, or central asia. Maybe Turkey. South Korea is full of feminism, and Japan is cucked beyond repair, plus mongoloid genes.
That, or or get some land in Alaska, Siberia, Tibet, Pacific Island, or Canary islands, and raise fuck tones of kids.
Brown people and Muslims aside. If you really think you can fix even the white western people, then you're way out of touch.
>but is that a growing or shrinking space?
Shrinking. Alot of them get collage 'educated' girlfriends, and the women change their opinions, the women lead, they follow.
>Is there talk of fixing things
Only in a civic sense. Any movement gets taken over and hijacked. BNP was gaining (our ethnic nationalists) before UKIP came along (or was boosted) and turned actual nationalism, into civic nationalism. I first thought it was just because they can't be so brazen yet, and there are many ways to skin a teeth, but the moment you turn into a civic nationalist party, is the moment you're like every other party, you just have the bar for entry a bit higher. It's death by frog boiling.
>are even the honest conversations just resigned to there fates?
This is what discussions are like.
Just try and get through that if you can. Brits arn't like Americans, you're dreamers, the clouds here make us miserable bastards, were cynical. We could win Gold at the olympics, and we would grumble that the gold isn't real.
>but the middle and upper class lived under magnifying glasses.
Yup. The working class will be taken on by gangs, and violence, they can't do that to the middle or upper class though, the upper class will be told that they are disrepectful, and racism, and therefore wrong. So it will be a social faux pa, in this way they will be controlled. The upper class will be bought off with arab oil money.
>That's insane. Our cops have ticket quotas, which are immoral, but still they can only give em out when you have genuinely broke the law.
Ah, you see heres where it goes wrong. Police say they can't find any crime, but politicians say the public have a 'feeling' that crime is occuring, therefore the police arn't doing their job, so some idiot has an idea to bring in quotas, and arrests some kid for swearing and causing the copper 'alarm and distress'. There is pressure from above basically.
I just want to join whatever factions forms and siege London. Literally no point going to work or doing anything anymore.
I never thought of it that way, Hysterical. A once great people getting themselves (((enriched))).
You massively overestimate the power of our alleged police state. Even the USSR couldn't keep the Samizdat under control.
>what's the sentence for making a muslim cry?
The evidence required is if the offended person feels like they were offended, then they were, the state then either decides to say if you were offensive or not. So if for example you have an establishment that on the side of the muslims, and they want to crack down on 'hate crimes' then judges will lean on anyone arrested for hurting someones feelings, and sentence you. Liam stacey got a few months for calling a nigger a nigger.
>A man who placed bacon on the doors of a Bristol mosque has died in prison while serving a 12-month sentence.
12 months for that. for putting bacon on a mosques door.
>And what sort of evidence is required in court to prove such a claim.
If they feel offended, then the state must assume that they are. It's such an open and stupid law. It's why your founding fathers were leagues ahead when they said that government shall not make any law prohibiting free speech. Clear. Short. To the point. No room for jews or other sorts to 'reinterpret'.
Could this have something to do with Britain's lack of a written constitution? The power-mad elites in the US are no better than those in Britain, but they have been kept in check to some extent by the clearly defined limits on state power outlined in the Constitution (such as the 1st and 2nd Amendments). Obviously they constantly push these limits, but the Supreme Court has some power to resist them. Are there any hard limits on state power in Britain? What, legally speaking, is to stop them turning into a full on 1984 police state with midnight raids, Black Marias and gulags?
You're buying into the enemy's narrative. You're literally supporting their own sense of "the right side of history." Are you a Whig? If not why do you act as if it has all been pre-written?
People are avoiding discomfort and unwelcome information because it is a threat to their dopamine-soaked lives.
>Could this have something to do with Britain's lack of a written constitution?
No, because we do have a written constitution, it's just one one specific document.
>Are there any hard limits on state power in Britain?
Yes, dating all the way back to Magna Carta.
>What, legally speaking, is to stop them turning into a full on 1984 police state with midnight raids, Black Marias and gulags?
I think I can't wait to watch the Battle of London on liveleak.
>Could this have something to do with Britain's lack of a written constitution?
More then likely. Some people boast that we have an unwritten constitution. No one thought of writting the fucking thing down though. It's like saying we can own guns. Sure we can, but we have to ask the state if we can own them, and say why we want to own them, and self defence is not a valid reason.
.22 only.
Britain today is a disgusting country. If I ever found myself in power not only would all invaders be removed, but a sizeable portion of the native British population as well. Walking through the high street in my town recently almost every native British person I saw was either retarded, ugly or morbidly obese. No nation can be successful with people like this.
Eugenics and mass sterilisation is the only way.
Forgot to paste this:
>+ (39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.
>+ (40) To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.
Sadly this. In fact, I'd go a step further and say that by working and paying taxes, you are helping to fund the downfall of this country. You'll get comments such as "you're a leech on society" but let's be honest, who really wants to continue funding this modern decadence? I certainly don't. I want to move away as soon as possible. Get out of the cities and go to the countryside. I've given up on working and saving up for luxuries such as a fat pension, a big house, a sports car out the front. I don't care about these material possessions anymore because my culture, kin and future matter to me more than these things even if the average idiot can't grasp that concept. My country is dead/dying, these capitalist goods are all worthless to me now. I wanted to go to university, now I just don't give a rats backside about attending. I wanted to buy my own property in a nice area. Now I just want to get away from these areas and move into the rural countryside. I just want to get away from this society ASAP because to be quite frank, I've had enough of it and the only enjoyment I seem to get out of life today is on here and not out there.
It's not merely the police state. Like in all western countries people are kept docile with consumer comforts, everyone is apathetic, the notion of resistance is a muttered word in a moment of despair. Mentally, people have been subdued and prepared to become a minority already.
The undermining of the family, coarsening of male/female relationships, prevalence of pornography, drugs, binge-drinking culture, cheap violent entertainment (often sexualized) in media.
None of this is accidental, it's probably the most advanced social experiment ever tried upon a people.
that photoshop is so poor i don't know what to say honestly
They're dopamine addicts. You take away all "this" and you'll see it all revert to type.
>You're buying into the enemy's narrative. You're literally supporting their own sense of "the right side of history." Are you a Whig? If not why do you act as if it has all been pre-written?
No they are wrong. I know it. But when everyone around you (admittedly it's different in some areas) say you're wrong, you start to wonder. I don't though, i just wonder how they can be so wrong and not see what we see.
I have hope though, a few things need to change.
1. Any movement needs to be majority ethno centered. No civic nationalism. Without that they can just say that this somali doctor is a doctor, because he says so, he walks in, imports his family, his family go abroad to get an arranged marriage, they then import their family, and so on..
2. The whole system needs to come crumbling down. The whole lot, it will get worse before it gets better.
3. People need to realize the establishment are doing this.
Any movement that has tried to stop it, has failed at some point. Sometimes i wonder if it's best to let the enemy mark their cards, so we can draw lines and see who is who. Sometimes i wonder if that's the elites plan all along.
Hell of a gamble if it is, gonna be a hell of a ride also.
No I was all hopeful on this before. Then I realised how fucked up the families within these nations are.
Women are riddled with feminism, and would never give up their right to vote. Even your nationalist ones. Men are cucks.
You need to realise that the asverage person is fucking dumb, and nothing will save them unless you have some Stalinist/Hitler fag come in and take over. That's not happening. People WILL continue to degrade themselves with consumerist culture and nihilism. Corps will continue to dry out these said countries.
People will only revolt when starving. And then it will be too late. Hello Chinese annexation.
OK, thanks. I don't know much about British Common Law, I always had the impression it was some crazy, unstable patchwork of crumbling traditions and modern commie newspeak.
And none of this can exist in a society which selects for K, rather than for r. Seriously, read up on r/K selections, it's the biggest white pill, especially as we head towards a total meltdown of the entire system.
And honestly, I couldn't care less what you have to say. If your only response is about the picture and not what I have to say then don't fucking reply.
Good point on propping up this regime with taxes and wage slavery, honestly i'd love to have a patch of land near the forest, away from civilization. Where I can build my own house like pic related, grow my own food as much as I can, make cheese/butter, keep bees, and craft things from wood, smith some steel, and make/engrave some glass. Funny how financially speaking the simple life is actually the hardest to go back to now? (((they))) really knew how to fuck things up
>some of the polish guys at work joke about muslims
Those polish lads with their non-PC humor, they are so funny at times, oh my goodness. Too bad they are not people like us!
Yeah it's all too expensive or the land is owned by the (((government))). Best bet might be to move away from the country entirely. I know some people disagree with him and dislike him for being outspoken on a range of topics, but Varg has the right idea. Live a simple life, start a large family, live away from modern society out in the woodlands. The forest is the Northern Europeans natural habitat, not the city. I yearn to be amongst nature and have my own property out there. Hell, I'm even willing to live in an RV or a caravan until I have the means to acquire or outright build my own place. Maybe I'm just being edgy and extreme but that's what it's come down to.
Night lads.
I'm baffled how Bowden managed to be so positive about things.
The movements fail because to buy into them reduces ease and comfort. All humans are susceptible to this, it's why immigrants come for gibs in the first place.
How can they degrade themselves with consumerism if they have no money?
Traditions only crumble when they're allowed to do so. Magna Carta was even claimed as a source of their right for the Parliamentarians in the Civil War.
>When, at the end of the English Civil War, the commander of the parliamentary forces, Sir Thomas Fairfax was appointed Constable of the Tower of London, his first act was an encouraging one. He called for the greatest treasure in the Tower to be brought before him. Not a crown nor a sceptre, but a desiccated piece of parchment carrying barely legible Latin script. A Magna Carta. “This is that which we have fought for,” he breathed reverently, “and by God’s help we must maintain.”
Before 911 I was so ignorant about Islam, just some exotic religion, now it is on your face 24/7
>the video
Kind of just sucked all the emotion out of me, you guys are fucked. The whole thing was so controlled and unfairly structured. If you're going to interview a man, you put him on the stage with his own mic. Instead they stick him up in the audience with no mic of his own to reduce his credibility, and to force him to have to beg for a mic to express himself which is controlled by the damn host, it's humiliating. Then there's the handpicked questionnaires, all with pre scripted and known positions, carefully chosen to avoid any support for Mr. Robinson. I can see a lot of working class folks sitting at home screaming at the TV over this thinking the same things, but THEY will never get a chance to be seen on TV only those who get (((approved)))
You guys need to get out. Come here, or eastern europe or wherever, just get out before they close the CCTV noose around all the dissenters. I can understand the impulse to protect your own and your land, but that's not what's going to happen. Even if you raise your kids right, they will end up getting raped mentally or outright physically by the system and its useful idiots. It may happen here too, but we will at least go down with a gun in our hand.
Looking abroad is a good choice, but personally i'm terrible at languages so this is a very difficult option. Somewhere in the alps, iceland, baltics, or northern scandinavia would be perfect though, I love comfy villages
>The movements fail because to buy into them reduces ease and comfort. All humans are susceptible to this, it's why immigrants come for gibs in the first place.
But also because of the points i mentioned. Although i think your point is mandatory before i can put mine into play.
>How can they degrade themselves with consumerism if they have no money?
Everyone in the UK has money, welfare means you have less of it, but still money.
your god is a cat
how pathetic
>How can they degrade themselves with consumerism if they have no money?
no I said that society degrades thanks to nihilist consumerism. it turns into adultery and broken families in the future.
people will only revolt if they're starving
they should have kicked this drunk slag's face in
>The whole thing was so controlled and unfairly structured.
It's almost like it was a televised media event.
Also, are you saying we should become refugees?
Besides, where are YOU going to run to? You'll likely say "well, we'll have to fight!" which is a shocking coincidence, that the place we fight for is your home.
You need skills like fishing and hunting. Save up buy some land in the Wales or Scotland or an Island in the Hebrides. That was my dream. Before you get bogged down with a mortgage and cc debt.