Sup Forums cannot refute this image and never have. Killing machines you can buy in any store do not have a place in a first world society.
How does it feel to be btfo by John Oliver yet again. Can you refute him?
PROTIP you simply can't.
Sup Forums cannot refute this image and never have. Killing machines you can buy in any store do not have a place in a first world society.
How does it feel to be btfo by John Oliver yet again. Can you refute him?
PROTIP you simply can't.
Obvious bait but...
I remember once I shot a man in the back in a mudhole village in Afghanistan. He was running away with a rifle in his hand and I shot him. Hit him right in the small of his back. I went over an hour later and do you know what I found in his shirt? A copy of the Communist Manifesto. No sh*t. It was ancient and written in Cyrillic, probably Russian. It had notes in it in their gay arab script. He had been reading it probably for years.
A good little leftist in a mudhole village in Afghanistan. The only person I shot in my entire tour, pretty sure. He was running away, and when he died he sh*t himself. He had foam on his face, so he probably took a while to die. It was striking to me that he kept a book written by people who tried to conquer his country and murder him, and
That's what Leftists are. Cowards and weaklings who worship an ideology that would murder them in an instant if it could. They run away as soon as they are met with force and they die in agony. AGONY. For nothing. For no reason except that they thought, like you, that GOOD LITTLE LEFTISTS can defeat Right Wing Men.
And good lord, were they wrong. Because Right Wing Men are the only kind of men--there are no Left Wing Men. They don't exist. A Leftist is a craven weakling addicted to victimhood by definition and they are not men, they're animals
>no change since columbine
thats just objectively untrue
Guns are a right, not bombs
You can have to most insane gun control laws implemented and there would still be shootings. You know why? Because we border Mexico and the black market would supply whomever with a gun. If we were an island nation like the UK or Australia then gun control laws would work.
If they only make you take off your shoes at airports and not ban the sale of shoes because of potential bomb threats, how about you do the same thing with guns? Just make sure they aren't at school if you are worried about a shooting.
He belongs at the bottom of Boston Harbor.
You can't stop a robber or rapist with a shoe.
You can rape someone with a show though, I'll admit.
Aren't shoes something you take off for about 30 seconds in the airport?
What type of fucking comparison is this?
Why in the world would you buy a hipoint?
>shoes get taken off at airports
>planes still being blown out of the sky
explain this faggot
>1post by ID
Not a hi point :^)
hide your flag before you post gay shit like this m8
>Muh four words
If most articles dont matter, why should two?
>Can you refute him?
>PROTIP you simply can't.
Now get fucked limey.
>CX4 is hipoint
It's still shit, but God damn are you retarded.
>there have been laws passed by congress that specifically control the wearing of shoes because of airport bombs
saging your shit thread you incredibly huge faggot
>Sup Forums cannot refute this image and never have.
Why is there a boring obsessed britbong no gunz moron posting this shit repeatedly ?
I mean the stuff you post is so retarded OP and single themed that I assume that you are paid by some shitty brit gov.
Here the great news. I love watching whoever pays you or whatever crackpot anti-firearm group you belong to fail repeatedly.
>british flag
Ho kay
This is your friendly American reminder that every single british poster is property of the state. A subject if you will. As of now the British government is run by satanic pedophiles. Which means, that at his least dangerous...OP is at the very least the designated emissary of satan on this planet.
Always Distrust Britposters.
Obviously this tread is bait but you want to get rid of all guns and the second amendment because of bombs. Your argument makes no sense and John Oliver is a dumb ass.
Lets get rid of medicine because people get alcohol poisoning. It's an easier argument to make than this dumb ass one.
London bridges falling down, falling down, falling down....but don't worry about that.....u be right.
If schools were privately owned and operated there would be more incentive to make them safer. Gosh, that was hard.
You can have my rooty tooty point & shooty when you pry it from me cold dead grippy-nippers.
shitty schools have metal detectors and obviously you're not allowed to bring a gun
Non sequitor
I can't refute it because it's not an argument
I wish some burger would put a bullet in his fucking head. Nobody wants to turn America in to Britain you dumb cunt. Fuck this country.
It actually works few years ago there was a male to female transgender being who was planning a mass murder in helsinki university and unlike his predecessors he couldn't get a gun because of gun laws. He tried to buy one online but got scammed and is now in a mental hospital. I hate this cuck but he is right on this one.
One of these things requires ten seconds of inconvenience. The other erases a constitutional right and puts all of the arms in the hands of the state. As Jefferson accurately stated, we need the abilty to overthrow the government should it become despotic.
>How does it feel to be btfo by John Oliver yet again.
It's not an argument, retard. Not even John Oliver, le current year man XD, believes that he BTFO gun advocates here because it's a fucking joke.
He's right, we should.allow teachers to concealed carry.
Suck my second amendment you slimy limey cunt.
No, I totally agree, the airport security is ridiculous.
right we should make automatic conceal carry in all 50 states!!!
get rid of all the gun restrictions!!!
>le epic gunz r bad non arguement
Its my right as an American to bear arms, fuck yourself
Also liberals:
"Fuck the TSA! Security theater! Taking off shoes and body scans has resulted in ZERO caught terrorists according to TSA internal studies".
But somehow the gun restrictions will work. :^)
It's the classic FUG DA BOLIS followed by HELP HELP POLICE SAVE ME!
Gay gay gay AF, bc of Jews/Communist/Socialist/Liberalism/DNC and more sectarian violence along racial/religious/political lines will happen. It's gonna suck but I wouldn't want in a million years live in England currently under siege and weaponless.
A very nigger thing to say, even Blacks hate niggers.
they didnt regulate the planes
they only regulated how you get on it
you fucks are all retarded
No one but you cares.
the people most likely to kill others will guns (male, black, felons) are already prohibited from owning guns and yet they're still the #1 gun murdering bastards.
almost like they don't care to follow the existing laws or something.