Are all Asians enemies of white People? Or are some given a free pass?
>Japanese sided with Nazis, considered themselves the superior asian race
>Koreans leading in science and medicine
What's your experiences with Asians?
Are all Asians enemies of white People? Or are some given a free pass?
>Japanese sided with Nazis, considered themselves the superior asian race
>Koreans leading in science and medicine
What's your experiences with Asians?
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Have you niggers not read any western philosophy? It's all about the individual not the collective so base people on their individual actions and not the actions of others in their group
I fuck them regularly and most are pretty conservative and non-degenerate. Haven't found one worth a commitment though.
At least Aisans respect our country by not walking around with hijabs
Most are unattractive desu
They don't like us so I don't like them
>western philosophy
It's becoming harder and harder to decide whats worth believing in or not. Our prime minister paid a terrorist 10.5 million for killing one of our own so I don't know about that.
Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam and Burma are with us
Nuke China
>Are all Asians enemies of white People? Or are some given a free pass?
Anyone who isn't white is enemy of the white people.
>What's your experiences with Asians?
I never met an Asian in my life.
Post Asians.
Ah yeah, forgot the "experience with Asians". All Asians I've seen were leftists, pro immigration, pro LGBT, pro feminism etc, and were not nice people overall
Canada is getting fed up with the liberals, hopefully something happens next election and they vote in CON (fucking progressive cconservatives, kill me) and when people realize they are a joke too we can have the nationalist party actually get a foothold or something. NDP CON and LIB can burn
(No asian because race mixing is degenerate and rampant in canada and every guy with an asian is stereotypical beta)
Those shorts are not the most practical, can you even fit anything in the pockets?
all Americans are godless degenerates
Were they American Asians or actual Asians? American Asians (Raised in the states) are usually more liberal and degenerate because (((media)))
1) Watch this on mute
2) This on loop in the backround:
Better to have lived as a lion for a day, than as a sheep for 100 years.
japs are nazis just like whites the rest are communists
The only hope are Asians from their respective countries.
Ironically, Eddie Murphy did a bit about him marrying a straight from the jungle black woman, and she got corrupted by western women.
That's the solution with asian women; have their friends be other Asians from abroad
it's official, all leafs are literal faggots
Japanese are okay.
The rest are subversive commies.
Also race mixing is degenerate but since only human excrement do it so it don't matter.
What do you prefer black boys leaf?
Euro Asians
They don't seem to be better.
In all seriousness, Asian women are the perfect match white males on the autism spectrum.
>I fuck them regularly
Are you seriously trying to tell me Asians are attractive? You yellow fever faggots are the worst.
All of you get the rope
tzu-yu is cute
Who hurt you user?
I like east Asians just fine, especially the Japanese and Korean. But I don't think it would be wise to allow a lot of them to immigrate either.
I do know that I would prefer to ally with east Asians over non-European Caucasians. So there's that.
>dead black eyes
no thankyou
Noone, yellow fever is disgusting.
hapa detected
Alberta bro here. The Asians here are mostly Chinese and Filipino. Fucked a chubby Filipino once, but not my cup of tea.
Where are all the east Asians? Where's the honorary whites of the east?
They generally view us as incompetent and overly promiscuous. This is what I learn by speaking to foreign exchange students. Regardless of this unfounded sense of superiority they have, whites don't have to worry about them too much. Their political goals are mostly confined to asian territory. The next world war will be in east asia. It would have already occurred if western powers weren't so obsessed with regulating the behavior of the entire human species. We should let them have it out. They want to settle old hostilities. We can sell them armaments and watch as they weaken each other. As long as we can keep nukes from flying, there is no downside to allowing them to fuck each other.
Indochinese and a lot of Chinese are nigger tier, Filipino's seem mostly OK, Japs are basically white in mind and behavior
I have great respent for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct they could carry something on. They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White race. I am not opposed at all to allies with the Northeast Asian races.
Korean girls are the prettiest in Asia, never understand how people could be fond of abominable j*panese or chinese cunts.
I agree OP
Chinese are
>those numbers
Let us have your women and you can have ours. Everyone wins.
>Japs are basically white in mind and behavior
It pains me to say it, but the Japanese are actually better than whites in many respects.
Disgust weeb detected fuck off anyone who race mixes is a traitor
Asian lose because they cannot compete fuck race mixing theres enough Elliot Rodgers in this world
They all get plastic surgery. I'd trust the face of a Korean girl living in America but not one in Korea.
>Are all Asians enemies of white People?
only the ugly ones
Asian men that is
man faced without plastic surgery
go home gook
this its cleaner maybe they could use more testosterone men there are not a manly.
you have to be a faggot to like that bone structure
F u
>muh dikk
anything worse than white niggers? i think not
>I fuck them regularly
unironically this
they may be second rate goods, but if you're carrying shitty genes yourself, thats all them and you're good for anyways
I thought pretty much all of Sup Forums hated Jews because their profiteering behaviour was degenerate. Not surprising to see hypocrites rear their ugly heads now and then.
Consider breeding with a smarter White woman to fix your brain genetics, your grammar is atrocious.
>I fuck them regularly and most are pretty conservative and non-degenerate
>most are pretty conservative and non-degenerate
>conservative and non-degenerate
>I fuck them regularly
Oh lads.
Asians are not on the side of the white race like what some weaboos are trying to suggest. They are a seperate racial group, with a seperate racial interests, the likes of which directly conflict with those of the white race. Look at the voting demographics of *any* Western country with a sizeable Asian population. Asian youth tend to align themselves against white people, in solidarity with other racial minorities. And generally they (yes, even FOBs) view white people as uncouth and brutish, which makes the unreciprocated praise that WN sing for them, really really embarassing.
The only reason why Sup Forums gives them a pass is because a large number of WN have yellow fever. There's your answer.
theyre pretty much aliens
they eat weird shit and have a weird language and look like ayys
>What's your experiences with Asians?
The ones at the massage parlors are nice. Generally their English isn't so good, but if you tip nice and bring a small gift (chocolates), they will let you pet the kitty while they rub one out for you.
Why the fucking fuck would they align with a group that wants to kick them out of the country?
>doesn't wanna fuck aliens
You some kind of faggot, son?
How much of a tip?
Asking for a friend
I guess every "Made in China" product is alien technology you stupid fuck.
Completely different culture from the west. While they tend to be socially conservative (no fags, no Muslims, etc.) they also tend to be HUGELY economically liberal with a large concentration on the group/community instead of the individual.
It sets up societies that provide lots of services, but also make earning money or finding a fulfilling and well paying job incredibly difficult for those without preexisting connections within society.
>theyre pretty much aliens
Sure thing faggot
They hare happy with $40. But $60 gets them all excited to see you, and basically removes "no" from their vocabulary.
In the states, all asians wish they are white and i would consider them to be on our side.
I could throw a rock in a sea of asian women and whoever it hits = wife.
I think the best thing a white/black person could do is breed with an Asian.
>save the white race by preserving superior white genes with superior (of select few) genes of white Asians
Asians breed like rabbits. We need their skills
Of course they wouldn't. That's my entire point; unity/allyship between whites and Asians makes no sense because our interests conflict. Occasionally, people on Sup Forums like to pretend that whites and Asians are somehow kindred when we're not. We're nothing alike and they (Asians) should be considered with suspicion, as should every other non-white.
Japs have some European admixture. Their faces protrude more thus they are more easily recognized. Chinese and koreans are mostly flat faced as fuck, lack empathy and most virtues.
Chinese are the jews of asia and koreans are the niggers. The former tortune animals, facilitate environmental death, the latter are inferior and get surgery all the time.
Japs are mostly fine, their biggest problem is hentai and 2D addiction.
Mixing with any, however, produces genetically inferior offspring, that is less related to the white parent (or the asian for that matter) than his/her own race.
Main defects due to mixing are brain, bone structure, mental skills related.
>Top Tier
>Good Tier
Korea, Taiwan
>Case by Case Basis
Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore
>Bottom Tier
>Shit Tier
Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei
>Kill it With Fire
Asians are hated by progressives almost as much as whites are so we're basically in the same boat. I mean, look how much the U.N tries to push diversity shit on Japan. Whites and Asians are the only races that consistently behave themselves and make contributions to society (except China since they're communist shit).
Taiwan is an intangible part of China you fucking moron.
Asians are preying on White societies just as much as any other minority, but some are more malicious whereas others are just following the popular culture and don't think about it in terms of race war.
What's really insulting is when they jump on the SJW dogpile, because they are smart enough to know better.
Overall I think Asians have the potential to be the greatest allies of the White race, but in practice many are choosing to either be enemies, or to feign neutrality while serving their own interests (civic nationalism).
Taiwan Numba Wan
Chinese here. Communism and big government has done damage to my people that I hope to be reversed. I see the affect in Americans, soft men and status hungry women. This amount of government control makes weaklings of men but maybe knights will arise from the chaos.
Asians are okay. South East Asians are subhumans though.
They're the Niggers of Asia.
How many times does does the Great White Master Race need to get involved in other countries before White Nationalism, focused solely on the improvement and isolation of the White Race has developed a real iron grip?
Let's say I'm Asian, because I am. Do you want me to leave everything I've built and earned so I can fly over to my "motherland" to be poor? Just fucking kill me.
Minorities are here because White Greed far surpasses their Nationalistic ideals. I'm not even talking about modern times.
That's why that commie got so pissed when i distinguished taiwan as seperate from the PRC. Ive been to both. the PRC has so much potential if they followed the lead of the legitimate government of the ROC. Time will tell, insiders have said that the major cities in China are all trying to get Hong Kong like set ups, almost autonomous city states, causing anxiety and instability for the communist party. Time will tell.
I think I made that once by adding random values in Honey Select.
Asian master race reporting in.
While you blacks, whites, latinos and arabs are killing eachother and interbreeding eachother out of existence we SUPERIOR Asians will continue to grow in number, intelligence, and power.
In 60-100 years you will all be minorities along with your light skinned offspring, who we will then enslave and force to work and/or use as sex slaves (no breeding unless under tight regulation of course).
Proud to be Asian and better than you.
If all the people were too fight back the government is so outnumbered they would be fucked, they know this and are terrified. Hopefully communism will die in China one day. It will be a bloodbath.
some Filipinos, Thai, and Singapore Asians are okay. well, the ones with significant Chinese/ Japanese heritage.
Races are all against each other, their are no allies except those you belong to. Get an education.
>commie LARPER
user please
Pretty bad. Everybody except Japs are pretty sub-tier cultured. I was stationed in Korea, and a lot of women are called something, it's where they're obsessed with white men, it's fucking scary. Japan was okay, still not the first world country people tend to think it is unless you live in a big city. All the villages are pretty shitty condition, it's like looking at a chinese village or some shit nowhere town in the Appalachians, except with less shitty people than the apps. They're mostly okay people overall. Went to Thailand, it's not terrible because there are bunch of other whites there too. When I went there I thought I was gonna be drowning in a sea of shitty mud and nobody would understand wtf it is I am saying, but it was okay. It's still pretty third world down there. Philippines? never go there, I had an ex who was a flip, went to visit her family that lived there while I was still in the U.S, it's like living in a sauna and everything sucks. Their definition of a zoo was like an alligator in a bucket, a horse, some chickens and goats, pretty much some farm animals they wrangled into a 1 acre plot of land..
Leave the warlike drivel to White people you Asian failure.
When people talk about rude, arrogant, street-shitting, pet-eating, moral-less Asians, they're talking about you.
Problem is our men are weak. Genes, soy, government control, or a mixture of all, it's what's holding us back. I always encourage Chinese men to lift and increase their test instead of test scores.
It's either my race or yours, man. Obviously I'll choose mine.
>white greed
You mean Jewish greed.
My girlfriend is Chinese, and I intend to marry and have lots of babies. I am whiter and taller than most people here. What do you think, OP?
You get a canadian thumbs up. Good on you buddy