Trudeau tears up after defaced Quran sent to Quebec city mosque
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is Trudeau literally Spencer Rice?
what a piece of white trash, Christ.
Well, I hope that legal weed is worth it all
Those bigots will be thrown in jail for years!
Intolerance of Islam will not be tolerated!
Silly wild lings and their feelings
I mean, seriously, do Muslims think it's reasonable to expect there will be no blowback when they are an incompatible and low value culture causing significant harm to western society?
Canada needs their own Trump.
I bet he wouldn't tear up if it had been white child's head instead.
He is a drama teacher after all. All he does is put on a show and act retarded.
Allah shall right this wrong.
Also this smells like a false flag.
Is Trudeau /ourguy ?
Do Canadians actually like him?
or he is muslem
no, harpers dollar was stronger.
Canada is a joke.
well they both do fake acting and trick a lot of people so I can understand the similarity's.
Will these guys make a comeback this year?
Meanwhile in America
Worst Trump train ever.
I concur, user. The same mosque as the false flag/coverup shooting this year where the three, I mean two masked men shouting Allah Akbar....I mean the one skinny white kid who was pro-Trump shot up the place and no video surveillance was ever released even though they have cameras.
can we kill this faggot ruining what could be a maple flavored America?
Where can I find a quran? For educational purpose only of course ;)
What a fucking pussy. Meanwhile after that Muzzie shot dead the soldier at the Cenotaph in Ottawa Justin claimed it was because the shooter was "excluded", or some shit like that.
I'm at least 75% sure that Trudeau is actually a muslim, he just hasn't made it public.
>laughs so hard he tears up
Holy shit those bantz
pretty sure you can order them for free from muslim-convert websites if you say you are converting to islam
Maybe if Trudeau was equal to everyone instead of Quebec-bashing all the the time for issues that does not even relate to Islamophobia like the Quebec cemetery there would be less hate crimes...
Just saying...
Pathos is the weakest form of persuasion.
trudeaus a sociopath and in secret pays prostitutes not to sleep with him but to kick their asses when he's high on cocaine
>Do Canadians actually like him?
What do you think?
>canadians get beheaded by ISIS while traveling
those poor muslims, feeling like they have to resort to terrorism and ransom!
>canadians get shot by islamic extremists
those poor muslims, feeling like they need to kill canadians!
>american gets blown up by gitmo terrorist
give that poor mistreated muslim 10 million dollars from canadian tax payers!
>mean spirited, non-violent package sent to mosque
this is the worst thing you could ever do as a human being, shame on you all
just nuke this country to ash already, it's not even funny anymore
I've never hated my PM more than I hate Justin Trudeau.
And I was alive to remember Brian Mulroney.
not even getting the weed by the look of it now. He isn't going to follow though until after the next election. Hoping he can profit from his bullshit promise again
id like him if he went back to being a drama teacher or snowboard instructor
even just havoing ONE look at that image shows u, it's all fake, bad actur, he cant even hold himself back from gleeing ...
god i hate that psychopatic faggot ...
that cunt actually makes me sick
>If you kill your enemies, they win
>If you kill our allies, you win 10 million bucks
Canadian logic under Jihadi Justin
I wonder if you could mix in cp like that
why is Trudeau such a faggot jesus christ literally muh feels the character
I'm glad someone else noticed hr.
He should donate more Canadian tax payer money to terrorists and/or their organisation's. Inshallah hasalamlakam
He is the opposite of his father Fidel.
What a pussy.
no I only like him because of the weed, I went to ikea today and I saw that the future of canada looks like. It is brown and muslim. I do not want to be part of this society.
Could he BE any more cucked?
What a fucking faggot
Justan Jewdoh is a full retard.
Hale Hortler
Wow, I'm sending another defaced quran from France first thing tomorrow! What's the adress of this mosque?
hahaha worse than sweden worse than any country
Trudeau is the world's greatest con artist. He has successfully managed to pilfer from Canada and its citizens millions of dollars, while still acting like an idiotic cuck. This man has successfully enable for future thefts and no one in Canada will be none the wiser. And the best part is that he will never be tried for treason or for money laundering.
>the Saudis don't control the money flow of every media source on the planet
No, I encourage all my family and friends with talent to make plans to leave. You cannot save a country that does not wish to be saved. Manifest Destiny when?
222 Street.
This photo is from when Trudeau talked to a Syrian refugee. It has nothing to do with the Koran incident.
More Sup Forums fake news.
hey at least he's not the world's daily laughing stock
In that pic he looks like he's crying from laughter. Truly he is /ourguy/.
You see Sup Forums This is a real man.
Women love feminist guys who actually LISTEN to them, and let their women lead.
Not Ronald Blimgphf and his shitty anti women ways of things. And the way he boasts about his dumb wall.
If you're a male and you're loud and ''alpha'' like squinald blampf, then women won't like you.
holy shit where's kenny when we need him?!?!!
>I only like him because of the weed
>I do not want to be part of this society
You're part of the problem with your society, friend.
Worst white leader of all-time?
Sorry your PM is a pussy
>Mobile CTV link
Dirty phone poster get out
END IT !!!
Yes, they do.
They are that fucking arrogant.
Worse, all this pandering only emboldens them.
Taking bets on "hate crime" being hoax too.
This, fucking Canada seems like a hellhole comparatively.
good good they did receive my package
>no I only like him because of the weed
did you vote for him?
Ho lee fuk.
The people with leftists views love his face.
Same thing I ask about jews
>Trudeau tears up after defaced Quran sent to Quebec city mosque
No he didn't you lying piece of shit. Does he not do enough dumb shit that you shills need to lie about him to make him look bad?
Yes, I have thought about this more than one.
Canada what I expected: youtube.com
What I got: Chino-Islamic Neo-Marxistic Dictatorship
>Mahedine Djamai said when the parcel arrived Friday he expected it to contain more of the sympathy cards
We need to remind these people that this behaviour is PART and PARCEL of living in a big city.
>Sino-Islamic Neo-Marxist Dictatorship
Pretty much describes all of anglosphere, mate.
I tried this to score a free Bible, because I dunno might be good to have one. had some set of crazies descend upon my house to talk about life 2 weeks later...heard you ordered a Bible. don't do this with Islam
What a gaylord
Fuck off, he'll trounce Scheer without even breaking a sweat.
>Hates Trudeau
>Hates Mulroney
Loves "I talk tough to Putin like Clinton told me to" Harper
What the fuck are you dumbasses doing over there, gas this Merkel-drone right now or do you want to end up like Sweden & the Rest of (((Yurop))) ???
I met a friend-of-a-friend in Toronto who claimed she broke up with Spenny because he wanted to piss on her and kept asking.