>30 years old
>my mother tells me she wished she had never divorced my father
30 years old
>31 years old.
>Mother left dad when I was 4.
>Dad got complete custody because mother is an emotional basket case.
>Mother cheated on dad with some mullet headed chimp and had brief custody of us before the court order came through.
>Dude beat me up daily.
>Dude hung my brother by his ankles from a fifth storey balcony.
>Dad just about killed the guy. Gained immediate custody from that point on.
>Mom left mullet head and fled up the sunshine coast and shocked up with some German guy.
>Mullet head follows her and tries to kill her.
>Mullet head disappears and is never seen again.
>Turns out the German is also crazy and abusive.
>A big huge lumberjack makes the German go away, but he is heard of again.
>Big huge lumberjack is a massive coke head and is shockingly also abusive.
>I visit often during this period in my teens.
>Verbally abused and denigrated by this guy. Stop visiting after awhile because it's not worth my time.
>Mother has to leave this guy... Flees to the Yukon because, shockingly, he wants to murder her.
>Meets some guy from Alaska and gets pregnant in her fifties after a one night stand.
>Guy wants to murder her and take the kid back to the states.
>She comes down to Vancouver whilst pregnant and tries to convince my dad to get back together with her... Conveniently when his career on the waterfront starts paying dividends.
>Dad tells her to fuck off.
>My grandmother, which raised me with my dad passes away in 2005.
>wah, wish I never lost my wage slave
ITT: Sup Forums recounts how they were personally damaged by the destruction of the nuclear family
>Mother once again tries to insinuate herself back into our lives and convince my dad to take her back... It is desperate. Dad tells her to fuck off.
>Kind of proud of dad because she was laying it on thick, literally grabbing at his dick and trying to jerk him off through his pants every single time she came to convince him to take her back.
>Absolutely disgusted.
>She meets a guy from Washington and marries him. He becomes a pastor.
>They travel around the southern United States as Evangelical Rangers, teaching the world about the apocalypse.
>My sister is a teenager now and wants to talk to me... I want to get to know her, but then I'd have to talk to my mother and I'm not about to do that.
>Mother is now talking about leaving her husband, the pastor, and moving back to Vancouver.
Moms, amirite? I can't even claim to have it bad. I know guys that had it worse. One dude I know from work... His mom was a drug addicted hooker that died of AIDS. He turned out very well adjusted. Know a few dudes whose mom was a hard core heroine addict, those dudes have all been to prison... I firmly believe, based on these examples, that you only turn into a thug if you let these sorts of upbringings get to you.
You can grow up under fucked up circumstances and make good of yourself... Or you can be a punk. It's up to you.
Yeah mom thanks for that insight AFTER you make me grow up without a male role model dooming me to never know how to interact with women properly since you and my aunts just say "just be nice always ask permission and treat them like princesses!"
Fuck all you all.
No wonder you garbage human beings come to Sup Forums and become Nazis. Your lives are terrible and your minds and souls are broken. You're dead inside so you come here to be with other people who are dead inside and pretend that your pathetic, stupid, and insane ideas are normal.
I'm really sorry to hear that.
But I reccomend you get close to your sister, so close you can pull her away from your mother, because imagine how you could have turned out had your mother raised you.
at least people get why they are broken and try to not repeat it with the next generation, you cunt
Literally my exact situation (except the sister) but my dad was the piece of shit doing all this and trying to drop into my life with whores and meth addicts. One of them literally screamed at me for no reason over and over when I was 11 seeing my dad for my bday,
The world is better off with us shitboasting here, you know that
>have cunt mother
>turn out OK
>somehow bad and not normal
No, you turn out horrible and you fail to realize it because your childhood was stolen from you. You are doomed to repeat the mistakes of your parents, all the while imagining that you've figured it out.
If you'd really learned anything, you would have killed yourself years ago. That's the only way out for people as broken inside as you are. I bet you cry at night, you little faggots.
what a crazy bitch
my mom tried to get me committed to a psych ward by lying to the cops and telling them i tried to kill myself
She was visiting me, asked for the keys to go answer the door to recieve the pizza we ordered and came up with two police officers instead
She made one take my phone away so i couldnt call my dad (he is a lawyer), fucking pig promised the phone if i went in the ambulence peacefully, i had to be scorted by 4 cops infront of the entire neighborhood, they took me to this emergency room for a psychological evaluation but we got there and no phone so i told them im speaking with no one until i get my phone or a phone call, i spent 6 hours sitting in that fucking hallway, they made me talk with this health insurance lady on the phone who called my dad for me even tho she wasnt allowed and then he ended up coming there and saving the way
Worst part was i absolutely refused to have her come with me in the ambulance because i knew she would bullshit everyone some more there and get to answer for me but as soon as my dad entered the building she barged in meaning she was outside all along waiting
>parents get divorced at 10 years old
>Stay with Mom for two years
>Gives me no discipline, let's me play video games, skip school, eat garbage
>Become an impulsive emotional wreck, go from ahead a year in math to falling behind at the end of the second year
>Dad decided he's had enough and straight up tells me my life is going to shit
> Decide to go live with him
>Now well adjusted with career in computer science
I would probably be dead or homeless at this point if I stayed with my mom.
Are you going to move our of your mother's house now?
>he didn't ban together with his dad and brother to kick out his mom after she filled for divorce
The state of you cucks lel
I'm married with a big house and planning on having a kid within the next year.
I can still be butthurt about my mom leaving my dad though, I feel worse for him than I.
>your childhood was stolen from you
But the guy had a rather good childhood reading from the post. Now stop being a mongrel shill that you are and fuck off to reddit, brain dead incompetent retards like you are not welcome here.
fucker, you are here too, what are you doing
you tell other people to kill yourself, you are worst than everyone here, please dont reproduce
If it makes you feel any better, I have a male role model and am still massively autistic when speaking with a girl that I don't hate.
>be me
>grow up with mother and father, both college graduates and very successful, still married to this day
>raised Catholic, but no longer religious, still hold the morals it taught me
>have a brother
>both of us successful and popular in high school (Chads)
>I got an athletic scholarship to a Big Ten school
>finish college, then grad school
>parents are rich and I have a trust fund
>I'm successful and normal
>brother is successful and normal
>still hate niggers and non-whites because I grew up in metro-Detroit and have met hundreds of shitskins
>hated jews since grad school
>full 1488
Not everyone on this site is a loser, but I do see why white nationalism, a brotherhood, would attract those from broken homes.
How did you resist the urge to slap the shit out of her?
She lives halfway across the country.
Sounds like me. Only my mom had her SECOND divorce when I was seven and I didn't go to live with my dad until 18. He even confronted me one day:
"Your mom just let you play video games all day as long as you didn't cause any trouble huh?"
Had no idea how much that fucked me over socially.
Too badd that's exactly what all the pedophile pizzafaggots tell themselves too. "Oh, I'm such a strong survivor. My horrible life doesn't bother me, honest! You express your mutated sexuality slayqueenz! It's okay to fuck children"
If you can't handle anons saying kill yourself, you don't belong on Sup Forums. You know where to go back to.
>I'm totally fine, look at all my money and my kid.
Money won't plug your empty soul, user, and you know it. Or you wouldn't bother arguing. You'd shrug and move on. Plus, you'll be cucked soon, just like your mom got cucked. And you'll be sad for leaving your wife after she cucks you, just like your mom missed your dad.
>If you can't handle anons saying kill yourself, you don't belong on Sup Forums. You know where to go back to.
i was joking ha ha
Women raise children. Men raising functioning adults. The thread.
>Dad meets my trophy wife mum, is desperate for sons so marries her despite her age (late 30's).
>Works his fingers to the bone trying to start a new business
>Goes well, buys my mum a huge house, has gardeners, nannys, spends thousands hosting lavish parties for the local upper class elite
>Mum wants horses because she think it will make her fit in with posh people, dad gets her horses
>Horses are tons of work, pays for her to have stablehands to help out
>Dad is spending all the money he earns from the business to keep up my mums lifestyle
>Mum and my older brother constantly arguing, huge screaming raging arguments that end in my mum and dad arguing because she blames him for whatever reasons.
>Mum can't cope with difficult older brother, forces dad to send him to private boarding school (expensive as hell)
>Brother doesn't cope with authority well, is sexually abused by boys (tied to a bed whilst they masterbate and flick their cum at him)
>Brother develops massive drug problem
>Dad gets diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, gradually loses his ability to walk properly. Still works his ass off every day
>Mum spending all dads money but is still bitter and angry because of all the work she has to do looking after horses, hosting expensive parties (that she wants to host), looking after this massive mansion of a house
>Im basically raised by a babysitter, dad is too busy with illness and work, mum is a screaming rampaging neurotic wreck most of the time
>Business isnt going so well, dad is in debt, cash flow is good but has no actual assets to expand
>Health is also failing him, can barely walk, wants to sell house for a small bungalow he can actually live in
>Mum flips out at prospect of living like a normal pleb
>We move to the countryside in a tiny shit bungalow which dad rebuilds into something nicer to placate mum
>Brother and I are at uni, mum decides she has had enough and starts an affair with a long time family friend and leaves dad
Kys faggot
Too much redpill. Maybe a babby australian belongs back on reddit.
My friend with the dead junkie mom is a left leaning libertarian and I'm a centrist. It's interesting to note that the biggest faggot in this thread is you and you grew up with two dads.
My mom was a saint and I am still here. Your logic is flawed.
So why isn't your faggot arse helping you father to acquire currency...?
>my mother tells me she wished she had never divorced my father
Is she still drinking, or did she finally stay on the wagon?
Kek, I had no problems with my family you sad pathetic mongrel. Most people are normal unlike you and your 2 dads fucking you over every single day. I'd advise you find a tree, I'll bring the rope for you faggot.
They're somewhere in Georgia or South Carolina or something and I don't even have their phone number. If they move back here, I don't know... I'll play it by ear.
>Shacks up with new man in a house dad is forced to pay for as part of the initial settlement, about £200,000
>Also pays her £2000 a month maintenance
>Living on his own, wheelchair bound, but hes made of tough stuff and somehow copes despite being barely able to move
>Still working
>I finish uni, start working at the family business.
>After a 6 years or so mum and dad finally attempt to settle divorce, mum hires an expensive lawyer who tries to scalp my dad for ludicrous sums of money (over £1 million)
>Its all bullshit, judge declares dad must buy out mums share of business and pay her £350,000 (on top of the house he bought and the years of monthly maintenance)
>Dad and I take out loan from bank, work the business, increase sales
>I pay myself practically nothing for a year or two but we get debt paid off
>Sales still up, business suddenly seems to be churning out money like never before
>Realise its partly because mum isn't there to spend it, partly because of the expansion my dad built years before
>Brother kills himself after years of alcohol and drug abuse
>Mother acts like a total victim, regularly chastises me for not showing enough grief
>Hosts a yearly wake where she harvests sympathy from people that knew my brother
>Don't say anything, keep working, keep making money
>Dad eventually remarries an ex nurse who can deal with his illness
>Business stronger than ever
Im 30 now. Pretty fucked up for a while there but I think im going to make it.
Welp, on the bright side, you are alive and have the opportunity to do it right.
I think you might have more problems than me, bud.
Yeah, sure. And I'm 20 feet tall. No one would ever lie on Sup Forums, would they?
"I'm a survivor! Rape-culture won't stop me! Yaz, slay queen!" Lol, you must be a troll.
Sorry I got you so butthurt. Unlike you I didn't start this thread to complain about my shitty life and then samefag it for sympathy. The reason I didn't do that? I grew up a nuclear family, lost my virginity to nice girl at a reasonable age, got married and lived a normal fucking life. You should just walk away. You look pathetic.
Remember that you are here too
And here forever no less
The irony is fucking golden.
Damn that's crazy story. My mom divorced my dad when I was in high school. Got into college after that, was pretty messed up mentally. ended up dropping out and I've been working on and off ever since at 27. I got a kid but I don't even know them the bitch moved to Florida. All I do is play work,vidya, and see women from time to time(it's been awhile) the worst part is my father holds a grudge against me for my mother divorcing him almost 12 years ago. I've done nothing but support myself and try to survive. Fuck boomers
>had a great life with complete family
>normal as they can be
>visit pol for meme jihads against people
My parents remain happily married and have nine grandchildren at the moment.
He was the drinker.
>lived a normal fucking life
Then why are you here?
You don't know what irony means. This is not the opposite of what was expected. This was entirely predictable. And you let it happen.
Yeah, because I post while I take a break to shit that means I post like you autismos. I came here for Trump bantz and dropping redpills on sad little autistic faggots like you. You pretend you're tough but when you get a harsh truth you whine more than the whiniest shariablue cuck
To be fair you are gay and therefore mentally Disturbed
Mad respect for your dad, m8
Dude, these stories are nuts... It is ridiculous how often this kind of thing happens too. I know two people that have been committed by their mothers successfully. They were perfectly fine. There was nothing wrong with them, they were I'll mannered and we'll adjusted. Their moms are fucking nuts though and it shows because they literally had their kids thrown in the mental ward.
Good on you mate, best of luck. Sorry about your brother and mother.
>my mom tried to get me committed to a psych ward by lying to the cops
For what purpose?
>it doesn't matter how parents raise their kids anyone can turn out just fine
Yeah, it's not like your a liberal shill at all. Fucking leaf. I bet you think it doesn't matter if kids get diddled in a certain restaurant, right?
>Yeah, because I post while I take a break to shit that means I post like you autismos.
>Dismissing an argument because of their upbringing
>Posts Ad hominem ""Meme""
Jesus /Leftypol/ really doesn't know how to meme
If you can't handle an alpha's bantz, don't post little bitch.
>Defending being raised in degeneracy as just fine
I know who the real Jew shill is.
dad sent her the divorce papers and i already had cut contact with her for a year two years before
and i was getting pissed at her and told her to fix her attitude or i didnt want her here back
My guess is that she panicked fearing being alone and convinced herself that she was helping me because i was at risk of committing suicide because she is crazy and does that stuff all the time
of course right after that i cut all contact for good, she spammed me with texts so i blocked her and last month she left a note under my door wich i shoued to the police and i caught her following me once near my home, she parked the car and got out and screamed my name and i run away
You are a fucking nut.
>mother married 30-yo dad when 18 herself
>i'm told he was very jealous because young wife
>left him 4 years later, i went to grandma's place
>mother made a construction company
>actually smart and made a lot of money (srlsy she's like from a feminist poster if they made them)
>now says she'd rather she stayed a housewife than work like a horse for decades and never leave father and it was all minor stuff.
>She says that father was a type of man that, if someone tried to take her, would kill anyone, and all other men in her life would try to strike a verbal deal and just walk away is failed.
You're a fucking leaf.
>Defending being raised in degeneracy as just fine
To truly hate degeneracy you must first know what it is
>Heh nothing personal kid
I love 4 Chan, it's full of such excellent LARPers
Get a no contact order. That's fucking nuts.
what the fuck
I would get a fucking restraining order.
projecting much? zero value loser has a lot of spite in his typing, i wonder why....
not all moms
I prescribe 5 minutes daily and soon you'll irrationally hate every single one.
Your autism will be a thing of the past!
I think I got lucky. My dad moved in with my grandma and brought us along. It was supposed to be temporary while he got back on his feet, but we ended up staying. My grandmother had kids late in life, so my mother figure was a hard edged thrifty lady that lived through the depression. Her father was a high brow guy and a Lt. Colonel during WW1. So I had a woman with Victorian morals raising me with my hard working dad. My dad sacrificed a lot for us. He worked hard and had little time to date or any of it because he spent his free time with us. My brothers are emotionally damaged, but functional... They don't do hard drugs or have dysfunctional relationships, they're just annoying sometimes. I think I turned out the best adjusted because I spent less time with my mom than my brothers did. For all intents and purposes, my grandmother was my mother.
Hard times create strong men
>It's another Sup Forums is a monolith episode
My parents have been married for 35 years and were wonderful to my sisters and I. Feels good.
i called the cops after i caught her following me but they told me that without any proof they cant do anything and nexttime to snap a picture with my phone
lucky my building had security cameras installed recently
What am I projecting? My happy family life? My lack of worries? My observation that people who deal with this shit get fucked up forever?
Like, sure you can expend lots of energy and survive and do baseline okay. But you'll never get over having a fucked home-life. You agree with that, at least, unless you're a cuck/shill
I was responding to individual posts. If this doesn't apply to you, why are you responding?
>I'm so alpha look at my alpha tips that I read to try and be alpha because I'm such a faggot
You aren't helping your case here mate
Let's recap... You are judging people that grew up in broken homes and insulting them. You pointed out that you grew up in a perfectly normal nuclear family and have one of your own and that this somehow makes you a better, well adjusted person. You claim that you have kids. You claim that you have a good job and are successful.
But here you are, acting like a fucking sperg on the Internet. It's very ironic and you are embarrassing yourself.
You got troll'd dude. Umad too. Y u so mad tho?
Those people deserve to be executed humanely so they don't drag down the human race and themselves. It's what the National Socialists fought for. It's what my Confederate ancestors fought for. I'm guessing you would rather let scum fuck everything up for everybody else, right?
Hmm, I wonder who's behind this post.